Sunday, March 12, 2023

part two: gilded glamour amazonian clay eyeshadow wardrobe

Ready for part two of the Gilded Glamour Amazonian Clay Eyeshadow Wardrobe review? Over the holiday season, Tarte released this set, which included two different eyeshadow palettes: Gilded and Glamour. Part one was all about the Gilded eyeshadow palette (check that out here) and part two is dedicated to the Glamour eyeshadow palette. While Gilded had lots of warm and easy to wear shades, the Glamour palette had an unexpected colour story. Curious to find out what this palette looked like? See how it performed? Here is everything you need to know about this limited edition release. 

As you can see, this eyeshadow palette is a little more adventurous than the Gilded palette. Glamour has an awful lot going on! According to the brand, this is described as having "cool taupe, moss, navy, and plum shades." I have to say that the colour story is so thrilling. There are some really cool taupe and navy shades with lots of shimmer. There are also some gorgeous neutrals thrown into the mix to make sure this palette is well rounded. I love that there are light, medium, and dark eyeshadows, so it is possible to create a variety of looks using just this palette alone. The fact that there are cool toned shadows in here as well is a bonus. Though warm eyeshadow shades are in my comfort zone...I have been drawn to cool toned shades lately. It is fun to mix it up a bit. There are a lot of standout shades in the Glamour palette, but my absolute favourites are Chrome, Soiree, Empire, Rare, and Graphic. The shimmers are beautiful and the mattes are out of this world. 

There is no doubt about it: the colours in this palette are fabulous. I am obsessed with the colour story. I love that there are really dark colours to make the most of as well as unusual colours and bright shimmers. There is a lot of room for imagination here. My favourite combination of colours so far is Empire (matte taupe) and Graphic (matte moss green) but it is hard to resist the shimmers. Like the Gilded palette, the eyeshadows in Glamour are just as impressive in terms of quality. The mattes blend easily and the shimmers pack a punch. There is a lot to love about this seasonal release from Tarte. 

The makeup look above made good use of Chrome and Soiree. Those shimmery navy shadows are really unique and have such a beautiful finish. A bit of Big City was used to blend out the shadows and some Noire was used along the lower lash line and in the outer corner. All in all, the Glamour palette is a must. It is easily my favourite of the two palettes included in the Gilded Glamour Amazonian Clay Eyeshadow Wardrobe from Tarte. Though both have their merits (Gilded is great for a warm and wearable makeup look while Glamorous is ideal for something a little bit bolder)....Glamour stands out from other eyeshadow palettes in my current collection. The quality is there and the colour story is absolutely fantastic. I am definitely impressed. 

What do you think of this eyeshadow palette? Are you a fan of Tarte products?


  1. Your eye shadow is so beautiful on you! What a lovely palette xx

  2. Oh yes this was really great =) Thanks a lot <3
    Absolutely wow, so many wonderful gifts <3 My friends are the best :D

    Nice part two. This palette is so beautiful and I like your make up look a lot, super cute <3

    1. Absolutely fabulous =) Oh yes I love four-wheels, my old ones had four-wheels too but the were damaged a lot, so they didn't roll smooth anymore xD Thanks, I hope to visit many amazing places with this ones =)

    2. Thank you! The palette is a lot of fun to use!

  3. You are right, with such a palette it is easy and a real pleasure finding and trying different make-ups.

  4. Those are truly gorgeous shadows, Shannon, and the design of the palette itself is once again to die for. The look you created is stunning, you are a true makeup artist! xxx

  5. I like a palette with nice colors that can be used everyday and this palette is nice for that.

    1. It really is! There is a nice mixture of colours.

  6. Those glittery shades are absolutely gorgeous!! :)


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