Monday, May 29, 2023

beginner series: tips to wear neon makeup

Neon makeup is bold, bright, and hard to ignore. While the colours are undoubtedly eye catching, they can also be a little intimidating to wear. Since the colours are so noticeable, there is little room for error when it comes to application. Want to embrace all things neon this season but don't know how to make it work? Not to worry. Keep reading for some beginner friendly tips that will make neon coloured beauty products your new favourite must have.

Pair Neons with Neutrals. Worried about a neon beauty product looking too over the top? Afraid of standing out for all the wrong reasons? Then be sure to pair neons with neutrals, at least when you are just starting to branch out with bolder makeup colours. Using neon colours on the eyelids? Keep the colours on your cheeks and lips neutral. Using a neon pink lipstick? Create something subtle and simple on the eyes. The contrast will make sure the neon coloured products stand out but it will also create a balanced makeup look. Take a moment to think about where you want the focus to be ahead of time.

Diffuse the Neon Colour. Just because you have a neon makeup product on your to-use list doesn't mean you have to wear that neon product full out. For example, you can use a soft fluffy brush to apply a neon eyeshadow shade so the colour isn't as intense, use a light hand when applying a neon pink blush, or mix a small amount of a neon lipstick with a lip balm. Create subtle washes of neon with the products you have for a more wearable and beginner friendly neon makeup look. 

Use Neon to Add a Pop of Colour. Another simple way to wear neon makeup is to use just a little bit in a thoughtful way. Take the picture above of Gigi Hadid as an example. The neon colour is concentrated to the inner corner and it creates a dramatic (but simple to create) makeup look. Another option is to do your makeup like normal and then run a neon eyeliner or neon eyeshadow along the lower lash line. You can even add a bit of neon mascara to the tips of the eyelashes for a little extra oomph. When in doubt, remember that a small about of neon can go a long way. Be thoughtful about placement and have fun.

Want to add a little colour to your life? Neon makeup is the perfect way to start. Whether you are fairly new to makeup application or you are an experienced pro, these tips and tricks can make bold colours a whole lot easier to wear. 

Do you like neon makeup? How will you wear it this season? 


  1. Neon colors are fun and perfect for summer but pretty difficult in both fashion and make up: generally they look great on girls with dark/tanned skin but tend to be tricky on pale skin (especially with fair eyes and hair)...
    Your tips are super smart and useful!

    1. They can definitely be fun to wear when the weather is warm! It's all about finding whatever works best for you and your personal preferences!

  2. Nice and charming colour, thanks for your sharing...

  3. Wow, these neon make up looks are stunning Shannon! Thank you for sharing your tips! xxx

    1. You are so welcome! I'm definitely trying to add more neon into my life.

  4. I love neons but I wear it more on my nails than on my face :D


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