Saturday, May 13, 2023

hard candy essentials haul + glitter eyeshadow palette mini review

Hard Candy is one of the best drugstore brands out there. In the past, they have released trendier items, like eyeshadow palettes infused with hemp oil and metallic lipsticks. That being said, their every day items are just as impressive. Unfortunately, Hard Candy is often barely stocked at the drugstore. There are items completely sold out consistently. It is frustrating, to say the least. When the brand was fully stocked recently, it only made sense to stock up on some of those must have essentials. (Even though a few products that I adore were still unavailable. Alas!) Keep reading for a Hard Candy essentials haul and a bonus review of a glitter eyeshadow palette, the Glitteratzi Solar Showers Shimmering Shadows.

It was time to double up on some of my most used products. So, I bought two of the Sheer Envy Instant Eye Fix. This is a rollerball with product to care for the under eyes. There is Vitamin B, Caffeine, and Green Tea, which brightens and soothes the under eye area. This is so quick and easy to use, and since I love quick and easy skin care products, this really is ideal. The rollerball stays cold so this is really soothing and pampering - and takes only a few seconds to apply. The other product that I bought two of was the Glamoflauge Full Coverage Concealer. This is without a doubt, the most full coverage drugstore concealer. A little goes a long way! It is a great concealer for me, because the shades are actually quite light. That makes it possible to use this to brighten the undereye area. (A must these days.) It was such a thrill to actually find two of these.

Next was the Sheerly Me Tinted Moisturizer, which was new to me. It wasn't something that I had seen from the brand before, but it was love at first use. This is such a wonderful tinted moisturizer. The colour matches me perfectly (there were a few different options) and hydrates the skin nicely. There is just the right amount of coverage and this lasts all day. It is definitely something that I would repurchase in future, assuming it is still in stock. The last item in this Hard Candy essentials haul was the Long Wear Eyeshadow Primer. Often, small versions of the primer are included in the Hard Candy holiday sets, but I was looking for a full-sized version to use. Thankfully, there was one available. This is the primer that I use regularly. 

Now for a little bonus review. The Glitteratzi Solar Shower Shimmering Shadows palette. This was certainly not an essential item, but it was simply too sparkly to walk past. I have a real weakness for glitter and I loved the shimmering pinks and purples on display in this particular glitter palette. Does the palette work well? Eh. Not so much. The pink shade is really beautiful and looks wonderful layered on top of another shadow. The second shade is similar. However, the third shade is dry and a complete bust. The fourth and fifth shades need lots of glitter glue and patience to work. It's too bad not all of the shadows work well, but it was a very cheap palette, and at least there is a little more glitter in my life. That is always a good thing! 

Are you a fan of Hard Candy products? Which ones are on your essentials list?


  1. What a nice pallete, thanks for your sharing...

  2. Wow, that's a seriously shimmering palette! And you did right stocking up on essentials. I love a rollerball eye product, something I've been unable to find here for quite some time now! xxx

    1. Right? So glittery! I hope you find a good rollerball product soon. I love how quick and easy they are to use!

  3. That shimmer screams 'fiesta' to me and I like it! I am curious to explore more drug store beauty lately, I really wonder if we have it here. Sounds like a thing to try

    1. Hard Candy is a great brand overall, if you are able to find the products!


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