Monday, May 1, 2023

love it or leave it? priyanka chopra

When it comes to red carpet fashion, Priyanka Chopra tends to wow. Gorgeous colours and bold details are often on the menu. And thank goodness for that! She always makes heads turn. Recently, she was in Rome to promote the new television series, Citadel, and once again made a fashion statement. (For the record, I am far more excited about her new movie, Love Again, than Citadel, but it is entirely possible that I will watch both.) Ready for another installment of love it or leave it? It is time to take a closer look at this Priyanka Chopra red carpet outfit. Was it a hit? A miss? Keep reading to find out...

What I Love: To say that I adore this outfit would be a total understatement. Where to even begin? Let's start with the colour of that dress. That particular shade of green looks like it was made specifically for Priyanka. What a stunning colour. It is so different from the usual red carpet colours, which tend to be red, black, and gold. This green stands out in the best possible way. The dress itself is beautiful and simple, but the real star is that coat with the fuzzy fringe. It is so bold and makes me think old Hollywood glamour. Other standout elements? The gorgeous necklace with the green pendant, the stunning updo with pieces framing the face, and the smoky glam makeup. Everything about this red carpet look wows. 

What I Loathe: Nothing. Not a single thing. Though I can certainly understand why other people may not adore this red carpet look as much...this is exactly the kind of look that I love. It is dramatic and has this old-school glamorous vibe. 

This red carpet outfit might be a bit divisive. There are people (like me) who love it and others who may not be that into the colour and coat. Where do you stand? Is this a love it or leave it? Sound off in the comment section below. 


  1. Thanks for your sharing:) but priyanka so beautiful women , I think more modern and style choices would be great

  2. Thanks a lot <3 I love my new tattoo so much <3
    I had a really nice saturday =) Oh yes I love the shirt too, love the colours, super cute <3 Thank you =)

    I don't know her but she's beautiful <3 The outfit is gorgeous, I like the style a lot. And I love the lip colour, I want her lipstick :D

  3. Although I prefer different shades of green to this one I adore the outfit, I live for the dramatic touch the feathers add! <3

  4. OMG! I'm actually really excited for Citadel coz I'm also a big Richard Madden fan and I think him and Priyanka have such an amazing chemistry in it (I haven't seen it yet though. Just the trailer;D)
    Anyhoo, not a big fan of green in general but I think this outfit looks fab on her. I do think she can pull of everything:)
    Have a great week ahead, Shannon!

    1. Oh nice! I hope the show is a good one! Thank you. I hope you have a great week as well <3

  5. That outfit is absolutely fabulous, she looks stunning in green! xxx

  6. I am a huge fan of Priyanka and feel like she can pull of any looks!


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