Friday, May 5, 2023

testing life brand face masks (mini reviews)

How has your schedule been looking lately? It seems that everyone I know is juggling a little too much these days. Between work, responsibilities at home, and hobbies, it can be difficult to find time for it all. For me, it is the little things that I notice falling by the wayside when my schedule is full. For instance, skin care has been on the backburner lately. It wasn't something I even noticed at first. I skipped my little routine one night, then a second, and before I knew it, that routine had become the exception instead of the norm. There has been so much to do lately that the little things kind of went lower on my priority list. I am trying to turn this around by re-establishing my skin care routine. That means the nightly cleanse, but also masks, masks, and more masks. Lately, I have been using lots of Life Brand face masks that were gifted to me over the holidays. 

Nourishing and Moisturizing Face Masks. My skin has definitely needed a little extra moisture these days. Generally speaking, my skin is on the dry side, but it has been even more so lately. These masks definitely came in handy. Though sheet masks are a lot simpler to use and remove, these more traditional kinds of masks can make a big difference. The product stays on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes and is rinsed away with warm water. Both masks worked well, but the Strawberry and Yogurt one was my favourite. It smelled really great and left my skin feeling pampered afterward. The Coconut, Papaya and Vitamin E mask also added lots of moisture back into my skin thanks to ingredients like coconut oil, shea, and Vitamin E. 

Soothing and Hydrating Sheet Masks. I love a good sheet mask. They are a quick and easy way to feel pampered. I love that I can just pop a sheet mask on my face for 10 to 15 minutes, sit back, and then remove the mask. There isn't much mess and it is super simple. These masks work well and make my skin feel pampered. Out of the two, I preferred the Bamboo Water and Lavender Extracts mask. The Watermelon and Mint Extracts mask was also good, but it felt a little cooler on the skin. I probably should've saved it for the summer months! These are easy to use, smell good, and provide some much needed TLC. 

Soothing and Hydrating Sleep Face Masks. I have to admit, these sleep face masks intrigued me the most. After cleansing the skin at night, the product is applied to the skin and left on overnight. It says you can rinse it off in the morning if you need to, but I haven't needed to. I love "leave-in" kind of products like that. It makes life a whole lot easier. It's also convenient to have three separate packets inside. That way, everything is used and there is no excess being wasted. Both versions (the Soothing and Hydrating) work well and make my skin feel so much nicer. It's a really simple way to refocus my attention on skin care. 

Lip Masks and Eye Masks. My under eyes have been in desperate need of some love these days. Thankfully, the Brightening Hydrogel Eye Masks were around to assist. I've tried different versions of under eye masks before. Some worked and some didn't. I enjoyed the Life Brand ones, because they felt really refreshing, which is perfect at the end of a long day. I don't know that my eye area looked any brighter, but it certainly felt a whole lot better. As for the Hydrogel Lip Mask, it felt a bit odd to wear, if I'm being honest. Out of the two, it is the eye masks that I really enjoyed. I could see myself purchasing those in the future as a treat. Something to note? Both came with two sets of individually packaged masks. 

Have you tried any masks from Life Brand? What is your go-to brand for masks and at-home pampering products?


  1. Thanks for your sharing:) have a lovely weekend...

  2. Thank you for all the details!
    have a great week,

  3. So true about our days being full to the brim, and things falling by the wayside.
    That said, your post is a reminder that I haven't actually used a face mask for absolutely ages! The ones you tested look and sound delicious! xxx

    1. It's amazing how quickly that stuff gets pushed aside for other priorities!

  4. I love a face mask now and then! I use a clay mask weekly but will sometimes swap it out for a sheet mask like these if I want a little extra relaxation. I've never used this brand before though, thank you for sharing!

    1. Oh that's fabulous! It's definitely a nice way to pamper yourself.


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