Monday, June 26, 2023

current favourites: music, television shows, perfume, and more

The last little while has been difficult. Everyone said that COVID was like a cold or a flu, but that has certainly not been my experience. It has been difficult and long lasting. Even still, I am not feeling back to normal. Thankfully, there have been little things making my life happier lately. When you aren't feeling well...those small comforts mean the most. Take a peek at some of my current favourites, including some music, television shows, books, perfume, clothes, and beauty products. 

As you can see from the photo above, it is a random assortment of favourites, but each one has been making me smile. 

  • Hidden Palms DVD. In September, I was finally able to find Hidden Palms on DVD. It is one of my all-time favourite shows and is one that I have watched over and over again. (Read my last post on the show here.) It seemed only right to do another re-watch since I was in need of a little distraction. I just love this show. The mystery, the suspense, the music, and the cast? It is all perfection. Those interested in watching can find the episodes on YouTube as well. This is a CW show that should have been huge. Ahh well, at least I can watch it again and again. 
  • The Little Mermaid Spirit Jersey. I was supposed to see the new The Little Mermaid movie recently. In fact, I had already purchased the movie tickets and everything. Then COVID hit. Sadly, I have not been able to see the live action version yet...but I will once I am feeling better! While in New York City, this themed spirit jersey caught my eye. I loved the purple colour, the design on the front, and the gorgeous sparkly design on the back. (Check out the full design here.) It has been nice to wear something so comfy, colourful, and cute these days. 
  • Elizabeth and James Nirvana French Grey Perfume. There are a lot of perfumes in my collection. In recent days, my favourite has been French Grey from Elizabeth and James. It is a lavender musk that smells fresh and inviting. Thankfully, my sense of smell has remained, so I am able to bring a little bit of beauty into my home one spritz at a time. I've been spraying this perfume in different rooms just to make everything feel a little bit better. 
  • Winky Lux Flower Balm pH Lip Balm. Expect a full review of the Winky Lux Flower Balm pH Lip Balms in future, because I have three different ones. These are so fun and each lip balm has a different flower inside. It is so pretty. The balms also work really well to hydrate and add a natural flush of colour to the lips. 
  • The Self Love Project Book. I've been on a bit of a self love journey lately. I'm trying to appreciate who I am, what I have to offer, and who I can become. It's not necessarily easy to accept yourself...but I am trying. Thankfully, there is The Self Love Project book and workbook from Gabrielle G. It's been really wonderful so far. There are poems, personal stories, and exercises to increase self love and dismantle the lies that we tell ourselves. 
  • Bobby Goldsboro Greatest Hits CD. One Easter, I found the cartoon, Easter Egg Mornin, on YouTube. I was immediately obsessed with it. Especially the music. Oh, how I loved the music. After watching the cartoon at least fifty times, it occurred to me to Google who the singer was. Turns out it was Bobby Goldsboro, a singer with lots and lots of hits from the 60s onward. I listened to some of his music and fell totally in love with the songs. My mom was able to track down a Bobby Goldsboro Greatest Hits CD for me recently, which was so exciting. I've been listening to it on repeat lately. I love his voice so much! My current favourite song is Autumn of My Life.
There you have it...a few of my current favourites. These are the things that have been making life better lately.

What are your current favourites? Do you like any of the things on this list?


  1. I'm sorry Covid hit you in a bad way and it's taking such a long time to recover. I'm glad to hear there were small comforts and favourites to enjoy, though! Hope you get to feel better soon, Shannon. Sending oodles of hugs! xxx

    1. Thank you. I appreciate your comment so much! <3

  2. I am so soryy about the COVID. Get well soon. It is very nasty or so they say. I like this perfume scent, it reminds me of a close friend of mine, and now of you too

  3. Es tut mir wirklich leid, dass die Covid-Erkrankung dich so aus der Bahn geworfen hat. LG Romy

  4. Sorry to hear about the COVID. Get well soon.


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