Friday, June 2, 2023

lizzie mcguire makeup review (colourpop lip gloss and blush)

Like a lot of Millennials, Lizzie McGuire has a special place in my heart. Though I loved pretty much all Disney Channel content growing up...Lizzie was extra special. She was awkward and unsure, but always tried to do the right thing. Somehow, she felt more relatable than a lot of other television characters. At the same time, she was still inspirational, thanks to her incredible fashion sense. I remember being totally obsessed with her crimped hair and colourful outfits. (I also remember playing "Lizzie McGuire: On the Go!" on my Gameboy Advance obsessively.) I definitely wanted to be like Lizzie. When the ColourPop collection was announced a few years back, it immediately caught my eye. However, buying makeup online is always such a gamble. Will it arrive broken? Will the colours look nice in person? Will there be extra duties to pay? In the end, I didn't buy the products. Lucky for me, a few of them ended up at my local Winners recently. What a thrill! I was able to take a couple of Lizzie inspired products home with me for a fraction of the cost. Find out how these nostalgic beauty items performed...

So Juicy Dear Diary Plumping Gloss Duo. The first Lizzie McGuire themed item that I found was this themed lip gloss duo. It came with two different glosses in the shades: Lizzie and Miranda. These lip glosses were so nicely themed as was the outer packaging. Everything just feels so perfectly Lizzie inspired. This little set is adorable and is currently being displayed in my beauty room. As for the performance? No, no, no. These glosses were so thick and sticky that it felt like my lips were covered in glue. It was awful. I had to remove the gloss right away and will literally never use them again. This is for display only! 

Pressed Powder Blush in Dee-lish! The next Lizzie McGuire themed item was far more successful. This blush is so adorable. It has cartoon Lizzie on the front with a fabulous floral design inside. It is really fun and colourful. The blush itself is a shimmery pink. It definitely takes me back to the 2000s. I love all of the glitter and shimmer that this particular blush has. (Though it certainly won't be for everyone.) I can't think of too many blushes in my collection that are actually glittery. Since I love glitter in absolutely everything...this is perfect for me. This product makes me happy to look at thanks to the cute packaging, but it also performs really well. I look forward to incorporating this Lizzie-esque blush in many future makeup looks. 

You win some, you lose some. When it comes to these Lizzie McGuire products from ColourPop, there were definitely some hits and misses. The blush is fabulous, themed, and sparkly, but the lip glosses feel like glue on the lips. No thanks! At any rate, these items will be on display, which means that every now and then, I will remember to ask myself: What Would Lizzie Do? 

Have you ever tried anything from ColourPop? Are you a fan of Lizzie McGuire?


  1. Oh so cute packaging darling
    The lip gloss looks like a toy

  2. Thanks a lot =) Yes it's super comfortable if you were sick or just lazy to cook some pasta and use a tomato sauce for it, absolutely delicious <3
    I like this card a lot, super beautiful picture of her and super cute with my name on the backside <3

    Great review. Oh I loved Lizzie McGuire, was one of my favourite series of my childhood. The glosses looks cute but it's not good that your lips were covered in glue. The blush looks also cute and I think it's a nice product for summer. I've never tried something from ColourPop but I would do it.

    1. Wasn't it amazing? I've been rewatching it on Disney+ over the last little while.

  3. This brings back memories:D I really liked Hilary Duf! That blush sounds super cool, but that's too bad about the glosses. Thanks for the heads up as always, Shannon:) Have a lovely Saturday!

    1. Right? I love her, too! I hope everything is going well with you <3

  4. How cute is that packaging? Such a shame the lip glosses were thick and sticky. I would absolutely hate that as well. xxx

    1. It was definitely a disappointment! Thankfully, the packaging is adorable, so at least there is that.

  5. Optisch wirklich mal richtig was fürs Auge. LG Romy

  6. I don't know the brand, but those glosses look really awesome. I'd definitely try them if they were available here :)

    1. Anything Lizzie McGuire automatically catches my eye!


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