Saturday, July 1, 2023

#FOTD: red and white makeup for canada day

To all of my Canadian readers...Happy Canada Day! To everyone else...Happy Saturday! Since it is a holiday where I live (but I don't have any real plans, aside from working on assignments and maybe eating a burger for dinner) it made sense to do a themed #FOTD here on Mansa Fashion. In honour of the Canadian flag colours, my makeup look today is red and white. To create the look, lots of different products in my makeup collection were used, most of them drugstore or on the more affordable side. Ready to take a peek? Here is my red and white makeup look inspired by Canada Day.

As you can see from the assortment of products shown above, there was a little bit of everything thrown into this makeup look. Palettes, glitter, and red lipstick...oh my! I used the following items to create this red and white #FOTD:

There are two slightly different versions of this look. On the left is an all matte eye look and on the right there is a bit of glitter added for an extra pop. To create the matte look, I used the white shadow from the Morphe x Avani Gregg eyeshadow palette and really packed it on with lots of layers to build the colour. Then I used the deep red shadow in the palette and applied it with a fluffy eyeshadow brush. I wanted the application to be pigmented but also blended out. Along the lower lash line, it was more white and red. Some mascara and liner finished off the eyes. Until the Lise Watier glitter liners caught my eye. I decided to apply the glitter on the white portion of the eyelid for a bit of glitz. (It is always hard for me to stay away from glitter or shimmer.) On the cheeks was the dusty rose blush shade from the Rude Cosmetics palette and then the NYX lipstick on the lips to tie in a little more of that red. All in all, this was a fun look to create and took me out of my comfort zone a little bit. 

How will you spend the day? Have you created any themed makeup looks lately?


  1. Such beautiful palettes with such wonderful colors. On you they look spectacular!

  2. Great result using lovely palettes. Colors are simply wonderful!

  3. What a great look! I really like the second one, the glitter adds a little extra special something! Both looks are so lovely on you though.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love a little glitter. It always makes life more fun!

  4. Wow, wonderful palettes! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a good week!

  5. Hello!
    Your makeup looks beautiful. You look very nice in these colors. I could paint myself like that too, because the Polish flag is white and red :) Maybe I'll take some inspiration? You look really wonderful!
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, you definitely could! :D

  6. Wow, both looks are amazing Shannon!
    I hope you're feeling better, and that you had a wonderful Canada Day! xxx

  7. Yes this is really hard to believe, in 6 months we have a new year :D Thanks a lot for your nice words, I do my best =)
    This sheet mask was really nice, I liked everything about it =)

    Great review =) This products look all so good.
    The eyeshadows are so beautiful, nice colours for so many different styles. And the NYX lipstick is also nice, love them. Your make up look is lovely as always <3

  8. Its so cute palettes, i love the shades of it. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Wow, such cool make up!!! You're sooooo good on it, I'd die to to have your skills!
    In love with that blush palette! *_*

    1. Oh wow. Thank you! Your comment totally brightened by day!

  10. Fantastic! That's a stunning look! ♥


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