Monday, July 10, 2023

twelve years of Mansa Fashion.

When Mansa Fashion. first started, the idea was to create a place that was positive and focused on the beautiful things in the world. After all, there was so much hurt and pain out there already...I needed a space that prioritized positivity. Twelve years later and Mansa Fashion. is still largely dedicated to love and light. I often talk about makeup, fashion, movies, music, holidays, accessories, and anything else that inspires me. However, I recognize now that I can't hide from the realities of the world that we live in. There are times when the not-so-beautiful aspects of life peek through. That is why I have added a list of organizations that offer support and resources on the sidebar (or you can click here) and that is why I am trying to be a little more vulnerable in my blog posts. Mansa Fashion. has long been my safe space and a constant in my life. I want it to continue to be those things, while still acknowledging important societal issues. I care deeply about learning more, being an ally, and standing for what is right. You may have noticed a shift in some of my posts already and that might happen more as time passes. One example? Makeup is one of the ways that I express my creativity, but the makeup world is not always beautiful. In future, I would love to write about brands that I no longer recommend that I might have in the past. (Like Milani Cosmetics. I strongly suggest you avoid supporting such an unethical company. But more on that later.) 

Since today is the twelve year anniversary of my beloved blog, it only seemed right to acknowledge some of the changes that have taken place over the years. Not to worry! Despite some shifts in content and more vulnerability...a lot will stay the same. Like testing out different beauty products, sharing reviews and makeup looks, talking about television shows and movies, discussing fashion trends, and so on! I still love to focus on the beauty in the world. It really helps on those dark days. 

My first blog post was all about the things that I find beautiful. It also served as a little introduction. My ten year blog post allowed me to look back and express gratitude for everyone who has visited, left comments, and been such an important part of my blogging life. Now? I want to take a moment to acknowledge who I was when I started this beauty blog, who I am now, and who I want to be. When I started Mansa Fashion. I was a young(ish) woman facing an uncertain future. I had just graduated from University with my degree...and had no idea what I would do with it. The blog allowed me to showcase my work, write for an audience, and create. Twelve years later, I am married, write for a living, and have a passion for standing against injustice whenever possible. As for who I want to be? There are lots of personal goals on my to-do list. I want to learn more about topics that matter to me. I want to continue to use my voice and speak out. I want to finish my book so I can have it reviewed by an editor and self-publish it somewhere. (And then I want to write another! And another!) Most importantly, I want to continue to write here on Mansa Fashion. so I can always find a little beauty in this broken world. 

To all who read here, comment, follow, and support...please know that I am forever grateful. Your kindness means so much. Twelve years in and Mansa Fashion. still stands. Here is to a beautiful (and more realistic) future. 


  1. Oh sweetheart It has been a long journey and I feel blessed and I have been happy to read many of your articles here in your blog! Congratulations

    1. Wow, thank you so much! I am very grateful for you :)

  2. Das ist wirklich einfach nur wunderschön. Ich arbeite derzeit auch noch meine To-Do-Liste ab ;-) LG Romy

  3. Congratulations on twelve years of blogging, Shannon. As we constantly evolve as human beings, and none of us are the same person they were twelve years ago, it is only natural that our interests, and our way of expressing them - in this case, through your blog - keep evolving with you. And as life isn't always a bed of roses, there's nothing wrong with letting the not-so-nice things creep in, while at the same time it's important to keep finding beauty in this flawed world! xxx

    1. That is very true! Thank you for your kindness and for always being so supportive. It means a lot to me!

  4. congratulations dear for this important milestone 🤩

  5. Oh yes this Strawberry Banana Split was so delicious <3 Perfect for hot summer days =)
    Yes this Brioche Buns are so good.
    And today I threw away my old Smoothie Maker :D More space in my kitchen right now.
    This movie is so funny =) And I like Jennifer Lawrence a lot too, she's so beautiful and I love her humorous way.

    Happy Birthday to your blog, 12 years is a really long time =)
    It's really crazy to see how everything wented in the past years. And it's super nice to stay in contact with so many lovely peoples <3

    1. Thank you so so much! I agree. I love getting to know other people like this!

  6. "Finding beauty in this broken world..." love this so much, SHannon:) Happy anniversary, and here's to decades more of wonderful blogging!


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