Thursday, August 24, 2023

love it or leave it? ariana madix

During the pandemic, there was a lot of TV in my life. To be honest, television has always been a comfort of mine, and I regularly watch more of it than I should. (Even as I write this post, there is a show playing in the background. For the record: I am currently rewatching Dexter. Spooky season is on the horizon, so it seemed like a fitting choice.) During the pandemic? TV was my best, best, best friend. I watched all sorts of shows...including Vanderpump Rules. I started by watching season eight and then went back and watched the show all the way from the beginning. Since then, I have rewatched the show a few times. And of course, I was on the edge of my seat when the Scandoval happened. Most of the cast members have a place in my heart for one reason or another, but my favourite person is Ariana Madix. I love how much she has grown over the years. I also love the fact that she has been so vulnerable about sharing her struggles with body image and mental health. Since Ariana is currently in a season of transformation and fresh starts (she will be on the new season of Dancing with the Stars and has a book coming out, Single AF Cocktails) only made sense to feature her in the latest installment of love it or leave it? 

What I Love: There is a lot to love about this recent outfit from Ariana Madix. For starters...the makeup. I am absolutely obsessed with that lip colour. It is stunning and really makes the whole look feel extra special. Her hair also looks gorgeous. I am always trying to figure out how to create that effortless looking wave, but it never seems to turn out right. Ah well. Something else I love about this outfit is the gorgeous floral print. Everything about this look screams summer. It is extra fun that this is a two-piece outfit as well. The top is especially beautiful thanks to the off-the-shoulder design. The accessories are impressive also, with the small beige purse and the nude sandals with gold heels. This is the ultimate summer look.

What I Loathe: To be honest, there isn't anything about this outfit that I loathe. In fact, it is pretty much perfect. The only thing I would change would be the slit up the side of the skirt. It looks great and makes sure it is ultra flowy. However, it's a little higher than what I would feel comfortable with. But I suppose that's why Ariana is fashionable and I am a human sweatpant! it or leave it? Love, love, love! Everything about this outfit from Ariana Madix screams summer. The floral print is fabulous, the white and blue colours contrast perfectly, and that bold lipstick creates an outfit that is oh-so-special. 

What do you think of this outfit? Love it or leave it?


  1. I love it!
    I love the very feminine, pretty and summery outfit Ariana Madix was wearing,
    and I also love the colour of the lipstick she was wearing!

    1. So glad you liked the outfit! The lipstick colour is so so gorgeous <3

  2. I love the colors of that outfit, the floral pattern is so pretty.💙

  3. I loved floral dress, thanks for your sharing...

  4. Is it very ignorant of me not to have heard of Ariana Madix? However, anyone who's willing to share their struggles with body image and mental health gets the thumbs up from me. Plus, I absolutely what she is wearing in those photos you shared! xxx

    1. No, not at all! She is from a reality TV show that I love. Glad you like the outfit, too!

  5. Diese Frau strahlt so unheimliche Sympathie aus. LG Romy


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