Monday, August 7, 2023

theme week: lip products (cover girl clean fresh tinted lip balm)

Makeup has always felt powerful to me. It was a way for me to express my internal world externally. Or at least try to! Since I have always been very shy and socially anxious, discovering makeup made me feel like I had a voice. If I was a little more moody...extra black eyeshadow instantly made me feel better. If I was hopeful...a colourful blush let the whole world know. There was power in those products, in those moments of creation, and in those small expressions of self. To this day, makeup has a very special place in my heart. It matters, and sometimes, it even tells my story. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about makeup and beauty. I've read and re-read this interview, featuring a personal hero of mine, many times. Her words are so true. "Beauty is, and has always been, what you make it...Beauty can be power. You don't have to be wearing makeup to feel powerful, but my God, if red lipstick makes you feel powerful or makeup you feel a little bit more empowered that day, then it is your damn right to do so." I love this attitude and it really inspired my posts for this week.  Yes, it is time for another theme week. All of the posts on Mansa Fashion. this week will be focused on different lip products. I guess I am looking for items that make me feel powerful and strong.. Ones that reflect all the best parts of who I am. Here goes...

The first product as part of this theme week comes from Cover Girl. The Clean Fresh Tinted Lip Balm comes in five different colours, but ultimately, red was the one that stood out to me. Probably because red lipstick is gorgeous but something that is a little more high maintenance. I liked the idea of a tinted balm that would provide all of the colour without all of the upkeep. The shade name? I Cherry-Ish You. I love the cute punny name and the bold cherry red colour. Instantly, the concept reminded me of the amazing Cover Girl NatureLuxe Gloss Balms that were available at least a decade ago. (Goodness, that made me feel old to write.) I loved the fact that it was possible to achieve lots of colour without all of the maintenance of a more traditional type of lipstick. My hope was the same for the Clean Fresh Tinted Lip Balm line. The packaging for this particular product was really simple and looked similar to the Nivea lip balms. I love the pink colour of the tube and how easy this is to use.

Talk about a powerful colour. I love that the cherry red really comes through. The product can be built up so it is possible for the colour to be a little more subtle or a little bolder. Whatever way it is worn...this is a red that is wearable and low maintenance. Definitely my kind of product. That being said, I do find the balm a little on the dry side - especially compared to those old school NatureLuxe products that I remember being ultra creamy and hydrating. I like to layer a regular lip balm over top for a little extra moisture. According to the brand, the Clean Fresh Tinted Lip Balm instantly smooths lips and the formula is nourishing and creamy. Would I say that is true? Not exactly. The formula isn't dry during application, but it did feel like it needed more moisture once it was actually on the lips. I'm sure not everyone will feel this way, but that was my experience. However, the brand also states that the product is "sure to brighten up your easy, breezy, routine," which is absolutely true. This is such a quick, easy, no-brainer kind of product. It makes it really easy to add a wash of colour to the lips. As I mentioned before, there are a few different colours available in this tinted balm line, so those are definitely on my wish list. 

All in all, the Cover Girl Clean Fresh Tinted Lip Balm was a success. The packaging is simple but cute, the colour is buildable, and it fades naturally throughout the day. This is an easy way to add a little colour without having to worry about touch ups or ultra perfect application. I look forward to trying out different colours from this line, because I Cherry-Ish You is fabulous. 

Have you tried the Cover Girl Clean Fresh Tinted Lip Balms? What did you think of the formula?


  1. Nice balm,thanks for your sharing...

  2. Love the colour and the shade name. I haven't seen Cover Girl make-up around here for a very long time though ... I wonder if it's still on sale at all here in Belgium. xxx

    1. Hmm! I'm not sure! It's always been available where I live. It's actually one of the first makeup brands that I ever used.

  3. This balm looks so lovely on you, Shannon, and yay that it's great quality to boot! I'll check it out when I go to Shoppers. I've been using a Vaseline balm lately which I do like, but one can never have enough lip products! :D

    1. Thank you so much! I'm definitely interested in trying different ones!

  4. We had a fantastic time, just the rain was annoying xD
    Thanks a lot <3 It was really nice to talk to everyone. The traffic was really frustrating, I don't like other car drivers :D Thank you <3

    Great reveiw. This tinted lip balm looks good and sounds great. It's perfect for everyday. You look is also pretty cute <3


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