Friday, August 11, 2023

theme week: lip products (maybelline superstay vinyl ink)

The latest theme week is well underway here on Mansa Fashion. The last two posts have been focused on Cover Girl and Winky Lux products. Next up? Maybelline New York Superstay Vinyl Ink.  I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the Vinyl Ink formula, because the Matte Ink formula was something that I found to be very drying and uncomfortable, despite all of the rave reviews about the product. Would this version be better? Worse? I was excited to find out. On that is everything you need to know about the Maybelline New York Superstay Vinyl Ink Longwear Liquid Lip Color. 

According to the brand, the Superstay Vinyl Ink Longwear Liquid Lip Color is a "budge-resistant vinyl color" that offers up to sixteen hours of wear. It isn't supposed to smudge or transfer and has a shiny finish. There are ten different colours to choose from, but Cheeky is the one that was added to my collection. It is a brown-ish dusty rose colour. It is such a gorgeous nude colour. Warm, wearable, but not too intense. This pairs well with a lot of different makeup looks. I love how versatile it is! Honestly, there were a few other colours that really stood out to me, but I wanted to find out whether the formula was something that I liked before I made the decision whether or not to purchase more. On my wish list? Punchy (a warm taupe colour) and Charged (a black lipstick...something that I can never seem to resist). Those may or may not be purchased in future. Until then, it is all about the Cheeky shade. I absolutely love how easily it pairs with other products. Neutral but warm! 

As for the formula, the Vinyl Ink lip product performed really well. The shape of the applicator made it really easy to apply the product precisely, which was a bonus. The lip colour goes on smooth, has a really creamy feeling, and offers a nice amount of shine. It also is nicely hydrating and doesn't leave my lips feeling like they need something extra. That is huge! So many of the longwearing products out there are really drying and uncomfortable. It was such a relief to find something that checked all the boxes. The next time I am out and about at the drugstore, I will definitely be looking into some of the other colours in the line. 

Have you tried any of the Maybelline New York Superstay Vinyl Ink colours? What did you think of them?


  1. So popüler lipstick, thanks for your review...

    1. Thank you for stopping by! It was a really good one!

  2. I've never tried the vinyl ink version, but I'm a huge fan of their Superstay Matte Ink, which I've got in at least six different colours! xxx

    1. Oh, that's fantastic! There are a lot of beautiful colours!

  3. It's always nice to get some samples =) And this one sounds so good for my laundry.
    Thank you =) Oh yes this mascara looks beautiful. I like Essence a lot, they have such a great variety of products and good prices.

    Great review =) I love the Maybelline Super Stay products, the have so beautiful colours and they stay really the whole day while eating, drinking and sweating :D This lipstick here is also nice and it looks perfect on you <3 =)

  4. I haven't tried it yet but it is a very popular lipstick. Thanks for your review. :)


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