Saturday, September 16, 2023

currently loving: clinique samples

Clinique is a must-have brand for me. Their Moisture Surge line has saved my skin many times over the years. This is especially true when the colder months arrive. The Moisture Surge lotion always becomes an essential part of my daily routine around that time. (Not to mention the Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream!) Every now and then, it is possible to score extra Clinique items with the purchase of a full-sized product. Those are the best times to stock up. Ready to see what products were included with my last purchase? Here are some mini reviews of a few Clinique skin care and beauty items. 

Moisture Surge 100H Auto-Replenishing Hydrator and All About Eyes. The first product is the beloved Moisture Surge 100H Auto-Replenishing Hydrator. This has a really soothing gel-like consistency, adds lots of hydration to the skin, and absorbs quickly. My skin tends to be quite dry (especially on my forehead and cheeks) so this always feels really wonderful when applied to those drier areas. It is an absolute must for me. As for the All About Eyes, this product is supposed to reduce under eye circles and puffiness. My under eye area has definitely been needing some extra love lately, so this product has come in handy. Have I noticed any difference in the appearance of those pesky under eye circles? Not so much. That being said, I will reserve judgement until the entire sample has been used. This came with a good amount of product (something I like about Clinique samples). By the time the All About Eyes sample is used up, I will have a better idea of whether or not this is a product I want to purchase a full-sized version of. For now, my under eye area is enjoying the extra hydration and TLC. 

All About Clean Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser. This is a product that I have some familiarity with. In fact, this is one of my favourite cleansers. Though I have been pretty dedicated to the Kylie Skin Foaming Face Wash lately, the Clinique All About Clean Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser is always welcome. This works well, is gentle, and leaves my skin feeling squeaky clean. Foaming cleansers are definitely a favourite of mine in general and this one in particular checks off all the boxes. 

Clinique Pop Lip Color + Primer in Love Pop. Out of all the samples, the lipstick is obviously going to be the standout for me. I have a real weakness for makeup (as is all too clear from from my blog) so it was exciting to be able to try out another one of the Pop Lip Colour + Primer shades. This one was Love Pop, which is described as a "mid-tone shimmer raspberry" by the brand. It is a really gorgeous colour but is especially perfect for the fall season. I love how warm the colour is and the fact that is has this beautiful shimmery finish. There is no doubt that this will be a lipstick in heavy rotation this season.

Have you tried any of these products from Clinique? Which sample stands out to you most?


  1. All About Clean Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser is good product, removes pretty well the makeup and impurities

  2. Those products look so good, and the color of that lipstick - so festive and elegant! It would look amazing for the winter holiday season. <3

    1. Yes, the colour is so pretty! You are right that it would be lovely for that time of year!

  3. Oh this lippie is really pretty. Got to love Clinique travel or sample sizes. Going to Paris next week and wish I had this!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Ooh that is exciting! I hope you have such a great time!

  4. These are nice products.
    Check out my new post:

  5. I too love Clinique products! Isn't it lovely to get free samples to try out? xxx

  6. I love Clinique products, but I've never tried any of these and now I'm very curious.


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