Wednesday, September 20, 2023

fall fashion trends (2023)

Fall is an exciting season for a lot of reasons. For starters, the cooler temperatures are always a relief after a hot and muggy summer. Then there is the fashion to consider. Once the fall season rolls around, I am usually a plaid button down and cozy sweater kind of person...but there are all sorts of exciting seasonal trends to enjoy as well. These can be bold and exciting or a little more practical. It all depends. Ready to check out some of the fall fashion trends for 2023? Here are a few favourites.

All Red Outfits. It is time for a powerful colour to be front and center. This fall season is the perfect time to embrace red. As you can see from the example images above, red was a standout colour in a lot of runway shows for the fall season. There is something so striking about a nice red piece. It isn't shy or understated: it demands attention. I personally love the warm reds, because those just scream fall to me. It reminds me of when the leaves have started to turn. This season, I will definitely be looking for a warm red something to add to my wardrobe. It is possible to wear an all red look from head to toe or simply incorporate a little red into your next look. Not ready to embrace this bold colour? Look for red accessories instead, like a purse, pair of earrings, or a belt. This is a simple (and more subtle) way to add a little red to your seasonal outfits.

Leather Dresses. One fabric is definitely making the rounds this season: leather. Expect to see lots of leather (and faux leather) dresses in the next several months. This heavy material is often seen during the fall season with leather jackets and maybe even gloves, but this season, it is all about dresses. Some designers showcased bold strapless designs, some focused on a moto inspired look, and others sent mini dresses down the runways. It just goes to show that there are many different ways to embrace this fall trend. Pair two fall trends together this season by reaching for a leather dress in a warm red colour. 

Bold and Artistic Prints. Talk about something unique, interesting, and eye catching! One fall trend to look out for in 2023 is artistic prints. As you can see from the example images above, these are fabulous. What better way to express yourself than with a bold colour and print? With a piece that effortlessly lets your personality shine through? There are so many ways to incorporate artistic prints into your wardrobe. Look for a dress that speaks to you, a skirt, a blouse, or even a pair of leggings. You can make this as dressy or casual as you like. The whole point is to have fun expressing who you are this fall season.

90s Inspired Knitwear. The fact that 90s and 00s styles continue to be on trend makes me very happy indeed. After all, clothing was so much fun back then. One fall trend to look out for this season is 90s inspired knitwear. This includes knitted dresses (like the ones shown above) but also sheer knitted tops and knitted turtlenecks. I have fond memories of various knitted dresses and would absolutely be open to adding a new one to my closet. This is a fun and nostalgic trend that I am excited about.

What do you think about these fall fashion trends? Are there any that stand out to you?


  1. These are nice

    1. For sure! There are a lot of trends that I am loving!

  2. I am totally digging all the knitwear, Shannon! I've been meaning to knit a sweater dress, and I'm even more inspired now that I've seen this post:) THanks for the inspo! And hope you're having a great week so far:)

    1. I have such a weakness for knitwear! You would totally rock a cute sweater dress! I hope you're having a great week also <3

  3. Fall is my favourite season by far, and I'm always excited by the Fall fashion trends. The colours are truly delicious this year! xxx

  4. Even if I prefer the warm season fashion, can't wait to try all the new trends here!
    Especially the knit dresses and the atrsy pints!

    1. Yes, those trends are so much fun! Definitely great for this time of year.

  5. Hello!
    Great post. These are really interesting trends, I like them all :) You can draw inspiration from each of them for your own styling :)
    Greetings from Poland :)

  6. Nice selection dear, I like the red trend for this season, is a color very powerful.

  7. i am loving this 90s Inspired Knitwear trend!
    I am sure that these knitwear fashion pieces would all look fabulous in layered outfits as well, providing warmth outdoors when weather gets colder and looking attractive indoors after removing one's trenchcoat or other outerwear!

    1. Right? It is so much fun! You are absolutely right...knitwear would look amazing layered!


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