Wednesday, September 6, 2023

revolution super dewy liquid blush (review + FOTD)

Though most of the blushes in my collection are powder, there have been a few liquid and cream blushes used every now and then. (Like the Rare Beauty liquid blush that wowed and the Ciate London cream blush set.) Most recently, I have been able to try the Super Dewy Liquid Blush from Revolution in the shade Flushing For You. Since the Rare Beauty liquid blushes are a little more on the expensive side (approximately $32 CDN), I was curious to find out how a drugstore brand would compare. Ready to find out whether the Revolution version was worthwhile? Keep reading for a full review of the Super Dewy Liquid Blush.

The Super Dewy Liquid Blush comes in a small squeeze bottle. It is easy to apply the product directly onto the cheek and blend it out with a brush. According to the brand, this is an "easy to use, ultra pigmented, buildable liquid blush. Go for a natural flushed finish or build it up for a more pigmented look." The product is vegan and cruelty free and the formula is described as "water-light." There are several shades available (including a tempting bright pink) but the one that I tried was Flushing For You, which is a really natural and warm blush colour. Application is easy and it is possible to build up the colour. That being said, I found that a little goes a long way. The liquid blush is nicely pigmented and blends easily. Though it is possible to blend the colour with your fingers, I find that a fluffier face brush does the trick. The Revolution version isn't quite as impressive as the Rare Beauty liquid blush, but it is really fantastic. I love how fresh and glowy it leaves my skin. It pairs well with a lot of different makeup looks. Considering that the Super Dewy Liquid Blush only costs $11 CDN, it is certainly a more budget friendly choice. Though I am always tempted to purchase more Rare Beauty blushes...the Revolution versions are stellar. 

The look above features the Super Dewy Liquid Blush in Flushing For You on the cheeks. As you can see, it adds such a nice glow to the skin! The colour is natural but noticeable. This paired well with the shimmer and neutrals on the lid. Lately, I have been reaching for this liquid blush often. It is really well suited to my skin, since it tends to be on the dry side. I just love the beautiful finish and the fact that the colour can be sheered out or built up. This is a versatile and beautiful product...and I can't wait to try out another shade or two in the future. That being said, my goal is to finish up the Flushing For You shade first! 

Have you tried the Revolution liquid blushes? What did you think of the formula?


  1. Thanks for your review have a lovely week...

    1. You are so welcome! I hope you have a great week as well <3

  2. Ein traumhaft schöner Farbton. LG Romy

  3. Thuis liquid blush offers a beautiful shade to the skin
    Thanks for share this with us
    Great review

  4. Yes the Disney 100 shirt is pretty cute and it was pretty cheap, so I couldn't resist. Thanks a lot, I love my new earrings <3 They're so glamorous and I wore them yesterday for the Tina Turner musical.

    Great review =) This Revolution Liquid Blush looks super cute, I like the colour. And your make up look is nice as always <3

  5. Still I don't try this brand, but I think that have nice effect, thanks for share your honest review hun!


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