Sunday, October 22, 2023

disney villains eyeshadow palette (#fotd and review part three)

It is time for the third and final post related to the Disney Villain Swivel Shadow Palette from Townley. This themed eyeshadow palette is dedicated to different Disney characters (Maleficent, Ursula, and The Evil Queen) and features a wide variety of colours and finishes. Now? It is time to take a look at The Evil Queen section. Like most Disney Villains, she scared me as a child, especially on the Snow White ride that used to be at Walt Disney World. (A version of the ride is still in Disneyland, for the record.) Her intensity, her jealousy, and her desire to be first no matter what was more than a little terrifying. If nothing else, The Evil Queen taught me that being beautiful on the inside is more important than being beautiful on the outside. Ready to take a look at the final section of the Disney Villain Swivel Shadow Palette? Keep reading for swatches and a #FOTD....

Unlike the other Disney Villain sections in this swivel palette, The Evil Queen section is easily the most wearable for everyday looks. There are lots of warm metallics to choose from - and a few pops of colour as well. Though it would have been nice to see a red colour included in here as well (to represent the apple or her red lips) the shimmery metallics are stunning and really represent her crown well. These shimmers are richly pigmented, apply well, and look absolutely gorgeous worn alone or in combination with some of the others. I have been using these shades a lot lately for quick one-shadow looks. The glitter included in this section is a beautiful gold, but like the other glitters, it requires a glitter glue in order to work well. The colour payoff for the green is not as impressive, but the blue shadow absolutely wows. There is a lot to love about this section. 

For the #FOTD shown above (which was created before my husband and I left to stay in a spaceship themed room for a few nights) was all about those warm metallic colours. As you can see, these shadows are ultra shimmery and have a lot of colour payoff. The middle colour in the top row was applied all over the lid and a bit of the middle colour in the second row was added to the center. Then some of the darkest metallic colour was added to the crease for some extra definition. The lightest shimmery shade was applied to the inner corner and under the brow bone. The darkest metallic shade was applied along the lower lash line for extra drama. Though the Maleficent section was my favourite overall (those purple shades are hard to resist) this particular section was a close second. I love how warm the shadows are and I just adore the shimmers. 

What do you think of this #FOTD? Are you a fan of the colours in this section of the Disney Villain palette?


  1. I loved your eye shadow's colour, thanks for your sharing...

  2. Yet another gorgeous selection of colours! This truly is a most wonderful palette! xxx

  3. Schade, dass es diese Paletten nicht bei uns in Deutschland gibt, die Farben sind toll. LG Romy

    1. It is, because this is such a fun release. I just happened to find it on my travels!

  4. Hello :)
    Beautiful palette! I would like to try it :) it looks beautiful, looks great and I like the colors. Beautiful make-up!
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Thank you so much! It is definitely a fun palette :)

  5. That palette has wonderful shades! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a good week!

    1. There is a lot to choose from! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. OMG, this is the definitive Halloween palette!
    Looooove the packaging and the shades look all amazing!
    Great make up, sweetie!

    1. Right? It is so much fun! The packaging is super cute.

  7. Yes this temperature drops are really heavy, it's like a hit in your face :D Thanks a lot, I hope that too - Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year.
    Thank you, that was really sad.
    We had a really great fun day at the mall =) Time flies so fast when you're shopping :D Oh yes I love my new stuff. Victoria's Secret body sprays are absolutely nice, like the smells.

    The Evil Queen eyeshadow palette is also super nice, I like the colours. And your make up look is cute as always <3

    1. You're welcome <3

      Thanks a lot <3 It's nice that you like this Michael Kors bag as much as I like it. The shape is really nice, it's so special.
      This cheesy ramen noodles are really delicious <3 You're welcome.


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