Saturday, October 14, 2023

what i've been watching this spooky season

It is hard to believe there are only a few weeks left of spooky season. Halloween is slowly creeping closer...which means right now is the perfect time to watch lots and lots of movies. Over the last month or so, there have been all sorts of Halloween and horror films playing in my home. Sometimes, the movies are on in the background while I work. Other times, they are a treat at the end of the day. (Nothing too scary before bed, though, otherwise, I will have nightmares about being terrorized by horror icons like Michael Myers and Chucky.) Want to know what I have been watching lately? Are you looking for a few seasonal movie recommendations to add to your watch list? Here are some of the movies that I've been watching this spooky season.

Elvira's Haunted Hills. First on this list is an Elvira movie, Elvira's Haunted Hills. This is something that I watched early in the season. I absolutely love the campy ridiculousness of the Elvira movies and specials. The character is so over the top in the best possible way. This movie was set in a creepy haunted castle with a unique cast of characters. The makeup, hair, and costuming was excellent...and this was a really fun way to kickstart the Halloween season. You just can't go wrong with a little Elvira.

The Love Witch. I have a serious obsession with the free streaming service, Tubi. It has a lot of older movies and a lot of new-to-me movies. One new-to-me movie? The Love Witch. This is described as a movie about a modern day witch in California who "uses spells and magic to get men to fall in love with her in this tribute to 1960s Technicolor thrillers." The movie was strange and off-putting and beautiful all at the same time. It was campy and has some feminist elements. The 1960s inspired look was absolute perfection. The hair, makeup, and clothes made me positively giddy. The Love Witch movie was fascinating. 

Freaky Stories. Ahh, this takes me back. I remember watching the TV show, Freaky Stories, often when I was growing up. Some of the stories used to keep me up at night! (Especially the musical one about the man with the hook. Sometimes, the songs would pop into my head at random.) For anyone that does not know, this TV show featured puppets of a roach and maggot at a diner, and those puppets introduced lots of creepy cartoons. Millennials from Canada will definitely remember this throwback TV show. It has been so fun rewatching the series and remembering all of the fun times from my youth.

Sorority Row. This was another Tubi find. It is actually shocking that I never saw Sorority Row when it was originally released. After all, it had Audrina Patridge from The Hills. This 2000s horror film had a lot of other recognizable faces as well. Definitely my kind of movie. (I have a serious weakness for 90s and 00s horror movies.) I watched Sorority Row recently and thought it was excellent. Such a great premise about a prank gone wrong. There were themes related to secrecy and betrayal...all with a very 2000s style. The backdrop of the sorority house was perfect as were the many horror movie clichés. 

Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. It just isn't spooky season without lots and lots of Halloween movies. So far, I have watched Halloween, Halloween II, and Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. (I like to save my favourite, Halloween 4, for closer to the actual date of Halloween.) This was actually my first time watching Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. There was no Michael Myers, so it wasn't a priority for me, but it seemed like an overdue watch for me. I actually really enjoyed this! There was no Michael Myers, but the Silver Shamrock song was super creepy and the idea of the masks was really well done. 

Bride of Chucky. There has been a lot of Chucky playing in my house lately. It seems that I have a soft spot for that murderous little doll. I've been watching all of the Chucky movies in order and most recently watched Bride of Chucky. This particular movie is different from the first three, because it shifts into more of a self-referential parody, but it is still scary and fun. Plus, Tiffany is an iconic character. I've also been watching season three of the Chucky television series this season.

Holidays have a way of making life feel extra it is important to celebrate right. For me, that means lots and lots of Halloween themed movies and television shows. What have you been watching this spooky season?


  1. Yes we had a really great time in Dubai and I loved all the food there a lot, it was so delicious. Oh yes my souvenirs are also good, just the thrombosis is not that good at all.
    Yes these are really interesting products, can't wait to try them these days =)
    Thanks =) I like my souvenirs too. Oh yes the hat has such a nice colour.

    I love the spooky season so much <3 It's one of my favourite times of the year. And you're absolutely right, now it's time to watch many movies and relaxing on the sofa :D I can't watch "Chucky" anymore, I loved the movies but since some years I have really big fear from her xD

    1. It is a lot of fun! Definitely a good excuse to watch lots of interesting things.

  2. I've never seen Freaky Stories even as a kid. I'm gonna look if it's available on any of the streaming services I'm currently subscribed to!

    Mari |

  3. I'll search the movie The Love Witch, I just saw that Tubi is not available in my country, oh.. I hope I find it somewhere else, seems an interesting movie! I love Halloween but I wish it lasted longer! I've been watching Tim Burton movies again because I adore them all.

    1. Oh, that's too bad! I hope you're able to find the movie elsewhere!

  4. Hi dear! Thanks for share these Hallowen's films!

    1. Of course! I hope you are enjoying spooky season so far!

  5. Thank you for sharing these, Shannon, although I'm not particularly into spooky movies :-) xxx

    1. That's okay! There are lots of less spooky things to watch around this time of year as well! I love family friendly movies like Casper and Halloweentown :D


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