Wednesday, November 8, 2023

letting go of my favourite band: why i no longer support hanson.

Many years of my life were defined by one band: Hanson. In elementary school and high school, my peers bullied me relentlessly for wearing Hanson t-shirts to class. Despite their continued cruelty…I refused to stop wearing those t-shirts. After all, wearing my Hanson shirts made me feel better about myself. I felt safer. More confident. More like me. In the decades that followed, the band continued to be an important part of my life. I made friends while waiting in line for general admission concerts. I skipped school to wait outside radio stations. I went to television tapings, autograph signings, and lots and lots of live shows. I bought every piece of merchandise that I could get my hands on (or afford at the time) and I was a member of their official fan club for years. When I was selected to be the fan club reporter for their String Theory show, it was a dream come true. Being able to meet my favourite band, talk to them, and have a photo taken, was the number one item on my bucket list. To this day, that experience is one of my personal highlights. Unfortunately, that experience is also bittersweet. 

Yes, Hanson was a significant part of my life for a very long time. It feels strange and painful to write this now, but I no longer support the band. I haven’t for a while. Their music has never stopped inspiring me, but two of the band members have. In 2020, a Pinterest account used by Zac Hanson was discovered. (He later admitted that this was his account.) That Pinterest account included memes and images that were pro-gun, racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic. I was horrified and disappointed that someone who had played such an important role in my life had ultimately turned out to represent everything I stand against. Part of me hoped that he would take accountability, educate himself, and try to be a better person. Sadly, what actually happened was that fans were blocked, Zac tried to pretend that the memes and images were jokes, and for years, questions were dodged. The band talked around the issue on several occasions…never fully taking accountability.

Around that same time, the band was receiving criticism for being silent about the Black Lives Matter movement. Then there was the fact that Hanson chose to perform live concerts during the earlier moments of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also during the pandemic that Isaac Hanson chose to reveal his true self, complaining about lockdowns over the holiday season in 2020, stating, “I fear God more than I fear death and far more than I fear my government." Since then, he has gone full mask off. Don’t believe me? Take a peek at his Twitter likes. Many of them represent full blown conspiracy theory nonsense while others are sexist and transphobic. Both Isaac and Zac Hanson have proven themselves to be horrible people. What they stand for…I stand against. It breaks my heart to know that I have contributed so much love, energy, time, and money to a band where two of the three members actively seek to make the world unsafe for others. I still haven't fully processed it. 

The last time Hanson came to a city near me, I did not attend. It was the first local show I had missed since becoming a fan at the age of ten. Some of my fellow Hanson friends also made the decision not to attend. However, some decided their concert experience was more important than taking a stand. I do not necessarily blame those who chose to see the show, but I confess, it was disappointing. It seems wrong to prioritize a night of fun over the safety and well-being of others. To this day, well-meaning people still send me articles about Hanson or share videos that they have come across of the band. It always pains me to explain that I no longer support them. (I am similarly pained when I have to explain to people that I no longer support the Backstreet Boys or Nick Carter.) To have to say that the band who added meaning to my life for literal decades is now associated with hatred and hurts. Though a few years have passed, I am still mourning the loss. I miss my favourite band. I miss who they were to me. And I miss some of my Hanson friends who are no longer in my life as a result of this fallout.

My closest friend often reminds me of this quote from Maya Angelou. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” I have given people (in real life as well as celebrities) the benefit of the doubt far too many times. I have ignored red flags. I have buried my head in the sand. However, the woman that I am becoming is unable to do so any longer. I felt compelled to share my experience here on the creation of beauty is art. because I have posted about Hanson several times over the years. Since I praised them publicly, it seems right to call them out publicly…and to let you know who they really are.

I apologize for this personal and somewhat indulgent blog post, but this matter has been weighing heavy on my heart for quite some time. Since one of my New Years Resolutions was to be more vulnerable on Mansa Fashion. and to share more of what matters to me, even if it isn’t beautiful, now seemed as good a time as any to let you all know where I stand. Though the music will always have meaning to me, I choose to prioritize people over new albums, fan club memberships, and concert experiences with friends. I no longer support Hanson, because I stand for justice, equality, and safety for all.


  1. Hello dear, I think it's good that you make a catharsis about what happened with one of your favorite bands, I remember listening to the song mmmmm bop a lot at one time, although I was never a fan of them, sometimes the people in whom we place our trust and expectations fail us, it happened to me with very close people, but over time I tried to get something good from negative experiences and that learning has helped me to be more cautious.

    1. Thank you so much for understanding. I really appreciate your kind comment. You're right that sometimes the people we place trust in fail us. I think it is wonderful that you have been able to find the positive in those negative experiences <3

  2. Oh yes this masks are so cute, I love the Christmas looks so much <3 I couldn't resist them ^^ The gingerbread man is really lovely.

    Really interesting post. I don't know this band but it's not nice to hear this.

    1. It has been difficult, for sure, but I appreciate your kind comment!

  3. So sad but you made a good decision!

  4. Verständlich, dass du dich von diesem Künstler abgewendet hast. LG Romy

  5. I totally get your decision not to support them anymore. I think that, as people in the public eye, they should be acting more responsibly. I would definitely stop supporting my favourite artist for the same reason! xxx

    1. I agree. People with a public platform and a large audience have a responsibility to others. Thank you for understanding <3


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