Saturday, December 9, 2023

current obsession: seasonal nail polish colours

Sometimes, the right nail polish can make all the difference. Especially during the holiday season when there is so much to see, do, and explore. After all, there are often dinners with friends and family, shopping excursions, twinkling lights to see, and hot chocolates to drink. It only makes sense to have fabulous nails for each and every seasonal moment. Though I am not super skilled when it comes to nail art or anything like that...there are some fabulous nail polishes in my collection that make life a little bit brighter during this time of year. Ready to see some of the standouts? Maybe you have something similar in your nail polish collection or are looking for a little inspiration this month. Either way, there is lots to love about fabulous nail polishes. 

As you can see, my current nail polish obsessions include red, green, silver, gold, and winter glitters. It just isn't the holiday season without those staples. For the next month or so, my intention is to move between these nail polishes. Currently, my nails are that shimmery gold colour. Next will be silver. From there, it will be red and green until Christmas Day. Following the festivities, the wintery glitters will be worn for New Years. It is definitely fun to celebrate this time of year with a thoughtful dash of colour, sparkle, and shine. Ready to find out a little bit more about the nail polishes shown above? Here goes...

  • Technic Nail Polish - Red. The small bottle on the end is from Technic and was included in a seasonal nail polish set that I received last year. This particular polish is a gorgeous shimmery red that just screams Christmas. It is bright and colourful and fun. Definitely perfect for all of the seasonal celebrations and traditions at this time of year. 
  • Revlon Nail Polish - 571 Posh. I'm not sure exactly how long this particular colour has been in my nail polish collection, but it still performs well, so that is all that really matters. This is the ultimate Christmas green. I love that it is bright but still feels warm and cozy like a Christmas tree. I always feel extra festive with this polish on!
  • Sally Hansen Triple Shine - Fanta-Sea. When it is time to transition from silver, gold, red, and green into more winter wonderland kind of colours...Fanta-Sea is a wonderful option. As you can see from the photo above, this is ultra sparkly and bold. Sometimes, I like to wear it alone and other times, it is layered on top of a white or frosty blue nail polish. There is no better way to celebrate the end of the year than with a little extra glitter. 
  • Sally Hansen Intsa-Dri - Go For Gold. This is the nail polish that is currently making my nails look fabulous. It is no secret that I am obsessed with the Insta-Dri line from Sally Hansen, because I am impatient and hate waiting for my nails to dry. These polishes dry quickly, stay put, and look beautiful. Go For Gold is an easy way to feel festive. 
  • Sally Hansen Miracle Gel - Let's Get Digital. Another Sally Hansen nail polish, but in my defense, the quality is stellar. I have used Let's Get Digital many times over the years. It is more of a nail polish topper than anything else, though there have been times when I have worn this alone. The nail polish adds a gorgeous blue and pink kind of shimmer to the nails. It feels wintery in the best possible way. And a little extra sparkle never hurt anyone! 
  • Technic Nail Polish - Silver. Silver and gold, silver and gold, everyone wishes for silver and gold. It just isn't the holiday season for me without a little silver nail polish. Sometimes, the silver polish is used as an accent nail and sometimes it is worn as is. I just love the beautiful metallic finish this Technic nail polish has and how long it lasts. 
There you have it...a few of my current nail polish obsessions. These red, green, silver, gold, and wintery glitter nail polishes will be with me all December long. Whether I am wrapping presents, mailing Christmas cards, looking at decorated houses, or watching a holiday movie with a massive cup of hot chocolate, one thing is certain: my nails will be delightfully festive. 

What do you think of these nail polish colours? Do you have any seasonal favourites?


  1. That green polish is such a gorgeous colour, and I'm loving the shimmery gold Sally Hansen Insta-Dri too. I've got quite a few of her Insta-Dri polishes in my collection! xxx

    1. Thank you! Those Insta-Dri polishes are so so good!

  2. It was a really fun experience =) We had so much fun.
    This mascara looks really great, I forgot to test it the last days :D So I will test it this week.

    Great post, I love nail polishes <3
    This ones are all so beautiful. Red is always a nice colour in winter and for christmas. Everything with glitter is also pretty perfect for this season. Gold is nice, especially in combination with red. All those nail polishes are so nice =)

    1. Thank you so much! I love anything with glitter :D

  3. Nail polish is such a natural obsession for women and around holidays is normal to get even more interested in it than usual. I also love and have different glitter nail polishes but I am also in search of a nail polish that dries instantly. I am not sure that the Sally Hansen products are avavailable in Italy but I will look for it!

    1. So so true! It's a great line if it is available where you live. The polish dries so quickly!


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