Friday, December 15, 2023

what i've been reading (christmas edition)

There has been a lot of seasonal reading taking place lately. Truth be told, I always have a stack of books waiting to be read, but a few books were set aside specifically for this time of year. Some of the books in the pile were thrifted and some were brand new...but all were ready to make the holiday season feel a little more magical. Ready to find out more about the Christmas themed books that I have been reading lately? Here is everything you need to know about these seasonal stories. 

Seasonal Mysteries and Thrillers. Over the summer, there was a good amount of thrift store shopping taking place. At that time, I found some books from Mary Higgins Clark and Carol Higgins Clark. One was the Santa Cruise and the other was a collection with three books: The Christmas Thief, Deck The Halls, and He Sees You When You're Sleeping. I absolutely devoured these books recently. All four of them! I love the characters, the holiday themed stories, and the drama. Out of the three, my favourite was probably Deck The Halls, but all were exciting page turners. A bit of googling tells me that there are a couple of other Christmas themed releases from Mary Higgins Clark and Carol Higgins Clark, so I intend to keep my eyes peeled for them.

Meaningful Holiday Stories. Another recent read is A Winter's Wish by Tracy Corbett. I hadn't read anything from the author before, but it is hard for me to resist a Christmas themed book. I was expecting a sweet holiday romance, but this story had a lot of depth and heart. The main characters and secondary characters all had something important to add to the story. Definitely a fantastic read! The last book on this list is The Christmas Train from David Baldacci.  This was another thrifted find. I remembered watching the movie a few years back after one of my friends recommended it, so there was already some familiarity with the story. It took me a while to get into the book, but it was good overall. More impressive was the short story included in the book, Waiting For Santa. It was emotional, earnest, and definitely managed to tug on my heartstrings. 

There you have it...some Christmas themed recent reads. All of them were special in their own ways, but those suspenseful novels really stood out to me. I am a cozy mystery kind of person in general, so reading Christmas thrillers was excellent.

Have you read any of these Christmas themed books? What are you reading right now?


  1. I've never tought a Cristmas reading before, but that's definitely a good idea to enter the right festivee mood!
    The only book that I know among these is "the Christmas train": I've read it a lot of years ago and I remember that I quite liked it!
    Now I'm curious about the others: Christmas thrillers sound intriguing!^^

    1. It's a really fun way to get into the holiday mood! And yes...Christmas thrillers are excellent :D

  2. Thank you for sharing these, Shannon, these are definitely ones to look out for! xxx

    1. For sure! There are lots of wonderful Christmas themed books!

  3. Die Bücher klingen wirklich klasse und passen perfekt zur Jahreszeit/Weihnachten. LG Romy

    1. Absolutely! These have been a lot of fun to read <3

  4. Boa sexta-feira e bom final de semana. Lista de livros muito interessantes, obrigado.

  5. I have read one or two Christmas themed books and I liked them. Thanks for the recommendations!

  6. I have bought a few non-Christmas books that I'll need to get around to reading!

    1. Hopefully you have a chance to do some reading over the holiday season!

  7. To be honest, I haven't read a book with a Christmas theme since I was a child. They myst be quite cute and funny reading them while celebrating the same moments. Some of those books can also make a great Christmas gift.

    1. Oh really? Wow! There are so many out there for adults these days. Definitely something to consider!


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