Wednesday, January 31, 2024

january in review (resolutions, goals, and life updates)

The last day of January is here. Truthfully, this makes me a little relieved, because I have been dealing with the January Blues for much of the month. There isn't a particular reason that I have been so down, but for the last few weeks, I have felt unfocused, unsteady, and unsure. Despite that, there were some good moments...and some events to look forward to now that January is coming to a close. This post is a look back at the month that has passed and a look ahead at some resolutions. 

January was an interesting month. It started off slower, mostly because I struggled to re-establish my routine after the holiday season. Day after day, I found myself struggling to drag myself out of bed at a decent hour and be productive. (The word that best describes my January: struggle.) Some days were harder than others, but I am hopeful that things will start to really shift in the next little while. Despite the mental and emotional difficulties, there were some good moments scattered throughout the month, like seeing the musical, 42nd Street, with my mom, heading to the movies with a friend (the Mean Girls musical, of course), and hanging out with my husband. I also spent time working out, watching Love Is Blind Sweden, reading books, working through a self-love workbook, watching Christmas DVDs, and generally trying to pull myself out of this January funk. 

At the end of each month, I always like to look back at my New Year's Resolutions. This process allows me to check in and better determine what short-term goals I need to work on to check off some of those longer-term items. There are all sorts of resolutions on my list this year. Some are beauty related (to use more of what I have, be more consistent with my skin care routine, and do something different with my hair colour). Though I haven't been entirely successful in that area...I am planning to book a hair appointment in the next month or so. Fingers crossed I work up the courage to do something different with my hair in the not-so-distant future. (I am terrible with change. Even when it is positive change.) There are health and fitness goals on my resolution list as well, which I feel good about overall. I've been exercising regularly and focusing more on healthy foods.

As for my writing and reading goals, there has not been a ton of success on the writing side recently. I've been so down, that it is has been difficult to focus on my mystery novel or much of anything else, to be honest. Next month, I hope that will not be the case. There are all sorts of organizational tasks on my resolution list as well and I am slowly (very slowly) picking away at those. Over the weekend, my plan is to totally redo my home office. My husband bought me a new bookshelf at IKEA the other day, because I managed to fill all of my other bookshelves. (Reading is a must!) So, a new one will be added and everything will be reorganized from top to bottom. Though I don't look forward to the task itself, I am looking forward to the end result. 

So long January! Whether this month has been wonderful or a bit of a letdown, here is hoping that February is full of beauty.

Do you have any New Year's Resolutions? How did the month of January treat you?


  1. I have struggled in January as well. More often than not, the Winter blues hit me in the first month of the year, but this time around it was made a lot worse by illness and anxiety issues. Oh, and I'm not good with change either ...
    My one and only resolution, to be more positive, went down the drain, but after that false start, I'm working on making it happen.
    Here's to hoping that February will be an altogether better month for both of us! xxx

    1. I'm so sorry that this month has been a difficult one for you as well. I am crossing my fingers that February will be a wonderful month for you <3

  2. Oh that's not good to hear that you felt unfocused, unsteady and unsure in January. But sometimes a month isn't that good and the next one is so much better.
    My January was quite good, I got the message that my car new is coming earlier and my thrombosis is away (but I have to take the medication one more period to be safe).

    1. I like that idea. I hope February will be better! And I am so so glad to hear that January was good to you. So much great news! :D

  3. slowly but surely, psst i just change color of my hair.


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