Friday, January 26, 2024

quick and easy glam feat. fmg glimmer quad in goddess

Sometimes, a simple makeup look is a must. Especially when that to-do list feels overwhelming and the schedule is a little too full for comfort. That seems to sum things up for me lately. The last remaining days of January have decided to be full, busy, and downright hectic at times, between work, family stuff, and various personal responsibilities. Though I struggled a lot to get focused and check tasks off of my to-do list during the first couple weeks of the new year...I am being forced to get my head in the game. Thank goodness for no brainer beauty products. One that I have been reaching for the last several days is the neutral eyeshadow quad from FMG Glimmer, Goddess. There are some easy to wear neutrals included as well as some shimmers that make it possible to quickly and easily elevate a simple but glam makeup look. Keep reading for all of the important details....

According to the brand, the Goddess Eyeshadow Quad makes it possible to "create simple to dramatic looks with perfectly coordinated matte and shimmer shadows." It is also described as an ultra-pigmented and versatile eyeshadow palette with four shades to achieve a neutral daytime or evening look. Clearly, this is an easy to use neutral palette that still adds a little sparkle and shine. (And if there is one thing I like, it is shimmer.) There is a sparkly gold, sparkly white, shimmery champagne, and matte brown. When I am running short on time, one of the sparkly shadows is applied all over the lid and then the matte brown is added through the crease for a little contrast. I love that it is possible to create a bold and dramatic look in minutes. 

The packaging for the FMG Glimmer palette is fairly standard. It is red and black plastic and there is a mirror inside. This set also comes with a double ended sponge-tip applicator. Though I prefer using makeup brushes to makeup sponges, the applicator included works really well on the shimmers. (The shimmery products apply more intensely with the sponge-tip applicators.) The matte brown has a nice level of pigmentation and the shimmers are ultra sparkly and have a gorgeous finish. All in all, the quality is good and the products work well. It is nice to have this eyeshadow palette on hand when I only have a few minutes to throw myself together. A little shimmer and a matte brown is all that is needed to create something fabulous.

For the look above, the champagne shade was applied all over the lid. A bit of the golden shimmer was added to the center of the lid and then the matte brown was applied through the crease. The white shimmer was added to the inner corner and underneath the brow bone. To finish it all off, that matte brown was applied along the lower lash line as well for a little extra dose of glamour. It only took a few minutes to create this particular look, so I was able to move on with my to-do list.

Do you have any quick and easy beauty products you like to use? What do you think of this makeup look?


  1. What a nice pallete, thanks for your sharing

  2. That palette looks very sleek, and I absolutely love the look you created with it. The mix of shimmer and matte brown looks very sophisticated! xxx

  3. Oh yes this was a really nice christmas promotion from Aldi =) I love this photo so much <3
    Oh yes, my car will always be in my heart <3 :D
    It was a really busy week and this one will be busy too. Today I was paying for my new car, in an hour I will get informations about my thrombosis (the last two weeks I didn't come to my doctor xD) and on the weekend I have different dates with friends :D

    Great post, this palette looks good. The golden shimmer would be my favourite <3 I love your make up look, it's beautiful as always.

    1. Thank you very much! You can't go wrong with a golden shimmer shadow!


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