Friday, January 5, 2024

review: too faced let it snow globes three-piece eyeshadow palette

How are you all settling into January so far? It's hard to believe that December is behind us and a new year has arrived. 2023 was not my favourite year ever, so I am currently holding on to hope that 2024 will be much improved. One way to kickstart a shiny new year? Talking about makeup, of course. I mentioned the Let It Snow Globes Three-Piece Eyeshadow Palette Gift Set in a revisited review last month...and now it is finally time to share some thoughts and some seasonal makeup looks. The Let It Snow Globes set has been in my makeup collection for the last few months, but I wanted to make sure there was familiarity with all three palettes before I wrote down my thoughts for a post here on Mansa Fashion. Ready to take a look at these holiday themed eyeshadows? Find out how each Too Faced palette performed? Keep reading for all of the details. 

The world is always changing...but one thing I can count on each holiday season is something Christmas themed from Too Faced. There have been many incredible Too Faced holiday releases in the past (those are always my favourite gifts to receive or treat myself to) so it is difficult to choose a favourite. That being said, the Christmas Bake Shoppe and the Cookie House Party set are definite standouts. This year, Too Faced embraced some retro-inspired nostalgia with the Let It Snow Globes Three-Piece Eyeshadow Palette Gift Set. The limited edition set came with three small scented palettes. Though in the past, these holiday sets often come with a lip product or a mini mascara, it was only the three palettes included this time around. On the plus side, the palettes were so well themed. As you can see from the photo above, each snow globe shaped palette has a different holiday scene to enjoy. The art is downright adorable, with the cute gingerbread, retro ornaments, and lights. 

The Peacock Face and Eye Palette. According to the brand, the peacock palette smells like gumdrops and includes a "variety of neutral rosy shades." It certainly has a pleasant and sweet scent. I adore the artwork on the outside and inside...and I am always a sucker for a warm neutral. I have to be honest though, the pigmentation in this particular palette is not amazing. As you can see from the swatches above, these shadows are not overly intense. It might be fine for someone new to makeup or a little bit on the younger side, but as an eyeshadow addict, this was lacking overall. The shimmery shades are particularly weak. Additionally, not all of the shadows are well secured within the palette itself. The pans move around a bit whenever my brush tries to pick up colour. Sigh! Too Faced holiday palettes are often my favourites because of the themes and the beautiful colours...but this peacock palette is not a standout. However, it is still possible to create some decent makeup looks.

Though most of the shadows lack intensity, the colours can be built up somewhat. An eyeshadow primer definitely helps kick things up a notch as well. For the look, shown above, the medium brown shade, Reindeer Games was applied through the crease, and the rosy pink shadow, Stocking, was applied all over the lid. A bit of Calling Birds, a deeper matte brown, was added in the outer corner. The look was not groundbreaking or anything like that...but it was fine. Something I actually do enjoy about this holiday palette is the blush. Peach on Earth is a gorgeous warm peach blush that pairs well with many different makeup looks. It is something that I have been reaching for a lot lately. It is the saving grace of this palette! 

The Holiday Angel Face and Eye Palette. The next palette in this three-piece set is the Holiday Angel Face and Eye Palette, which is described as smelling like Christmas treats and offering a collection of "holiday neutrals and sparkling, icy tones." This palette smells kind of buttery, like a delicious Christmas cookie. The scent is light and you can't smell it when the product is actually applied, but it is a nice little bonus. As for the colour story, this one is really fun. I love the icy shimmers. Everything about this little palette screams Christmas. Unfortunately, this palette struggles with pigmentation as well. There are a few shades that are gorgeous and a handful that are...not. I love Twinkle, which is an icy shimmer topper, Baby It's Gold, a beautiful golden shimmer, and Unwrapped, a deep matte brown. The others? Eh. The biggest disappointments are Winter Blues (blue shimmer) and Candy Cane Lane (red shimmer) because those look so colourful in the palette itself. However, when it comes to application, they barely offer a wash of shimmer let alone actual colour. It's so strange. I've never had Too Faced holiday items be so wildly inconsistent and under pigmented. On the plus side, the cheek product, Candlelight, is a winner. The golden shimmer adds a beautiful glow to the skin. I wish the eyeshadows performed as well as the face products in the set.

Like the previous palette, it is still possible to create a nice makeup look using the just takes a little more time and patience. For the look above, the matte browns were used as a base and to add depth. Then the shade Twinkle was applied all over the lid. As I mentioned, that is easily the best eyeshadow in this Holiday Angel palette, so I wanted to make sure it was highlighted. And speaking of highlights, the Candlelight shade was applied on the cheeks to create a nice soft glow. 

The Taste of Christmas Face and Eye Palette. Finally...a winner! The Taste of Christmas palette is easily the best of the three. This is supposed to smell like pecan pie (though it doesn't quite smell like that to me) and has a "collection of neutrals, plums, and a pop of shimmering shades." There are some cool-toned shades in here, Panettone and Licorice Twist, that I really really love, plus a gorgeous silver shimmer and an incredible purple-blue shimmer. The purple-blue shimmer is called Plum Pudding and it is without a doubt my favourite eyeshadow shade in all three of the holiday palettes. As for the cheek product, this is a classic pink blush in the shade Pink Macaron. It is the ultimate winter blush. It is nicely pigmented, and blends well. 

Since the Plum Pudding eyeshadow is my favourite, it was definitely the star of the makeup look above. Lately, when I need to create a makeup look quickly, this is my go-to shadow. Plum Pudding is applied all over the lid, blended out with a neutral matte, and ta da! Easy and glamorous makeup look. Though not all of the eyeshadows in the Taste of Christmas palette are winners, there is a lot to love about the palette overall. There are standout shades, unique colours, and a gorgeous blush. 

All in all, the Let It Snow Globes Three-Piece Eyeshadow Palette Gift Set was the weakest holiday offering from Too Faced that I can recall. Though the theme is excellent, the packaging is gorgeous, the eyeshadow names are festive, and there are a few winners...the overall quality is lacking. I love the cheek products and a handful of eyeshadow shades are solid. However, there are so many shadows that lack pigmentation. It is such a shame, because this snow globe themed set has a lot going for it. 

Did you try the Let It Snow Globes set from Too Faced this year? What did you think of the holiday release?


  1. Muito bom, mesmo. Vou seguir o seu blog. Espero que você siga o meu.

  2. I can't believe the festive season is over and it's January already!
    Anyway, those palettes are super cute, although it's a shame they didn't all live up to your expectations! xxx

  3. OMG these are just way too cute <3 and love your makeup looks for all 3 :-D

  4. Absolutely love the make up looks you did with this palette, chic beauty!

    xoxo, MIDORI


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