Wednesday, January 3, 2024

thrift store haul: lots and lots of records

Life is more beautiful with music. Quite frankly, life feels especially beautiful with a stack of new-to-me records sitting underneath the record player. Shortly before Christmas, my husband and I went to a local thrift store to poke around. It isn't something that I do too often (because I always seem to come home with at least a few special somethings) but every now and then, it is a nice treat. Well, this time, it was fantastic. I hit the absolute jackpot in the record section. Most of the time, there isn't much there that interests me, but according to someone at the store, records that hadn't sold at a church sale had been donated. I guess my musical taste can now be described as: records that do not sell at church sales.  At any rate, I was thrilled to bring seventeen different records home, including the one album that I have been desperate to get my hands on for years. Ready to take a peek at these new-to-me records? See what was added to my collection? Here is my latest thrift store haul.

David Cassidy. Okay, let's start with the most thrilling. The album on the right is Rock Me Baby by David Cassidy. That is my favourite David Cassidy album ever. I have listened to my CD version hundreds and hundreds of times over the years. That album has such a special place in my heart. I remember watching a random episode of The Partridge Of Tourism one morning and falling head over heels in love with David Cassidy. Shortly after, I went to browse the Best Buy CD section (yes, I am certainly aging myself here) to see if they had anything from David Cassidy. They had exactly one copy of Rock Me Baby. It was my first proper introduction to his solo music. Over the years, I have purchased his entire discography in various formats, saw him in concert several times before he passed, bought his book, and supported him in whatever way possible....but I was never able to find a copy of Rock Me Baby on vinyl. To have found one in the local thrift store was an absolute dream come true. I literally gasped. I am so thrilled by this find and to be able to enjoy one of my all-time favourite albums in this way. I was also excited to find a copy of The Partridge Of Tourism album, Sound Machine. I technically already have a copy of this album, but it is scratched and in terrible condition. The one I found this time was in much better shape and plays without skipping. Score! 

Bobby Goldsboro. More thrilling finds? Two Bobby Goldsboro records! Recently, I spoke about Bobby Goldsboro in my five favourite obscure christmas cartoons post. I fell in love with his voice through holiday themed cartoons...and have been in love with his music ever since. My mom was able to track down one CD of his for me and I was able to find one cassette tape. Well, during my ultra lucky thrift store experience, I found not one, but two, Bobby Goldsboro records. The first was Honey from 1968 and the other was the 10th Anniversary Album Volume II. I love all of the songs so much, but the standouts for me are Watchin' Scotty Grow and of course, the heart wrenching hit, Honey. To have two Bobby Goldsboro records in my collection means so very much to me. I haven't been a fan for too long, but I am doing everything in my power to make up for lost time.

Carpenters, Cher, and The Brady Bunch. Now for an assortment of fabulousness. I was able to find Close To You from the Carpenters (with the amazing Reason to Believe) and that was really wonderful. I have a few Carpenters records in my collection and also have some albums on cassette and CD. Karen Carpenter has one of the most beautiful voices of all time. Next was a Cher album! It is rare that I stumble across a Cher record, so this was a no brainer. I just had to have it. I love Cher so much. From her music to her movies and even her workout videos...Cher is a total icon. Another thrilling find was the Phonographic Album from The Brady Bunch! I am a huge Brady Bunch nerd, so this was a real delight. I own the complete Brady collection on DVD (which has the original series, all of the spin offs, movies, documentaries...everything) and my brother even gifted me a Cameo video from Barry Williams for my birthday this year. I love love love all things Brady. 

Christmas Music. I am a total Christmas fanatic. That is really no secret at this point. Whenever I find random holiday records at the thrift store...I love to take them home with me. I have quite a few random Christmas records that I adore. There are some with choirs and some with singers I have never heard of, but I love them all in their own special way. I found this Living Voices Sing Christmas Music record and purchased it for a couple of dollars. This record feels so cozy and warm. Somehow, it reminds me of my Christmas experiences when I was a child. It was such a special find. I plan to listen to it all year round.

Andy Williams. I was first introduced to Andy Williams by attending a Donny and Marie concert with my mom. (Though I didn't attend that concert as a fan of Donny and Marie, I left that concert with a new obsession. I've since seen them perform together and separately many times.) There was a part of their show that included clips from shows they had done as children with Andy Williams...and there was even a tribute song. So, I decided to learn more and see what his music was all about. I have many Andy Williams records in my collection at this point, but it seems I am always finding more. This time, I was able to snag Moon River and Other Great Movie Themes, Danny Boy and Other Songs I Love to Sing, Get Together With Andy Williams, Days of Wine and Roses. There are so many incredible songs! His voice is so warm. It just makes me feel safer somehow. 

Perry Como. Another fabulous voice that I just adore....Perry Como! It was an absolute goldmine for Perry Como records this time at the thrift store. I was able to find Season's Greetings, Perry Como Sings Merry Christmas Music, And I Love You So, Perry Como Sings Just For You, and Make Someone Happy. Honestly? All of these records are incredible. Of course, I love the two Christmas albums that I was able to find. Those really added to my happiness and joy over the holiday season - and literally right now, because I am currently listening to Perry Como Sings Merry Christmas Music as I write this. Other standouts include the song Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around The Old Oak Tree and Gone Is My Love. His voice just lights me up inside. 

There you have fabulous thrift store haul. It was such a delight to be able to find so many wonderful records for my collection. Music has always been so special to me. It has been my hiding place at times and my safe space at other times, but always a place of wonder and hope. Music has a way of expressing things that cannot be said. It has a way of creating connection. It matters to me. Many of the artists that I love most are no longer around or no longer make music, so it is always really wonderful to be able to expand my music collection and discover some new-to-me items. 

Do you have a record collection? What do you think of these thrift store finds?


  1. I loved thrift store , finding always great things...

    1. Definitely! It's always fun to find those treasures!

  2. What an incredible haul of records! David Cassidy and The Partridge Of Tourism are a trip down memory lane for me! xxx

  3. This body milk is absolutely perfect for winter, so much moisture for your skin.
    I love Hard Rock Café too, it's super fancy with all the music stuff on the walls and it's super delicious <3 I love this sweater too, it's so cute.
    It was really delicious, a perfect dessert for christmas time =)

    Nice haul =) There are so many classics, I love it. Christmas music from Living Voices sing would be my favourite.

    1. It's really great! I love a good Christmas record!

  4. Playing a record on a gramophone must really have that special something - I'd buy a gramophone if I had room to put it somewhere nice. <3

    1. It is so wonderful, especially because it allows me to listen to all sorts of different music.

  5. Nice choices! Thanks for sharing.
    Happy New Year!!

  6. Oh my gosh! This is such a great haul, Shannon! My youngest got a record player last year and is now really into vinyl collecting! We are trying to look for cheaper ways to increase her collection and will definitely be letting her know about going into more thrift stores to look into:) I can't believe the price of new vinyls...soooo crazeeeeee! She's really getting into Paul Anka for some reason so fingers crossed we find some when we go thrifting.
    Happy New Year to your and your family:))

    1. Oh, that is amazing! Definitely check out thrift stores and antique stores. The records there range between $2 and $10, whereas buying a new press can be between $40 and $80. I have some new prints, but not as many, because the prices are just wild! I hope you find some Paul Anka records while out and about!

  7. Bom dia e uma excelente quinta-feira. Podemos fazer compras maravilhosas em alguns brechós.

  8. Da sind wirklich tolle Raritäten dabei.LG Romy

    1. Definitely! I was thrilled with the items that I found!

  9. What a fantastic find at the thrift store! Seventeen new-to-you records, including a long-desired one—truly a musical jackpot. Life does feel more beautiful with a stack of records waiting to be played. By the way, check out my YouTube channel at Leave a comment, and if you subscribe, it's greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    1. It really was! Such a lovely experience! Thank you, will do <3


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