Friday, February 2, 2024

fashion obsession: lazypants fleece shackets

Sometimes, memories appear on my Facebook page or I will come across photos on my computer from years past. One thing is clear: my fashion choices have certainly changed! I used to wear a lot of cute blouses, dresses, and high heels. Though at my core, I am a t-shirt and jeans person, there was a time in my life when getting glam was a lot of fun for me. For special events, like a concert or a night out with friends, I would spend a lot of time and energy putting together the perfect outfit. Finding the perfect accessories. It was a wonderful form of self expression. I have to be honest...a lot changed for me when the COVID-19 pandemic happened. For starters, there was no leaving the house. No concerts, no seeing friends, no seeing family, no nothing. A few months into the pandemic, my job changed as well. I was fortunate enough to find my dream job, which involved writing, helping others, and working from home. Since I was now working from home and not leaving the house, slowly, I transformed into a human sweatpant. Though it is 2024 at this point, I haven't transitioned out of being a human sweatpant. Part of me misses those more glamorous looks...and part of me loves embracing comfort. I suppose it makes sense to meet in the middle somewhere. Until that happens, it only makes sense to highlight my current (oh-so-comfy) fashion obsession. 

Ta da! The aptly named Lazypants Women's Fleece Shacket has become my total fashion obsession. My parents bought a pink shacket for me last year and I loved it so much. This year? They bought me one in tan, burgundy, and forest green as well. Fall, winter, and will likely find me in one of these shackets. These are oversized, comfortable, warm, and are ideal for running from the car into a restaurant or heading out to run some errands. I love the different colours, the fit, the pockets on the front, and well, everything. Though these might look fairly basic, the shackets make me feel like my absolute best self. It sounds strange, but when I put one of these shackets on, I feel like a superhero throwing on my cape! Suddenly, I feel a little more confident. I stand a little taller. It doesn't even matter if I look good or not. What matters is that I feel good in these. 

Though there is part of me that is longing for past versions of myself...versions of myself that prioritized fashion over function...there is a something nice about wearing something simply for the way it makes me feel rather than the way it makes me look. In the months ahead, it would be nice to pull out some of those old dresses again and have a little more fun with style. However, it is also important that I start to accept and acknowledge this part of me: this human sweatpant side of me. 

The truth? I am not glamorous. I am not "that girl" that everyone wants to look like. I am not stylish. I am not cool. I am just...part human sweatpant and part glitter enthusiast. And maybe that's okay. Though these Lazypants Women's Fleece Shackets are simply cute shirt/jacket combos, they have somehow become something more to me. These shackets are a little mood boost, a little shot of confidence, and a reminder that it is okay for me to accept all the different parts of who I am. Even the parts of me that are lazy, craving comfort, and the opposite of glamorous. As I try to discover (or maybe re-discover) my sense of style, at least there are warm, comfortable, and colourful shackets to make me feel at ease. Whether you are ultra stylish or are currently embracing your sweatpant era, here is hoping that 2024 is a year full of fabulousness. 

What fashion items have been making you smile lately? What do you think of these shackets?


  1. Seems so comfy , thanks for your sharing

  2. Although I get the comfort factor of being, in your words, a human sweatpant, I get so much joy from dressing up and assembling the perfectly accessorized outfits. Yes, I even did it during the pandemic! Those "shackets" are rather cute, though! xxx

    1. I love that you do! Seeing your outfits brings me so much joy. I love how intentional you are and how much love you put into each and every outfit. You are a true inspiration <3

  3. I love the range of colours you have! I feel so much that my fashion likes and dislikes changed with the pandemic - I always had a pretty casual style before but I think it's really casual now. No shakets though, it's a bit hot for such things here. But I feel like a kimono is my warm weather equivalent - throw it over anything and I feel more pulled together! :)

    1. Yes! The pandemic changed a lot in terms of fashion and style. I guess my shackets are my cold weather version of your beautiful kimonos...though yours are so elegant and beautiful!

  4. I am totally loving these shackets, Shannon! How awesome that you got them in different colours:) And I totally understand what you are talking about. When I used to work in an office, I was always so done up and never wore flats. Now, I only wear heels on special occasions! Oh how the mighty have fallen:D
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

    1. I totally understand! It's so hard to want to dress up like that these days. I much prefer being comfortable!

  5. Fleece shakets wow whats not to love, like tailored snuggies! The colors here are super pretty and look super luxe.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Oh my gosh, tailor snuggies is the perfect description!

  6. Thanks a lot =) It's really nice to get discounts on orders.
    Thank you =) I love my new Hoodie, it's so comfortable <3 And I like all my new stuff.
    Oh yes everything is great and today I will try the white eyeliner when I'm going to eat in an Italian restaurant with friends. Sheet masks are always nice =)
    Thanks, that's really cute from you <3 Yes the lunch buffet wasn't that good but the breakfast was amazing, so it's not that terrible xD

    Great post =) Oh wow this fleece shackets look all so soft and comfortable, I would wear them too. And the colours are great, I like them =)

    1. Thank you! They are so comfortable and I love all of the different colours.

  7. Boa tarde de domingo e bom início de semana. Dicas maravilhosas, minha querida amiga.


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