Monday, February 19, 2024

r.e.m. beauty week (smitten kitten eyeshadow palette)

r.e.m. beauty has officially launched in Canada. This is a brand that is of interest to me, because I really like Ariana Grande. (Both her music and her fragrances.) With products available at certain Shoppers Drug Mart locations, it was time to check out what was on offer. Though an awful lot was tempting...three items came home with me. Two were holiday themed sets and one was an eyeshadow palette. This week on Mansa Fashion. the posts are dedicated to these new r.e.m. beauty products. That's right! Another theme week has arrived. There will be a post about the Galactic Frost Limited Edition Metallic Eye Set and a post about the Naughty and Iced Limited Edition Cheek and Lip Set in the days to come. For now, it is time to kickstart this theme week by focusing on the r.e.m. beauty Midnight Shadows Eyeshadow Palette in Smitten Kitten. 

There is something so interesting about the r.e.m. beauty eyeshadow palette design. The retro future style instantly makes this stand out from other eyeshadow palettes out the best possible way. I love the shape of the palette and the sleek silver colour. In the past, I was able to find the Gogo Boots Eyeshadow Palette while on a trip to the USA and really enjoyed it. So, it was extra exciting to have the opportunity to try out another eyeshadow palette from the brand, Smitten Kitten.

There are six eyeshadow shades in all, but Smitten Kitten is a lot more neutral than the Gogo Boots release. (That one had purple and teal. So fun!) It has Crush (matte peachy pink), Hit Send (metallic warm bronze), Next (deep matte brown), Love Bite (metallic burgundy rose), Flirt (metallic icy pink), and All Nighter (black with pink shimmer). The colour story is really gorgeous. Everything is so warm and romantic! As for the quality, some of these shadows perform better than others. For instance, Flirt, that metallic icy pink, is gorgeous and looks beautiful layered over the Crush, the matte peachy pink. I also really love the metallic warm bronze, Hit Send. The misses for me are Next and All Nighter. Though the swatches are ultra pigmented, those particular shadows don't perform as well with a brush. I just wanted those shadows to have a little more oomph. 

The Midnight Shadows Eyeshadow Palette in Smitten Kitten is decent. I like the design of the palette, the colour story, and a lot of the shadows. However, not all of the shadows performed as I would have hoped. Especially the shade, Next. It looks incredible in the palette and swatches well, but when it is actually applied to the lid, it kind of blends away to not a whole lot. That was disappointing, for sure, especially since there are only six shadows to work with here. Though I like the palette, this is not as impressive as the Gogo Boots Eyeshadow Palette that I tried previously. Smitten Kitten is pretty, but not perfect. 

Have you tried any of the r.e.m. beauty eyeshadow palettes? What do you think of this makeup look?


  1. Oh yes Barbie is always nice <3 I have many friends with a Nintendo Switch and they're all happy with it. Perfect for gaming in your bed :D

    Great post, this eyeshadow palette looks unspectacular but the colours are nice for everyday. I like your make up look, so cute.

    1. Thanks a lot =) It was all really delicious =)

    2. You're right. It's definitely an everyday kind of palette!

  2. These look so beautiful, the color palette options look nice.

  3. So cool it is in Canada and Smitten Kitten I would buy it just for the name. What a lovely shades. Love the look here you created.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Yes, I'm so glad it is available here now! Thank you!

  4. I didn't even know you can get this line in Canada! Thanks for the heads up, Shannon:) And thanks for the honest review as always. I will for sure try this line, but maybe not this palette, although your FOTD using it was fab as always:) You make it all work!

    1. It was released here pretty recently! So, definitely exciting! Let me know if you end up trying anything from the brand!

  5. I'm sorry to hear that some of the eyeshadow shades are a bit disappointing. Still, I'm loving the look you created and the contrast with the pale lips is just gorgeous! xxx

  6. The packaging looks very nice!
    have a great week,

  7. It's exciting to hear about the launch of r.e.m. beauty in Canada, especially for fans of Ariana Grande like yourself!

  8. You are very honest in your posts. One sees the swabs and might think what a great palette but after reading the article one starts to see the full image. Well, not all products are perfect this is why I love review and testers. Always trust your fellow blogger friend that is willing to share and tell the truth.

    1. As a makeup lover, it is super important to be honest about the different products. My goal is to help anyone reading get a better idea of how the products really perform. Thank you so much for your comment! <3


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