Wednesday, February 28, 2024

review: elf 16 hr camo concealer

Finding a good concealer is difficult. Finding a good concealer to replace an old favourite? Even more difficult. I absolutely adore the Hard Candy Glamoflauge Full Coverage Concealer, but it is becoming harder and harder for me to find. At the stores around me, the Hard Candy displays have either been removed or reduced, and there are rarely a lot of products to choose from. I stock up whenever it is possible to do so, but I never know whether it will or will not be available. Talk about frustrating! My husband suggested I try something from another brand so I have a different option, should the Glamoflauge Full Coverage Concealer not be available. After browsing the displays at the drugstore, it was the Elf 16 Hr Camo Concealer that I decided to purchase. How does it compare? And is it a viable alternative for my beloved Hard Candy concealer? Keep reading to find out...

According to the brand, the Elf 16 Hr Camo Concealer is "a crease resistant liquid concealer that provides a matte finish and full coverage for up to 16 hours." It is full coverage, matte, and has a large doe foot applicator. Additionally, the product is suitable for combination, dry, and oily skin types. What I really like about this particular concealer is the fact that undertones are considered. There are options for all sorts of different undertones, which makes it possible to find a good match. One of the reasons I love the Hard Candy concealer is because it matches me well and offers full coverage. Thankfully, with the different undertones available, the same can be said for the Elf concealer. So many times, face products have the wrong undertone or oxidize as time passes. The Elf 16 Hour Camo Concealer is a match for me and it stays that way all day long. I chose the shade Fair Rose, which is described as fair with pink undertones. There are 24 options available, so Elf offers a decent shade range. 

The Elf 16 Hr Camo Concealer colour is a match and looks similar to the Hard Candy Glamoflauge Full Coverage Concealer, but how does the product itself perform? It is also similar to the Hard Candy concealer, though there are some slight differences. The coverage level is close to the same, but more of the Elf product is needed to achieve the finished look. The consistency is also a little bit thicker. That being said, this product works really well and is similar enough to the Hard Candy Glamoflauge Full Coverage Concealer that it will be what I reach for whenever it is difficult (or impossible) to find my usual favourite. 

Have you tried the Elf 16 Hr Camo Concealer? What concealer do you reach for most often?


  1. Nice review =) I didn'ty try any Elf product before. But this concealer sounds really nice. It's really hard to find the perfect shade for your skin, so it's nice to have a match.

    1. Sorry my comment wasn't ready xD
      That's really nice.

      Oh yes this is a really nice body oil =) I love it. You're welcome.
      Thanks a lot <3 Oh yes the Minions cake was super cute and delicious. Thanks I like my new stuff too =)

  2. Thanks vor the review. In Austria we also had until before two years e.l.f. cosmetics. I really like their products.

  3. Solche Produkte nutze ich unheimlich gern, die Marke hatte ich allerdings noch nicht in Gebrauch. LG Romy

  4. Elf is a pretty good brand, I've tried some of its products too!
    Have to find that concealer, it inspires me a lot!

  5. I know it's hard to find a replacement for a favourite product, and it's often a case of trial and error. I think you definitely nailed it with this product, and I'm sure it's a relief to know there's an alternative should your favourite no longer be available! xxx

    1. Definitely! It's a relief to have found something that works!


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