Monday, February 12, 2024

review: pixi + hello kitty glow tonic

What is it about Hello Kitty? This iconic character is beloved around the world. Created in the mid-70s, her popularity never seems to wane. Even today, it is common to see this adorable cartoon on everything from backpacks to t-shirts, purses, buttons, shoes, and even beauty products. An example of the latter is the Pixi + Hello Kitty Glow Tonic. Since I happen to adore Hello was impossible for me to resist this themed product. And since my skin has needed some extra attention lately, it was a win-win situation. Ready to find out how this adorable Glow Tonic performs? Here is everything you need to know.

Truth be told, the packaging makes me positively giddy. As I mentioned, Hello Kitty is high on my list of loves. Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved that cartoon cat. In fact, I have fond memories of watching the television show and wearing all sorts of Hello Kitty merchandise. (This is true even as an adult. I still have the Hello Kitty sneakers shown here.) Clearly, this character is special to me and to a lot of other people in the world. No wonder the Glow Tonic packaging is so thrilling. The light green bottle topper is shaped like Hello Kitty and there is a little Hello Kitty design on the product label. Skin care is not usually all that exciting to look at, so it is nice to have something that looks so adorable. It makes the skin care routine feel more fun! 

According to the brand, the Pixi + Hello Kitty Glow Tonic contains aloe vera, ginseng, and botanical extracts. It is also formulated with 5% glycolic acid. It is supposed to exfoliate, brighten, and smooth the skin, as well as add a glow to the skin. It is suitable for all skin types, not tested on animals, and paraben-free. My experience with the product has been positive so far. It has been included in my skin care routine for the last several weeks. Though I haven't noticed a dramatic shift in my skin...this has certainly made it appear less dull. (Always a good thing during the winter months.) It has also made my skin feel softer and smoother to the touch. What do I like about the Glow Tonic? The cute packaging, the fact that my skin feels smoother, and lastly, the smell of the product. I'm not exactly sure how to describe the scent, but it is light and refreshing. It makes me feel pampered and soothed. The Pixi + Hello Kitty Glow Tonic is a product that I will happily continue to use. It is quick and easy to add to my skin care routine and makes me feel good. Here is hoping it will continue to benefit my skin.

Have you tried any of the Pixi skin care products? Are you a fan of Hello Kitty themed items?


  1. That packaging is absolutely delightful, and I'm glad your experience with this product has been positive so far! xxx

  2. So cute package, thanks for your sharing

  3. Sounds really good and i adore the packaging.

  4. Nice review =) This product looks so cute, I love the packaging. And the glow tonic sounds nice, especially when you feel pampered and soothed.

  5. I am always tempted to buy anything with Hello Kitty! I love the review! Have a great week!
    PerlaGiselle |

  6. Such cute packaging and the product also sounds good. :)

  7. That packaging is so adorable! I have used the Pixi Glow Tonic before but not the special Hello Kitty version :)


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