Friday, March 1, 2024

recent non-beauty favourites (movies, books, television shows)

A new month is here...and that thrills me. January and February were both challenging. I had the January blues and that continued on to become the February blues. However, this is the first day of March and spring is right around the corner. There are also some exciting things ahead for me this month. So, I am focusing on all things good, which is why this post is dedicated to recent non-beauty favourites. These are some of the books, movies, and television shows that have brought me joy lately.

Movie: One More Time. I recently watched "One More Time" on the Roku Channel and loved it so much that I immediately ordered a DVD copy. It is essentially about a dysfunctional family where the father is a famous crooner obsessed with holding onto his fame and status. It focuses on how his actions have impacted his daughters. One reacts to his choices by being stable and structured, while the other struggles to put down roots and feel secure. It is a powerful movie, but doesn't feel too heavy handed either. The cast was impressive and I loved the musical moments. This is definitely one to add to your watch list.

Books: Louise Hay and Sue Minix. Some other favourites are a few recent reads. The first is "I Can Do It," by Louse Hay. As I mentioned, the January blues and February blues were in full effect, so I was trying all sorts of things to pull myself out of that state. This is a book of positive affirmations that I have read a few times before, but it is nice to come back to whenever I am feeling low. It really did the trick and reciting the positive affirmations made me feel so much better. It just put a lot of things into perspective and gave me hope for the days and weeks ahead. The second recent read is a book called, "Murder at the Bookstore," by Sue Minix. This is a book that my husband gifted me for Christmas (along with the next in the series) and I absolutely loved it. This cozy murder mystery was action packed and the main character was fantastic. I loved her sass! 

Television Shows: Love Is Blind and Terrace House. At this point, the only reason I have a Netflix account is to watch reality television shows. The first is Love Is Blind. I recently watched Love Is Blind Sweden, rewatched Love Is Blind Japan (the best one), and season six of Love Is Blind USA. I love all of the hope and all of the unknowns! Something else that I have started is Terrace House: Boys and Girls In The City. After my Love Is Blind Japan rewatch, my suggestions were all Japanese reality television shows, so I decided to start with the first season of Terrace House. It is kind of a mix between Big Brother and The Real World. I find it fascinating! I like to see how people interact with one another. There are a lot of episodes and a few different seasons available, so this is one show that I will be watching an awful lot of over the next little while. 

What have you been watching or reading lately? Be sure to share your favourites below!


  1. Thanks for your sharing have a lovely spring...

  2. Boa tarde de sexta-feira e bom final de semana. Obrigado pela excelente matéria. Aproveito para desejar um excelente mês de março.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful month <3

  3. I can do it sounds interesting, thank you for sharing this book. Happy weekend!

  4. Yes my february was really good =) It was busy but so much fun. But I think my march will be a little bit more relaxing :D

    Great post =) The movie "One More Time" sounds really interesting. And the series "Love Is Blind" sounds also nice. Thanks for your recommendations.

  5. Thank you for sharing your recent favorites, and here's to a month filled with positivity, joy, and exciting adventures ahead! By the way, don't forget to check out my new blog post!

    1. Thank you so much! I am wishing the same things for you!

  6. Ah One More Time sounds good, I don't have Roku wonder if it is streaming anywhere else. Murder at the Bookstore looks like a fun read. Love is Blind sounds like a fun guilty pleasure for sure!

    Leanne Thompson of

  7. Sorry to hear you had the winter blues. I hope spring will bring you lots of happiness! WOW I didn't even know Love Is Blind had more than 1 season... Am I living under a rock or what?? Iol

    1. Thank you very much! The seasons of Love Is Blind seem to come out faster and faster these days!

  8. As a fellow sufferer of the January - and February - blues, I'm glad to hear that not only you've found things to bring you joy, you've also got some exciting things to look forward to this month! xxx

    1. It is almost officially hopefully everything will turn around!

  9. I understand winter blues in general.. I'm counting the days for the summer, my energy is so low in winter time! About the favourites, those books seem interesting, I'll look for them. I'm currently reading The Vampire by John Polidori and I'm loving it, its' super short though, but it's great. About music I'm obsessed with the song "Wild West" by Bashar Murad (it's pop, I usually preffer rock and metal but this song is really good, it has an elegant sound which I find very catchy). And about Netflix I watched an interesting new documentary called We Are What We Eat and I loved it, very nice to watch!

    1. I hope your energy increases now that spring is on the way! Oh that sounds like a really interesting read! I'll have to check out some of your recommendations!

  10. I've heard so many great things about Terrace House! I must really watch it:) And Love is Blind Japan too:D
    Hope you're having a lovely Sunday, Shannon:)

  11. January and February have been months of vacation and beach for me, although the excess heat also took its toll on me, I also had the flu a couple of times and it was difficult for me to update my blog, I have been more active on my social networks, I hope May March allow me to update the entries. The books caught my attention, especially the one on affirmations.

    1. Oh goodness! I'm so sorry to hear that you have been under the weather! I hope the spring season will treat you well <3


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