Wednesday, May 1, 2024

why i stopped being 'nice'

I used to describe myself as nice. I try so hard to be nice. It's important that I be nice. I don't do that anymore, largely because I am not interested in being nice. To be 'nice' in our society means not speaking out, not ruffling feathers, not pushing back on the status quo. It means cramming yourself into a box to make others comfortable. It means losing part of who you are. 

Countless times in my life, I have been nice to people. People who insulted me, people who made offensive comments, people who were cruel, people who went out of their way to make the world a terrible place. Why was I nice to them? Social conditioning, of course, but also because loved ones would ask me to 'be nice' or pre-emptively request that I not react to someone they knew would say something rude. Somewhere along the line, I started to wonder why I agreed to any of this. Why I bit my tongue. Why I was nice for so long to people who were anything but kind, thoughtful, or considerate. 

I have changed a lot in the last several years. My child-like innocence, wonder, and hope vanished after watching an endless parade of selfishness, stupidity, and abuse occur on the world stage. The person I used to be seems to disappear bit by bit, but I realize that while I am losing, I am also gaining. I know so much more than I did before. I am also so much better than I was before. Though part of me misses believing that good wins over evil and that all human beings are capable of decency, another part of me is grateful to know the truth so I can try to make positive changes. One such positive change: not being nice anymore. That isn't to say that I am out and about in the world behaving terribly, but it does means that I match the energy I am given. It means that when someone says something that does not align with my core values, I respond, because my feelings are valid, too. It means worrying less about making other people comfortable and worrying more about doing the right thing. 

Today, I challenge you to stop being nice to people who abuse your kindness. Stop being nice to people who harm others. And stop being nice in the face of cruelty. Not everyone is owed nice. Remember: you can be a light in this world without shoving yourself into a box you were never meant to fit into. So, learn, grow, and do what is right, even if you aren't nice about it. 


  1. This is a great post, very well written.
    I like the scene in Madrigals where Isabel gets angry and cacti grow instead of flowers.

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. You are making me want to rewatch Encanto! <3

  2. Kudos to you for your principals, integrity and bravery!
    The world would be much worse off than it is if it were not for people like you.
    You are an inspiration. Thank you for your advocacy!

    1. I just want to thank you for your kindness. You always say such thoughtful and kind things and it is so so appreciated. Thank you for being such a light in this world <3

  3. The hearts on the toilet paper are really cute, I like them. Thanks a lot =) Oh yes I can't wait to make a nice make up look with that two products.

    Really nice post and I absolutely agree with you <3 Don't be nice to people who don't deserve it.

    1. Absolutely! It's hard to break away from that conditioning, but I'm really trying.

  4. Totally agree with you!
    I can fully relate myself in what you wrote here, and I went to your same conclusion: stop being nice with those who abuse of your kindness!
    At start is pretty hard since you someway feel guilty for not being "nice enough" as they teched you for years, but with time it totally worth it!

    1. It is such a hard thing to do! Especially dealing with the guilt that has been taught to so many of us. <3

  5. I'm totally with you there, Shannon! I've quit being nice all the time a long time ago, as I've learned it doesn't get you anywhere. I'll be kind to people who deserve being kind to and definitely not to those who abuse your kindness! xxx

    1. You are spot on. Thank you for your comment and your understanding <3

  6. Boa tarde de quinta-feira, aproveito para desejar um excelente mês de maio, com muita paz e saúde. Integridade faz parte da nossa personalidade.

  7. I agree with you! We need to stop being nice to abusers. They don't deserve it

    1. Honestly! It is a shame we are conditioned to be kind even to those who mistreat us!

  8. I totally agree with you, not only because you wrote everything to explain as well as you could, but also because I've had the same problem FOR YEARS. Standing up for yourself and setting healthy boundaries is so much more important than being nice and I don't care who gets offended by it.

    1. I hate that you've dealt with this, too. It's so difficult to set those boundaries and not fall into the social norms!


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