testing out cheetos inspired nail polish

Themed makeup? Why not themed nail polish? One of my friends came across the Taste Beauty x Cheetos Flamin’ Hot nail polish duo recently and very kindly gifted it to me. I could not wait to try it out for myself. Not only have I been using the Cheetos themed eyeshadow palette lately, but the nail polish colours looked really fun. This set has two polishes and some themed nail decals. Ready to take a closer look? Keep reading for a review of this Cheetos inspired nail set. 

This nail polish set from Taste Beauty comes with two different nail polishes (one colour and one glitter-esque add on) and two small sheets of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos inspired nail decals. I like the variety of items that are included in the set. The little flame nail decals are super cute and a nice little extra. As for the actual nail polishes, these went on well and dried quickly. I love the main colour. It is bright, vibrant, and really fun for summer. As for the glitter kind of add on, this was a real struggle. It looked cute in the bottle, but you had to dab on globs of nail polish for any of the orange circles to show. And unfortunately, I really didn’t like the way the orange circles looked on the nails after all that. The second nail polish was such a disappointment! 

The good news? I really like the colour of the main nail polish. It is so vibrant in person. The bad news? The nail polish started chipping the very next day. And it chipped absolutely everywhere. I was leaving little flecks of Cheetos coloured nail polish all over the house. On my keyboard, near the sink, on the floor, on the couch….you name it. The formula is clearly not very good. Such a letdown, because the colour is fantastic and I love the theme. I’m so grateful that my friend was kind enough to gift me this themed nail polish set, even if it didn’t perform the way I would’ve liked. It was fun to test it out at any rate. 





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