Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

affirmations and makeup (ashley strong x morphe affirmation magic)

January is a time of renewal but also of transition. It can be difficult to shift from that go-go-go holiday mindset back to the pace of everyday life. Thankfully, there are ways to address the transition. For some, that means writing out a list of New Year's Resolutions. For others, that means making plans with friends and family members. For me? It involves lots and lots of positive affirmations. After all, what better way to start off a new year than with a healthy dose of positivity? So far this month, it has been a little difficult for me to get back into the groove. My focus is off and I am still dreaming of the magical holiday moments from December. But there are affirmations to help welcome in the positive and focus my mind on all the good things that life has to offer. What does this have to do with makeup? I have been reaching for the Ashley Strong x Morphe Affirmation Magic Artistry Palette a lot lately. In fact, when I found this affirmations inspired eyeshadow palette, it was intentionally set aside so I could lean on it once January rolled around. I wanted to make sure that I started the new year on the right foot. 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

journal prompts and affirmations for the fall season.

Ahh...the crisp fall air. There is truly nothing like it. What could be better than a morning walk with a warm sweater while the leaves change colour? Autumn is special. No doubt about it! Since this is such a wonderful time of year, it is important to take a moment to appreciate it all. Something that I like to do as one season shifts to another is journal and recite targeted affirmations. This can really put things in perspective, make it easier to set goals, and ensure that your mindset is positive. Here are a few journal prompts and fall-themed affirmations to make sure this season is fabulous from beginning to end.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

the five most important things to do before the end of spring.

There is still time to savor spring and all of the beauty that comes with it. The last day of the season is just under a month away...which means right now is the perfect time to focus on all the seasonal offerings connected to this time of year. Are there a few tasks you've been putting off lately? Maybe a bit of spring cleaning or taking care of your garden? Are you feeling a little unsure about your wardrobe as you prepare to transition from one season to another? Let me be your guide! Yes, it is time to take a look at five of the most important things to do before the end of the spring season. 

Monday, May 2, 2022

positive affirmations to start the month off right

May is no ordinary month. Named after the Greek goddess, Maia, this month is all about flowers in bloom, warmer weather, and new beginnings. Maybe last month felt challenging or you have a bit of anxiety about the days ahead. This is the perfect time to refocus your mind. Positive affirmations are one way to do just that! Affirmations are positive statements, which are said either aloud or in your head. These statements make it possible to overcome limiting beliefs, can shift your mindset, boost your mood, and increase confidence levels. With a new month just beginning, it is more important than ever to welcome in the positive. Ready to start the month off right? Here are some positive affirmations to incorporate into each and every May day. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

inspired by netflix: get organized with the home edit

Anyone else watching "Get Organized with The Home Edit" on Netflix? When the first season premiered, it was quickly added to my watch list. Before I knew it, Clea and Joanna had reorganized closets, kitchens, bedrooms, and everything in between. Recently, the second season was added to the streaming service. This time, the professional organizers weren't heading to random storage stores for containers...they had created their own. Well, it only took a quick online search to find out where the containers were being sold. And that is how my spring cleaning started this year. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

recent self care beauty favourites (february 2022)

When it comes to beauty, the fun stuff always makes me happiest. Blush, eyeshadow, lipstick. Things that are colourful and transformative! The every day items, like moisturizer and hair care stuff never seems to thrill me in the same way. Those are the needs. Fun and colourful makeup? Those are the wants and the wants are always more appealing. Despite this...I have been focused on different aspects of self care lately. Last month, my goal was to make time to pamper myself in small ways. Even though my schedule was busy and my to-do lists were seemingly endless, it was important to prioritize those little moments. Today, I thought that I would share some of my recent self care beauty favourites. 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

planner review: fringe 2022 weekly and monthly agenda

When it comes to takes time to find the perfect one. The last few years, the planner has been my must-have. It checks off all of the boxes and then some. It is a substantial size, has rings down the side, comes with art and colouring pages, stickers, note pages, and has lots of room to write down my daily to-do list. I love absolutely everything about it. Except how difficult it can be to find. Last year, my husband ended up paying a lot for the planner and even more for shipping. What used to be easily accessible was suddenly not so accessible. Which is why I decided to branch out a little bit. I was open to using a different planner, as long as it still checked off the boxes. That is how the Fringe 2022 Weekly and Monthly Agenda came into the picture. It was similar enough and ridiculously accessible. Not to mention affordable. Let's take a closer look...

Friday, November 19, 2022

five indoor fall activities to add to your to do list

The weather is starting to cool and that means more time will be spent indoors over the next little while. That doesn't mean you need to give up on fun! There are plenty of fall activities that can be done from the comfort of your home. Whether you want to be social, relax and unwind, or add a new hobby to your to do list...there are countless possibilities. Are you ready to make the most of the season? Here are five indoor fall activities you'll want to make time for. 

Saturday, November 13, 2022

affirmation card deck review: affirmators!

I love a good affirmation. Several years ago, the work of Louise Hay entered my life, and it radically changed the way that I saw the world. She believed that thoughts had power and that negative thoughts could be changed. All my life, my thoughts had defaulted to the negative. Even if something wonderful didn't take long for those negative thoughts to creep in and take over once again. Simply understanding that my thoughts could be changed, that my thoughts did not define my worth, and that it was possible to plant seeds of positivity, altered my direction. I began using positive affirmations to shift my mindset. Some days, it worked. Other days, it did nothing at all. But over time, there was subtle movement. Sure, negative and fearful thoughts still popped into my head, but when they did, I could remind myself: it is only a thought and a thought can be changed. Knowing that affirmations are extremely important to me, my friend gifted me a set of affirmation cards for my birthday. Are you ready to take a look at the Affirmators! card deck? Find out what they are like? Here goes...

Friday, June 4, 2022

the rise of CBD in skin care, makeup, and hair care products

Beauty lovers, rejoice! There is a new trend making waves in the industry and it is infiltrating skin care, cosmetics, and hair care brands. What is it? CBD. That's right...CBD oil isn't just gaining traction for issues related to pain management and anxiety. It is taking over everything from the fashion and fitness industry (there are actually CBD-infused workout clothes that claim to reduce soreness) to all things beauty. There is a solid reason for this: CBD is on the rise. Studies indicate that the CBD market could become a $20 billion industry by 2024. Given the amount of CBD inspired or infused beauty products currently lining the shelves? That doesn't seem like a far-fetched estimate. Are you wondering whether CBD beauty products are actually worth checking out? Here is a breakdown of this unusual yet undeniable beauty trend. 

Friday, March 12, 2022

does it work?? saje peppermint halo headache remedy

Headaches happen. This is the unfortunate reality for many of us. Some people deal with painful migraines, others have the occasional headache, a tension or stress related headache, or even barometric pressure headaches. My headaches tend to be linked to changes in the weather. Which means, they don't happen all the time...but they do occur every now and then. For instance, when the seasons were shifting between fall and winter, it was a real struggle. Especially this year! The temperatures went up and down, up and down, up and down. There was no real consistency and it seriously impacted my day-to-day life. My best friend struggles with migraines and has always raved about the Saje Peppermint Halo Headache Remedy. It was something that I planned to look into but never did. For Christmas this year, she gifted me one. This was such a thoughtful gift. One that has come in handy a few times already! Ready to find out more? And see if it really works? Here goes...

Tuesday, February 16, 2022

current favourites for mindfulness and self care

Life these days can be stressful. There are so many unknowns. There is so much uncertainty. No wonder the world of self care has become more noteworthy than ever before. On the plus side, resources are absolutely everywhere. From books to apps to streaming services and everything in between. It has never been easier to look within. Need a few suggestions? Or a solid jumping off point? Here are a few of my current favourites for mindfulness. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

early fall favourites (books, candles, nails, and makeup)

Sometimes, the little things matter most. That is certainly true these days! It is the small joys in life that make me happiest lately. Especially since the world has changed so much in the last six or seven months. It seems that everything is upside down....but at least there are small comforts. Like the beginning of fall, the return of sweater weather, and a few recent favourites. As you can see from the picture above, lots of things are bringing me comfort at the moment. There are books, decor pieces, scented candles, nail polish strips, and shimmery beauty items. Ready to find out more about these early fall comforts? Here is everything you need to know about these recent favourites.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

five wardrobe essentials that never go out of style

Let’s be honest: trends are fun. Each season, there are fresh new trends to try out. This can make it extra tempting to buy new things and stuff your wardrobe full of disposable, trendy items. While trends can be a lot of fun, it is important to have classic items in your closet as well. Those classic pieces will last a whole lot longer than the flavour of the month (or season). Is it time to whip your wardrobe into shape? Don't worry. It isn't so hard. All you need to do is add in some essential pieces and be thoughtful about those trendier purchases. Need a little help? Here are five wardrobe essentials that never go out of style. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

five journal tips to help you get started

There are many benefits to keeping a journal. Whether it is a traditional spiral notebook, a bullet journal, or a journal with lists or daily can be good for the soul. Some of the most noteworthy journaling benefits include: organizing your thoughts, working through difficult emotions, reducing stress and anxiety, feeling more in touch with yourself, and boosting creativity. Do you journal? Or have you wanted to get started? It can feel a little overwhelming to commit to something that requires regular participation. However, it doesn't have to feel like a burden or obligation. There are many ways to get started and pursue the art of journaling. Here are five tips and tricks that will help you every step of the way.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

mickey and minnie charmed aroma candles (review + reveal)

It is no secret. I am a Disney fanatic. So many of my happiest memories involve Disney in one way or another. From seeing a movie for the first time when I was a kid (it was The Little Mermaid, for the record) to my Cinderella themed wedding to Disney trips, movie nights, and decades of love, hope, and happiness...Disney is a part of me. Which is why the release of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse candles from Charmed Aroma was so exciting. Lucky for me, my mom is an ever bigger Disney fanatic than I am. She was ready to buy those candles the second they were released! And extra lucky for me, she gifted me a pair of them. Want to find out how the candles look? Smell? What was inside? Here is everything you need to know....

Friday, June 19, 2020

life hacks for your next night out

It’s Friday night and you are ready to take over the city. Well, sort of. Though the world has been at a standstill lately, things are slowly getting back on track. Bit by bit, little by little, things are opening up and we are diving headfirst into our new normal. What will that look like? How will things change? A lot of information is still up in the air. While we are in this in between of is nice to think about the future. About making plans, going out, and having fun. Perhaps that is why my mind has been on nights out with friends. Of getting glam, splurging, and having a fabulous time. With any night out there is always an unexpected mishap or two that threatens to ruin it all. Not this time. I am planning ahead! From getting ready to making lasting memories, these life hacks are guaranteed to improve that next night out. Whenever it may happen.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

four tips to get (and stay) organized this spring

Be honest. Have you started spring cleaning yet? This time of year is synonymous with elbow grease, de-cluttering, and starting fresh…but many of us put off the tradition for as long as humanly possible. (Despite all of the hours, days, and weeks many of us spent in quarantine.) Stop procrastinating! Getting and staying organized is easier than you think. With a bit of planning and creativity, your space will make even the biggest neat freak jealous. Just keep these handy tips and tricks in mind.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

tips to eat healthier this winter

Brr! It sure is cold out there. The worst part? It seems to be getting colder by the minute. The winds have picked up and we have had more than a handful of snowfalls. Yes, we are smack dab in the middle of winter. Which is why so many of us tend to stay indoors. Free time is often spent watching endless Netflix marathons rather than heading outdoors to deal with the elements. During those streaming marathons? There may be some unhealthy comfort foods sitting nearby. (It’s okay. This happens to the best of us. Especially during the winter months.) If all of the binge-watching and binge-eating is making you feel kind of blah, don't worry. All you need to do is mix things up. Here are a few different ways to eat healthier this winter.

Friday, January 3, 2020

fashionable winter workout wear.

I always find it easier to work out in the winter. Sure, bikini season is long over….but the temperatures outside are perfect for a good run. Plus, most of us spend an awful lot more time indoors during the chillier months. That means crunches, squats, and weight lifting. Sure, outdoor activities are easier to do during those perfect summer days, but there is plenty to do both inside and outside in wintertime, too. It just means tweaking your workout routine.

Since I tend to workout more regularly in the wintertime, I thought it was time to talk workout wear. When the weather is nice, I tend to stick with a pair of shorts and a breathable tank top. This time of year? It’s a little bit different. Rather than choosing whatever won’t get in the way, it is important to think about warmth. Especially if you plan to go for a jog or do some power walking outside. It’s essential to find a balance between staying warm and not sweating to death. Thankfully, there are an awful lot of great workout clothes that can help. These are some of my favourites…..

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