Showing posts with label introductions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label introductions. Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2023

twelve years of Mansa Fashion.

When Mansa Fashion. first started, the idea was to create a place that was positive and focused on the beautiful things in the world. After all, there was so much hurt and pain out there already...I needed a space that prioritized positivity. Twelve years later and Mansa Fashion. is still largely dedicated to love and light. I often talk about makeup, fashion, movies, music, holidays, accessories, and anything else that inspires me. However, I recognize now that I can't hide from the realities of the world that we live in. There are times when the not-so-beautiful aspects of life peek through. That is why I have added a list of organizations that offer support and resources on the sidebar (or you can click here) and that is why I am trying to be a little more vulnerable in my blog posts. Mansa Fashion. has long been my safe space and a constant in my life. I want it to continue to be those things, while still acknowledging important societal issues. I care deeply about learning more, being an ally, and standing for what is right. You may have noticed a shift in some of my posts already and that might happen more as time passes. One example? Makeup is one of the ways that I express my creativity, but the makeup world is not always beautiful. In future, I would love to write about brands that I no longer recommend that I might have in the past. (Like Milani Cosmetics. I strongly suggest you avoid supporting such an unethical company. But more on that later.) 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

eleven years of Mansa Fashion.

Certain things make me proud. One example? Mansa Fashion. I have officially been running this beauty blog for eleven years. Though it seems impossible that so much time has passed since that very first blog post was published, it has been more than a decade. Time really flies! This blog has long been my creative outlet and the place online where I feel safe. It has been so meaningful to write about the things that I love and to connect with others. From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you to everyone who has visited this page, read my posts, and left a comment. I hope you know how grateful I am for all of the support. It is never something that goes unappreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Saturday, July 10, 2022

ten years of Mansa Fashion.

July 10th, 2011 was a milestone moment in my life. Only I didn't know it at the time. I had graduated from university and most of my days were spent working at a fast-food job. Though I was applying for an endless amount of freelance writing positions, no one would hire me without a published body of work. So...I started Mansa Fashion. It was a way to show potential employers what I could do, but it was also a place for me to channel my creative energy. The decision to start a beauty-focused blog was a good one: it completely changed my life for the better. Today is the ten year anniversary of Mansa Fashion. and this post is a celebration of everything that has happened here over the last decade.

Friday, July 10, 2020

nine years of Mansa Fashion.

You know what they say: time flies when you're having fun. It's hard to believe that I am already writing another blog anniversary post. It seems like only yesterday, I was celebrating that eight year milestone. However, today marks the nine year anniversary of my very first post here on Mansa Fashion. In that time, there have been a whopping 1675 posts related to all of the things that I find beautiful. That includes makeup, fashion, travel, fitness, photography, writing, and a number of other inspiring topics. This beauty blog has been my safe space and passion project for almost a decade....and I am so proud of everything it represents in my life.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

eight years of Mansa Fashion.

When I first opened the creation of  beauty is art. on July 10th, 2011....never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would still be writing, creating, and dreaming here in 2019. Originally, I opened this blog as a way to showcase my skills. I had just graduated from University (earning my Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Professional Writing with a minor in Creative Writing) and had absolutely no idea what to do next. I was applying for jobs but without an online body of work, it was difficult to get my foot in the door. So, feeling unsure about my future, I started this blog. That was eight years ago.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

seven years of Mansa Fashion.

My lucky number has always been seven. There is no rhyme or reason behind this choice...the number simply stands out to me. Seeing as seven is my lucky number, I am especially excited to be celebrating seven years of Mansa Fashion. It is hard to believe that my very first post was published all of those years ago. Since then, this blog has seen me through some major life changes. From various writing jobs to getting married, this space has been my constant companion. As I take time to reflect today, I realize how incredibly proud I am of all the hard work and dedication that has gone into each and every post. (All 1255 of them!) To celebrate this special occasion in style, here is a little tag so you can get to know me better.

Monday, July 10, 2017

six years of Mansa Fashion.

I can still remember the day it all began. At the time, I was feeling kind of lost. I'd graduated from university with a writing degree....with no job prospects in sight. Turns out, people don't want to publish you unless you have already been published. It was a frustrating situation. So, I started a blog. That was the day Mansa Fashion. was born. It felt amazing to have a space to call my own. To write about whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. It was freeing. It made me remember why writing has always been my closest companion.

And now? It has been six years. Six years of blogging about makeup, fashion, beauty, music, travel, and all of the little things in life that inspire me. There have been a lot of exciting moments along the way. Like sharing more about myself, interviewing people I admire, testing out new products, sharing my thoughts, starting my YouTube channel, and interacting well fellow bloggers. This truly is my passion project - and I am so excited to celebrate this little milestone.

Thank you all for being here, for reading my posts, and for supporting this page. It continues to amaze me how wonderful you all are. Here is to another year of Mansa Fashion. 

xo Shannon

Sunday, July 10, 2016

celebrating five years of Mansa Fashion.

5 years. It has been 5 years since this blog started. What an exciting milestone. It is one that seemed so far off and impossible when it all began. Honestly? I had little to no expectations going into this. When I decided to create a beauty blog of my was out of a simple desire to express myself. I was a recent university graduate with no clue what would happen next. My writing career was in its infancy. So instead of waiting for someone else to publish me? I published myself. That is how Mansa Fashion. came to be.

It became a long-term passion project. Whether things were going well in my life or I was struggling to find my footing....the blog was always there for me. There were always posts to write. Products to review. Memories to capture. Yes, this little piece of the Internet has seen me through a lot of things. Through changes, joys, and fears. Through ups and downs. Every so often, I like to pause and look back. To re-read old posts. Instantly, I am transported to another moment in time. It feels nice.

With that in mind? I wanted to share a few of the highlights from the last 5 years.

Introduction Post - the things I find beautiful. 
Audrey Hepburn Makeup Tutorial. 
Makeup Haul - buying makeup is my addiction. 

Scott MacIntyre Interview - LEAP OF FAITH. 
Review: Red Apple Lipstick
Interview - makeupbysaz. 

Interview - Meet "Quickie Chick" Laurel House.
Christian Louboutin Exhibit - high heels are pleasure with pain.
Birthday Gift - I've spent my life alone in a room with a typewriter.

Beauty Face Off - stain off: benefit vs the balm.
Engagement Post - true love stories never have endings. 
Makeup Review - maybelline the nudes palette.

Starting a YouTube Channel - Mansa Fashion. on YouTube!
Bare Minerals Review - Part One and Part Two.
Demi Lovato Inspired Makeup Look. 

There have definitely been some highlights. Some blogging moments that I am especially proud of. The thing that makes me happiest? Seeing the way this blog has changed over the years. The way it has grown and evolved. One this is certain....I am proud of Mansa Fashion. 

Here is to looking back and looking forward.

xo Shannon

Friday, July 10, 2015

the best is yet to come.

Hi guys! Can you believe it? It has been almost a week since my last post. Even though I am still enjoying my honeymoon in Disney World (I have a few more days of bliss before returning home) I simply had to make a quick thank you post. Why? Today is the four year anniversary of Mansa Fashion. That's right. Four years ago, I wrote my very first blog post.

It is hard to believe. I can still remember that day so vividly. The way I labored over every word. The excitement, inspiration, and fear that ran through my body. I took a leap of faith that day....and it has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. Looking back? So much has changed since then. Both personally and in terms of my blog. I have interviewed people I admire, shared pieces of my life, and even started my own YouTube channel. 

I am so incredibly proud of this little blog. And so grateful to all of you for reading, commenting, and being a part of my life. I hope each and every one of you knows how much you have touched my life. Thank you for your support. It means more to me than I will ever be able to explain.

That is all! I simply couldn't let this day pass without showing my gratitude. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. I look forward to whatever Mansa Fashion. becomes in the future. I hope you all will stay with me as this journey continues.

How have you all been? How is your summer going? Let me know in the comments!

xo Shannon

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

birthdays are natures way of telling us to eat more cake.

It's hard to believe....but tomorrow will be my three year blog anniversary. That's right - Mansa Fashion. is turning three!

Since starting this blog, I have interviewed people, shared my thoughts on makeup, fashion, and celebrities, and have experienced plenty of new and exciting things. My life has changed a lot, but one thing remains the same: I love writing this blog. There is something so rewarding about having a place that is truly my own. It's amazing to connect to other beauty bloggers and broaden my horizons.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all for every comment, like, and share. Your support means the world to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


To celebrate the event, I thought this would be the perfect time to do the Confessions of a Blogger tag that was recently posted on Handpicked Beauty. Here goes!

When Did You Start Your Blog: 
I started my blog three years ago. I had this need to channel my passion for makeup, fashion, and beauty into something. At the same time, I had graduated from University and was struggling to find a job in the writing field. So, I decided to combing my passions and bam! Mansa Fashion. was born.

Have You Had Any Past Online Presence? (Other Blog, YouTube, etc.)
Somewhat. I briefly wrote another blog about music and entertainment, but I only posted on it a few times. As much as I love just didn't click with what I needed at the time.

Why Did You Start a Blog?
My love for makeup and fashion had blossomed and I needed a space to share my opinions, thoughts, and my journey. Having a blog of my own was the perfect place to do it. It allowed me to express myself and get creative.

When Did You Become Serious About Starting a Blog?
I'm not sure! I think as I continued to write and started to carve out my own little space on the Internet, it became more serious to me. I started posting on a schedule, trying out new things, and really pushing myself. It just sort of happened naturally over time.

What Was Your First Post?
This one here. It was my introduction to the fashion world! Even today, reading that post makes me smile.

What Has Been Your Biggest Challenge With Blogging?
Time. There are certain moments in my life that are quite busy and hectic. This can make it difficult to put the time and energy into my blog posts. It can sometimes be a struggle to find that time....but I always seem to. For me, blogging is just worth the extra energy.

Where Do You See Your Blog In One Year?
I hope that my blog will have grown as I continue to grow. I want to make improvements to the layout and really make this space as 'me' as possible.

What Is The Most Rewarding Thing About Blogging?
I think it is being a part of something bigger. Sharing my life, my thoughts, and my dreams allows me to be a part of the blogging community - specifically the beauty blogging community. I love that! It lets me connect with new people, learn new things, and have fun.

What Is The Most Discouraging Thing That Has Happened To You?
I don't think there are a lot of things. For the most part, people have been very positive, supportive, and caring. There are times, though, when you put your heart into a particular post and think: wow, I can't wait for that to go up! ....and then no one seems to care about it. That can be discouraging. But it's important to separate yourself from the posts as much as possible, because you never really know how people are going to react.

What Is Your Lasting Inspiration or Motivation?
To find beauty in the world - and to let that beauty remind me how wonderful life truly is.

So, there you have it. Three years of blogging. I am very proud and excited. More than anything, I am looking forward to the coming years for Mansa Fashion. Thank you again for all of the support. It means so much.

xo Shannon

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

the more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

Sometimes, it amazes me how quickly time passes. One year ago, I was posting about my first blog here I am, posting about my second. Yes, Mansa Fashion. is now officially two years old!

It's hard to believe that I've been blogging for two years. I never thought that I would fall in love with something so much. Blogging has been such a rewarding experience for me. Through Mansa Fashion. I have gotten to know so many amazing bloggers, I've interviewed people that inspire me, and I have pushed myself creatively.

This year has had a few highlights, like hitting 1000+ followers on Google Friend Connect and interviewing Laurel House and Makeup by Saz. Blogging has allowed me to have so many wonderful opportunities that I never could have imagined possible. I am so grateful to have people that supported me in the last couple of years - it means the world to me. Thank you for reading, for caring, and for being a part of my life.

Two years ago, I dedicated this blog to "the beautiful things that keep me dreaming." I hope to continue to do just that.

“Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art.” 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

xo Shannon

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

all the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.

One year ago today, Mansa Fashion began.

What initially began as a project to fill the void in my professional writing career, quickly became my passion. I am immensely proud of how much this blog has grown since that day. It has gone far beyond any expectations I may have had.

In the past year, I have achieved more than I ever thought possible, both personally and professionally. It feels like the pieces of my life are finally starting to come together. (One of my biggest accomplishments though, has to be the interview I did for this blog with my favourite singer, Scott MacIntyre!!)

One of the greatest things I have gained from creating this blog, has been becoming a part of the blogging community. I have learned so much from every single blog I read, and every person who comments on my posts. I am continually inspired by all you do!

Thank you for all of the support in the last year - it means more to me than I can fully express.
Here is to another year!

“Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art.” 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, July 10, 2011

the things i find beautiful.

What is beauty?

Growing up, I idolized my older sister. She knew everything I didn't. While I fumbled through adolescence, she floated. As we got older, she took risks with fashion and makeup, while I hid in oversized boys clothes. She was thin and tall, and I....wasn't. To me, my sister was, and still is, beautiful. 

While she had a social life, I found the things that made me beautiful. Music became my everything. Books were my world. My inner-self was full of joy, hope, and enough dreams to last a lifetime. But my outer-self was just as awkward and embarrassed as ever.

 By the end of my first year in high school, I had given up trying to fit in. I had already spent the last few years desperate to change the way I looked, the way I dressed, and the things I said. It was exhausting. I spent the remainder of high school and the first year or two of University hiding.

Always a late bloomer, eventually, and very slowly, I started to grow up. My interests began to expand. I started to actually care about the image I presented to the world. I started to feel better about myself.

Now, I am a University graduate, struggling to find my path. All I want to do with my life, is to write. I am currently trying to find a way to make my dreams reality. Uncertainty I find myself focusing on the things I find beautiful. These are the things that keep me going, fill me with hope, and renew my determination when it fails.

Books, photography, music, makeup, hair, fashion, art....these are my passions. This blog is dedicated to the beautiful things that keep me dreaming.

xo Shannon

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Any questions or comments? Email me: [email protected]

If you are interested in promoting your products on Mansa Fashion. through giveaways, product reviews, guest posts, or advertisements, feel free to contact me at [email protected] with the subject heading "Sponsor Inquiry."

Since starting this blog, I have been fortunate enough to receive a number of awards from fellow bloggers. The following are some of those awards.

Thank you for supporting Mansa Fashion.
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