Saturday, March 21, 2020

first look using the jaclyn hill volume two morphe eyeshadow palette

Warm and neutral was my intention. Holding the Jaclyn Hill Palette Volume II in my hand for the first time, I decided to ease my way into this ultra colourful palette by creating a warm, neutral makeup look. Something simple. Something glamorous. Nothing too over the top. I was getting ready to go bridesmaid dress shopping with a couple of friends. Needless to say, I wasn't planning on going too intense with the makeup. However, the new Jaclyn Hill palette had other plans. Though you can expect to see my full review of the palette in the weeks to is one spoiler. These shades (yes all of them) are intense. There is no subtle happening here! Even the shades that appear to be neutral or basic are richly pigmented and have an bold finish. It is time to take a closer look at the eyeshadow palette and see my very first makeup look with Volume II.

First thing is first. Take a look at the palette, pictured above. It is all about colour. That makes it the perfect compliment to the original Jaclyn Hill Palette (which I reviewed back in 2017. For the sake of comparison, you can check out that review here). That original palette had pops of colour but for the most part, it included shades that were neutral and wearable. There were a lot of browns, warm medium toned shades, champagne coloured shadows, and so on. It was a revolutionary palette at the time and continues to be popular today. Quite frankly, it is a colour story that works well for everyday looks or evening glam. Plus the additional pops of colour make it a well rounded release. That put an awful lot of pressure on both Jaclyn Hill and Morphe to come up with a stellar follow up. In all honesty, they have done just that. Volume II has a wide array of colours. There is a vibrant yellow, there are purples, pinks, reds, peach....oh my! Plus there are those lighter and darker colours to make sure this is also a well rounded release.

As I mentioned earlier, my first look using the palette was meant to be warm and neutral. So I decided to use Positivi-Tea through the crease. It appeared to be a soft pink-coral shade. I expected a soft subtle crease but the pigmentation level was so high that instantly the look was bold and over the top. At that point, I had a choice. I was at a beauty crossroads. Should I try to tone it down? Or fully commit to wherever inspiration took me? The latter was truly the only option. Without overthinking it, I reached for Livin' My Best, a rich sparkly red and applied it all over the lid. Then I blended a bit of My Man (an orange-coral) along the edges. To finish it all off, I added Flawed & Awed (a shimmery rust shade) in the inner corner and underneath the lash line. To finish off the look, I used the blush and lipstick from the Kylie Cosmetics Holiday Kit.

The look ended being bold, intense, and ultimately, exciting. I loved the finished look. Even if it was a bit much for a daytime excursion! Take a look at the pictures below and be sure to let me know what you think of the finished makeup look.

My first experience using the Jaclyn Hill Volume II eyeshadow palette from Morphe was overwhelmingly positive. Though a neutral look was not in the cards...the finished look was one that made me smile. I cannot wait to continue using this palette and getting more familiar with the shades. Stay tuned for a full review in future - as well as a YouTube video or two showcasing the palette in all of its glory. Until then....

Have you tried the new Jaclyn Hill palette? What do you think of this makeup look?


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, there are so many great shades in this palette!

  2. Beautiful post, dear! I love your blog.

  3. I got it too! But since there is no work lol I don;t feel like testing anything hahah :) love the look tho

    KIsses from NYC

    1. Ha, I understand that! When the time comes, the palette will be waiting for you :)

  4. There are so many vibrant colours in this palette. I'd probably steer clear of it if I came across it in store because I am all about neutrals. That said I just love the look you created. It is gorgeous!


    1. Oh, I totally understand that! For the most part, I am definitely a neutrals person as well. This has really pushed me out of my comfort zone!

  5. Replies
    1. They are really pretty! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Replies
    1. I wish I was! But thank you very much for your kind comment :)

  7. Wow these colours are gorgeous and so bold :-D

    1. Yeah! They are all really bold. I can't wait to use the palette more and really have fun with all of the shades.


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