Tuesday, February 18, 2020

makeup revolution week: review (brow palette + lip gloss trio)

Here it is! The second post in the latest theme week here on Mansa Fashion. My last post introduced the massive set of Revolution (aka Makeup Revolution or Makeup Revolution London) products I was gifted over the holiday season. There were also a couple of mini reviews thrown in there. Today the focus is on the Brow Palette and Lip Gloss Trio. Take a closer look, find out how they perform, and see the products in action.

Review (Revolution Brow Palette)

This Revolution Brow Palette has a lot going on - and there are some pros and some cons to consider. The pros? There is a mixture of powder and cream products. There is a nice shade range included in the brown brow powders. All of which are perfectly suited to my own brow colour. The products are fabulous in terms of the quality. The powders are richly pigmented and perform well and the gels have just the right intensity. On the other half of the products are powders and cream products to highlight and shape the brows. That makes this a well rounded and effective brow set. The cons? This particular brow set is really only suited for people with darker eyebrows. I can't see it working well for anyone with red or blonde brows. Additionally, there are no instructions on how to use the products (which means this isn't overly beginner friendly) and no indication of what each product is intended to do. So you are kind of going in blind and hoping for the best. That being said, the quality of the products is wonderful and I was really happy with the end result.

Review (Revolution Lip Gloss Trio)

Next up in this Revolution review is a lip gloss trio. It included three glosses in all. Though they don't have proper names, they are marked as 01, 02, and 03. (Creative, right?) The first shade is a nude caramel shade, the second a warmer nude, and the last a glittering gold. Take a look at the swatches of the three glosses in the picture below...

These definitely have an impressive amount of colour payoff. They look absolutely gorgeous on the lips. I love that the nude colours are rich and warm - and the inclusion of that glittery shade is perfection. (Because you can never go wrong with a little glitter.) However, these aren't glosses I will be reaching for all that often. The reason is the formula. As I have mentioned in previous posts, there is nothing I hate more than a sticky or tacky lip gloss. The only glosses I'll reach for have to be hydrating, smooth, and comfortable. While these are wearable...they do have a tacky finish. That is not my personal preference. If you don't mind a stickier gloss, then these are a wonderful option. The colours really are beautiful and the pigmentation level is fabulous. Consider your personal preferences before running out to purchase glosses from this brand.

Ready to see the brow palette and lip gloss trio in action? This is a simple no-makeup-makeup look that I threw together before grabbing groceries. It featured the brow gels and powders from the Brow Palette and the lip gloss in 02. Be sure to let me know what you think of the end result.

Overall, there were some really solid products here. Though I wish the Brow Palette came with clear labeling and instructions, the performance is outstanding. The glosses have rich pigmentation and look beautiful - but the tacky finish just isn't for me.

What do you think of these products? Have you tried them?


  1. So cool review! I'd like the lip glosses )))

    1. I'm glad you think they would work for you! The price of Revolution products is definitely super affordable, which is fantastic.

  2. This is very lovely

  3. so pretty make up and you look lovely! :) Anyway, just dropping by to say hello all the way from the Philippines! I hope you can drop by my blog too and follow along if you like. Have a nice day! :)

    xoxo, rae


  4. I haven't tried those products, but lip gloss shade 01 seems suit me, I should get one! Thank you for your review :)



    1. If you end up picking up that shade, I hope you like it! Thank you for stopping by :)


  5. But is it a Makeup Revolution product box? Fantastic!

  6. Replies
    1. There are definitely some good items from this brand!

  7. Hi! All products look wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you very much! I hope you have a great day as well :)

  8. They look good and wonderful makeup :-D


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