Saturday, June 27, 2020

does it work?? avon live out loud fragrance ink body pen

Every once and a while, an unusual beauty product makes its way into your life. Unusual is the certainly the word I would use to describe the Live Out Loud Fragrance Ink Body Pen from Avon. In fact, I can confidently say that there is no product like this in my makeup collection now or in the past. It is one of a kind. So...what is this exactly? What does the pen do? Essentially, this is a black marker designed for use on the skin. But it is also a perfume of sorts. In fact, the company describes it as a whole new way to fragrance. This was definitely a unique addition to my beauty collection but the question remains. Does it actually work? Here is everything you need to know about this unusual (but intriguing) item.

Alright. It is time to break it down. The Live Out Loud Fragrance Ink Body Pen is a limited edition item that won't break the bank. (It is currently listed on the website for $10.) The brand says this pen "lets you draw on your inspiration to create a scented design." More or less, this is a pen that allows you to doodle on yourself. Give yourself a temporary tattoo. Have some fun. Oh, and toss on your perfume all in one stroke of the pen. Now, this is something I could see being a lot of fun in the summer months especially. You're hanging out with friends or just feel like doing something a little unexpected. So, you draw a heart on your wrist or a smiley face on your arm. It sounds like a fun way to be expressive and do something different.

This is not to be used on or around the eye area (which is stated clearly on the pen itself) which is why I look at this as more of a scented temporary tattoo kind of pen. As for the actual pen tip, it it comes to a point but overall is quite thick. If you want something that will help you achieve a really detailed design, this isn't going to work. The Live Out Loud pen is better suited to simple drawings and designs. When it comes to the scent, it is so pretty! A wonderful fragrance for spring and summer. The top notes are sweet wild strawberry, the middle notes are sparkling mimosa, and the base is a comforting fluffy vanilla. (Those descriptions from Avon...not from me! I would probably have kept it simple and aid strawberry, mimosa, and vanilla!) In terms of the actual scent, it is lovely and subtle. It's there but isn't too overwhelming.

So....does it work? Yes. This is a fun product to use. It is whimsical, doesn't take itself too seriously, and smells wonderful. Though I'm not sure how often I'll reach for it, the Live Out Loud Fragrance Ink Body Pen is an exciting and innovative concept.

Have you tried this? Are you a fan of Avon products?


  1. Oh what a fun idea! I've never seen anything like this before :) We don't have Avon here any more in Australia though sadly!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. I hadn't either! It is a really fun concept. Really? I didn't know that! My mom has always ordered from Avon so she treats me to things every now and again, which is nice. I hope you had a great weekend :)

  2. I've never tried it :) Thank you for sharing :)

  3. Great post

  4. Me encantó el post, gracias por compartirlo. Besos.

  5. It really is a cool product! Very different, for sure.

  6. I once used an Avon eye liner to create temporary tattoos for kids, it was fun. I'm definitely up for trying this scented liner that was created for that very purpose- to create temporary tattoos. I had offers to become a tattoo apprentice in the past but I was too busy to take up the art of tattoo but I'm still interested in doodling some tattoos.

    1. That is such a cute idea! Yes, this would definitely be perfect for that purpose. How interesting that you were interested in tattoo apprenticeship in the past. Who knows...maybe one day that will be something you pursue!

  7. Okay that is a totally mad idea! I do like Avon polishes a lot :-D

    1. Right? Totally out there but so fun as well! I need to try an Avon polish one of these days.

  8. Looks interesting, but I´d probably use it like a normal eyeliner or something, hehe :-D ❤

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