Saturday, September 12, 2020

high end beauty samples (mini reviews)

Testing new product samples can be a lot of fun. But it can also be educational. What better way to find out whether a new beauty item is worth the splurge? If it performs well? If it checks off all the boxes? Luckily, a handful of makeup and skin care samples made their way into my life recently. Those high end beauty samples included: Benefit's Goof Proof Brow Pencil, Shea Moisture's Soothing Body Lotion, and Glam Glow's Supermud Clearing Treatment. Over the last little while, I have been putting these items to the test. Want to find out how they performed? If any of them have been added to my future purchase list? Here are a few mini reviews dedicated to these high end makeup and skin care samples.

High End Beauty Samples (Mini Reviews)

  • Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil. Lately, there have been a handful of brow products making me smile. One of them is from Avon and the other from Essence. So I wasn't exactly looking for a new eyebrow product to add to my collection. Despite this, I was excited to give the Goof Proof Brow Pencil a whirl. The claims on the packaging included: 95% of users said it was easy to fill and shape brows, that it has a pointed end to define, and a wide tip to fill in brows. It also claims to provide soft glide-on colour and be 12-hour waterproof wear. Even though I wasn't looking for something new...this is definitely a fantastic product. The packaging is simple but interesting and the shape of the applicator works well. It really does make it easy to shape and define the brows! The shade that I tried was Neutral Medium Brown and it was a fantastic match for me. Very easy to wear, easy to use, and super long lasting. This is a brow product I would highly recommend. And one that I would be happy to purchase.
  • Shea Moisture Soothing Body Lotion. Few things are better than a good body lotion. As someone with dry skin, lotions and moisturizers are my jam. I don't have a ton of experience with Shea Moisture products (other than the incredible leave in conditioner that I use literally every day. It is so good! Take a peek at my YouTube review here) but this one has impressed me thus far. The label states that the moisturizer is blended with African black soap, aloe vera, oat extract, and Shea butter. The lotion has a nice, light scent. It isn't too strong but is still pleasant. I didn't experience any irritation and it added a nice amount of moisture to the skin. It absorbed fairly quickly and was all in all a stellar lotion. This is something that I am more than happy to have on hand. 
  • Glam Glow Supermud Clearing Treatment. Stepping up my skin care game has been high up on my daily to do list. It is something that I started to focus on even more during quarantine. Staying at home (pretty much all of the time) gave me the opportunity to commit myself to a fairly decent and regular routine. In the past, I've been able to try out a few Glam Glow items but I was excited to give the Supermud Clearing Treatment a try. It claimed to help deal with problem skin and imperfections, refine pores, mattify, and clarify the skin. A full-sized container of the product is $77 CDN, so chances are, this will not be something that I purchase in future. However, it left my skin feeling smooth and refreshed after. That being said, it did feel tingly while the mask was drying, which was a bit uncomfortable. The results were positive but due to the price and that tingling sensation, I can't see this being something that I would add to my shopping cart. 

Sometimes, trying out some samples is more than just fun. It is a great way to perk up your beauty routine. That is what happened when I tested these high end products. I loved the Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil and the Shea Moisture Soothing Body Lotion. Though the Glam Glow Supermud Clearing Treatment worked well, the price point made it an unlikely purchase for me. All in all, this was a positive experience - and allowed me to uncover a few new favourites.

Have you tried any of these products? What did you think of them?


  1. It's nice you got to try such an expensive mask although a shame you didn't like it much! it's good that the other two products were winners :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. That is why samples are so great! You get to test and try things to find out what works for you!

  2. I've never heard about these products :)

  3. I haven't tried them but I'll look for the eyebrow pencil, it looks amazing!

    Freak Muffin Blog

  4. Interesting products. I would like to try the Glam Glow Supermud Clearing Treatment. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice day!

  5. Great post - looks like some awesome products! :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

  6. Skin care has really been a priority for me toO! I never tried this brand but I want to add Glam Glow to my list <3

    x Natalie
    Lucy and the Runaways - Blog and Instagram

    1. I've tried some really good products from Glam Glow in the past! Thank you <3

  7. Love the benefit products :)

    1. Same! Benefit has so many fantastic products in their line.

  8. This is such an interesting products!
    Have a great day.

    Infinitely Posh

  9. They are definitely interesting! Thank you for stopping by!

  10. I love samples! it is so much fun to try it. I am glad you had it and wrote for it


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