Sunday, September 20, 2020

nude by nature lip trio (review + video)

Surprises are not my favourite. I am someone that likes to know what is coming and when. In fact, I am guilty of reading spoilers for television shows and reading movie summaries before heading to a theater. There is comfort in knowing. Despite this, it was especially surprising (in a good way) when my husband came home with a Nude by Nature Lip Trio. He knew that I had been missing some of the simple things in life. Like being able to see friends without social distance, heading to the nearest shopping mall, and seasonal attractions. So, even though he couldn't fix the world....he could bring a smile to my face with some unexpected makeup. On that note! Today's post is all about the Nude by Nature Lip Trio in the shade Dusk. Take a closer look at what was inside, see some swatches, a YouTube video, and find out whether these products wowed.

Nude by Nature Lip Trio (Review + Swatches) 

When it comes to Nude by Nature, this isn't a brand that I am overly familiar with. I've tested out a few samples in the past (concealer and powder) and had positive experiences with both of them. But my experience had ended with those samples. Until now, that is! This lip trio gave me the opportunity to dive a little deeper into the brand. First thing is first. Just what was included in this Nude by Nature lip trio? It came with the following:

  • Defining Lip Pencil. This came in shade shade 04 Soft Pink. It is described as a highly pigmented, long lasting pencil to contour and define lips. 
  • Moisture Shine Lipstick. The lipstick came in the shade 06 Dusky Nude. It is described as a colour-rich lipstick that delivers an effortless sweep of colour and luminous shine finish.
  • Moisture Infusion Lipgloss. The lipgloss came in the shade 08 Violet Pink. It is described as a lipgloss that enhances lips with vibrant glossy colour and weightless shine. 

Now to take a closer look at those products! Even though they were described as soft pink, dusky nude, and violet pink, they were all very similar in colour. You can see that firsthand from the swatches (pictured above). According to the brand, all of the products include Shea butter, sweet almond oil, kakadu plum, and vitamin E. That indicates serious hydration! When it comes to lip products, I always prefer to reach for things that are comfortable and hydrating. So the ingredients in the Nude by Nature lip products certainly peaked my interest right off the bat. The colours were equally appealing. I absolutely adore that dusty rose kind of colour. It is warm, wearable, and would compliment a number of different makeup looks.

In terms of performance, the results were impressive though somewhat mixed. The lip pencil definitely exceeded expectations. It applies easily, doesn't drag on the skin, and the colour is gorgeous. It can be worn alone or underneath another lip product. As for the lipstick, this was where things lost their luster. The shade itself is gorgeous and really nicely pigmented. However, I do find the formula for the lipstick to be somewhat dry. It pulls and drags on the lips (similar to the MAC lipsticks I reviewed a while back. Check out that review here) which was really surprising to me, given all of those hydrating ingredients! That being said, all was not lost. Wearing the lip gloss over top of the lipstick made it comfortable to wear. But unfortunately, it wouldn't be something that I would recommend wearing alone. Now speaking of that lip gloss, this really impressed me. I've mentioned over the years that glosses and I don't always get along. If they are remotely sticky, it's a no-go. Thankfully, the Nude by Nature lip gloss was creamy and added lots of shine - with no stickiness whatsoever. It can be used with the other products in the trio or worn alone. All in all, these products looked great and worked well. But that lipstick needs some extra hydration.

Nude by Nature Lip Trio (Makeup Look + YouTube Video) 

Wearing all three of the products together creates a beautiful and easy to wear look. I love the gorgeous glossy finish that the final step provides. Who knew the lip gloss would be my favourite part?! Though I haven't had as many reasons to wear lipstick lately (thanks to masks and fewer social events) but it feels good to know there are gorgeous lip products I can rely on. The Nude by Nature trio works well together and the liner and gloss work well on their own. Want to see these products in action? Check out some live swatches? Then be sure to check out my latest YouTube video dedicated to this lipstick trio.

Rating: 4 / 5

Overall, the Nude by Nature lip trio in the shade Dusk was impressive. The lip liner worked well, the gloss was fantastic, and the overall colour story was gorgeous. The only downside was the fact that the lipstick itself required that gloss in order to feel comfortable on the lips. Not only was this a lovely surprise from my husband but the products themselves were impressive. I know this trio will be getting lots of use in my future.

Have you tried any Nude by Nature products? What did you think of them?


  1. It was a really great week at all =) Thanks a lot but I was a little bit lazy this week, I wanted to go 3-4 times to gym but at home it was more relaxed :D

    Thanks for your review. This lip products sounds really good =) You're make up look is so beautiful, perfect for every day =)

    1. Yes, for sure! Working out at home definitely had its own set of benefits. Well, thank you very much. I really appreciate that!

  2. Great shades. Nice review as always

    New post:

  3. Replies
    1. The shades are definitely really pretty. Thank you so much!

  4. These are nice and good makeup :-D

  5. That's so sweet that your hubby got you this set:) And even better that the whole set is good. You look fab using these:) Your eye makeup is banging too!
    PS Thank you so much for creating these review vids that are not one hour long!

    1. It definitely made me smile. Thank you so much! And ha! You are welcome. I always prefer watching reviews that get to the point, so I try to do that as much as possible. (Though I do tend to ramble on at times!)

  6. Wow, I think it looks pretty good. Lovely. Thanks for sharing. <3


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