Saturday, March 18, 2023

heypop nail wraps (nail look + review)

Lately, my nail looks have been pretty simple: one colour painted on all of the nails. After all, sometimes, simplicity is best. That being said, other times, it feels nice to be a little more daring. Since I was leaning towards daring recently, the HeyPop Super Cute Nail Wraps seemed like the best possible option. The set shown above was purchased ages ago, but wasn't something that felt right until March rolled around. Suddenly, the different designs, colours, and stickers seemed ideal. Want to find out more about this nail sticker set? How it performed? See a recent nail look? Keep reading for all the details...

This particular HeyPop nail wrap set included two different identical sheets. On each sheet, there were seven baby pink nails, seven pink and brown leopard print nails, five jewels, and a handful of heart shaped stickers, lightning bolt stickers, and lip shaped stickers. Definitely a really fun assortment! It is possible to create a lot of different nail looks using the stickers. I love the variety here. Though the style may not be for is definitely my vibe. I love that the stickers are fun and playful. Another bonus? This nail wrap set was only $3 CDN when it was purchased at Winners. For whatever reason, there were a bunch of nail products on clearance. That was certainly a win for me! I've tried the HeyPop nail wraps in the past and had success with them. Some seem to last longer than others, but as long as I avoid heavy-duty cleaning, the nail wraps tend to stay put and look fabulous. These wraps lasted for about a week, but the jewel accent only stayed put for a few days. 

There was a good amount to choose from in the HeyPop set. Ultimately, my goal was to try out as much as possible. A few nails were that soft pink and a few were the pink and brown leopard print. Then there was one accent nail with a soft pink lightening bolt and a faux diamond jewel. All in all, this was a really great set to find. For starters, the price was ultra affordable. There are also a lot of nail wraps and stickers left to use again in the future. The end result was a fun and exciting nail look that only took a few minutes to create. Truth be told, it was really nice not having to wait for my nail polish to dry. 

Have you tried any of the HeyPop nail wraps before? What do you think of this set?


  1. I particularly love the leopard wraps ... that said, I've never used nail wraps, perhaps I should give them a try. I do hate waiting for nail polish to dry, I'm much too impatient :-) xxx

    1. Same! They are so fun. Waiting for nail polish to dry is such a pain. Nail wraps are a nice alternative!

  2. Oh I love nail wraps so much easier then traditional polish and better for the environment. These are super fun!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Agree! They can be a lot easier since there is no dry time!

  3. I haven't tried them but they really look awesome, I love the leopard details, I must give it a try ^^

  4. It's nice that you saw the movie too =) Yes time flies, it was so thrilling until the end. Thank you, I had a nice night out =)
    Thank you =) I like my new stuff too. Oh yes Disney stuff is always good <3 I love "The Lion King" =)

    Great review =) This nail wraps looks nice, I love the design. And your nails are cute, pretty perfect for spring now =)

    1. Thank you! You're right...these are really fun for spring!

  5. Bardzo pomysłowe! Świetnie to wygląda!

  6. Oh ja, Farbe und Muster sind genau nach meinem Geschmack. LG Romy

  7. I haven't tried nail wraps myself, but it definitely looks like a fun and easy way to creat some really cool nails :)

    1. It's great for someone like me, who isn't great with nail art. You are so talented at creating all sorts of designs!


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