Friday, July 7, 2023

summer obsession: elf good vibes only hello sunshine quad

This elf eyeshadow quad has been sitting in my beauty room waiting to be used. Though it was purchased several months was something that I wanted to make the most of during the summer months. It just had the perfect summer vibe. I love the warm beachy colours and the 70s inspiration. The Good Vibes Only collection has a bunch of different products (and different eyeshadow quads) but Hello Sunshine was the one that caught my eye. It was really affordable at only $5 CDN and was simply too fabulous to overlook. Here is everything you need to know about this current summer obsession.

According to the brand, the Hello Sunshine palette is a "high-pigment mini eyeshadow quad featuring a far-out mix of matte and shimmer shades, ideal for creating retro-inspired looks." I'll be honest: those 1970s inspired colours speak to me on every level. I have a bit of an obsession with the 70s, thanks to my favourite singer, John Denver. Not to mention all of the other 70s artists that I love, like David Cassidy, Donny and Marie, and The Carpenters. I love the colours, the fashion, the home decor, the music, the movies, and most importantly, the hope that there could be positive change made in the world. As for this elf quad? It is described as being ultra-pigmented and blendable with 70s-inspired hues...and is ideal for on-the-go application.

There is a lot to love about this eyeshadow quad from elf. First of all, it is compact in size, which is great for travel or if you want to keep a little makeup in your purse. There are also shade names, which is not always the case for drugstore products. However, those shade names are not actually printed on the quad itself. (Sigh. You win some you lose some.) That being said, the shade names are found online and they are: On the Bright Side (shimmery yellow), Good Lightning (matte warm yellow), Feelin' Foxy (matte warm camel), and Chillaxin' (dark brown). I love that there is a gorgeous shimmer shade in the eyeshadow quad. It looks beautiful layered over the Good Lightning shade or worn alone for something a little more sheer. While the shimmer pairs well with the other colours in the palette, it isn't the standout all on its own. My favourite shadows are the mattes. They perform well, are nicely pigmented, and look fabulous when worn alone or together. 

The look above was created using all of the eyeshadow shades in the Hello Sunshine quad. (My first outing since getting COVID. After more than three weeks, I was able to see a dear friend to catch a performance of Hamilton. It was exhausting to be out and about, but I did my best.) The shade Feelin' Foxy was applied through the crease and Good Lightning was applied all over the lid. The shimmery yellow shade was layered on the lid as well and then Chillaxin' was applied in the outer corner for extra depth. I absolutely loved the way this makeup look turned out. It was just the right amount of colour and shimmer.

Overall, the elf Hello Sunshine eyeshadow quad from the Good Vibes Only collection was impressive. For only $5 CDN, it was possible to purchase a 70s themed product that performs well and easily creates a glamorous makeup look. 

What do you think of this 1970s inspired eyeshadow quad? Are you a fan of elf products?


  1. Having been adolescent in the 70s it's the nostalgia factor that makes me love all things 70s. I would definitely be drawn to the colours of this palette as well, although I would never master eye shadow application the way you do! Just fabulous, or should that be: groovy! xxx

    1. Totally understandable! I wish I had been an adolescent in the 70s! I am so obsessed with the music, television, movies, and well...hope from that time. Thank you <3

  2. What a verasatile quad, love the colors and the shine too.


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