Tuesday, July 25, 2023

review: rouge romance matte blush palette (jaclyn cosmetics)

I have placed myself on a temporary shopping ban. Not only is this a good thing for my bank account, but it will also allow me to catch up on some outstanding reviews here on Mansa Fashion. You see, I've gotten a little bit behind. Over the last several months, there have been quite a few new makeup items added to my collection. This is either from shopping trips out with friends or items that have been gifted to me by loved ones. So much makeup and so little time! I definitely have more than enough (though that is hard for me to admit)...so I will be focusing on all of those outstanding reviews and then making the most of all the products that are in my collection. Today, the focus is on Jaclyn Cosmetics. This is a brand that I have tried out a few times before with mixed results. Some products wowed and some were so-so, but it is always hard to resist a blush palette. After all, I do love a good blush! Here is everything you need to know about the Rouge Romance Matte Blush Palette.

The Rouge Romance Matte Blush Palette from Jaclyn Cosmetics was another Winners find from several months back (nothing beats discounted makeup, especially when it comes from a brand that isn't sold in Canada normally). Though the Jaclyn Cosmetics website lists the price of the blush palette as $45 USD, this only cost me $14.99 CDN. Definitely a steep discount! The palette was sealed at the store, which meant that I had to purchase the blushes sight unseen. This isn't necessarily an ideal situation, but since blush is a serious love of mine, it wasn't too much of a gamble. I figured that it would be possible to make any blush shade work in some way, shape, or form. Inside the palette, there were six matte blush shades which are described as offering "buildable coverage to bring as much or as little color to the cheeks as you'd like." Jaclyn Cosmetics also stated that the matte finish is long-lasting. Apparently, there were two different versions of the palette. Rouge Romance (the one that I found) was full of shades with warm undertones while Rouge Affair had shades with cool undertones. The cool undertones would probably have been better suited for me, but when it comes to makeup, I like trying a little bit of everything. Warm, cool, neutral, everything is fair game. As for the blush shades in the Rouge Romance palette, those were described as follows:

  • Boudoir (vibrant pink)
  • Tea Room (bright tulip)
  • Tempting (burnt rose)
  • Fancy-Pants (warm coral)
  • Pretty Posh (nude pink)
  • Ever After (red poppy)

There is a really wonderful variety of blush shades to choose from here. All of them are warm, but some are a little more neutral and some have lots and lots of colour. For instance, Pretty Posh is the most subdued (though it still packs a punch) while Ever After and Boudoir are easily the most vibrant. The blush that I choose from varies a lot based on the kind of makeup look that I am wearing on that day, but from this palette, Tempting is the one that I reach for most often. That being said, Tea Room is really wonderful during the summer season. I love that extra pop of colour on the cheeks! Want to see the Rouge Romance blush palette in action? Below is a makeup look that used the shade, Tempting, with just a hint of Ever After on the apples of the cheeks. The Jaclyn Cosmetics blushes are blendable, buildable, and can be worn alone or combined with another shade in the palette. I love that it is possible to create a look that is lighter or a little more intense. 

Though the Rouge Romance Matte Blush Palette was purchased without knowing what the blushes inside looked like...it all worked out. I love the warm colours, the matte formula, and the variety of colours to choose from. Those warmer colours have certainly been coming in handy during the summer months. Though I am probably stocked up on blush for a while (don't quote me on that) it is nice to have lots of beautiful options at my fingertips thanks to this blush palette from Jaclyn Cosmetics.

What do you think of the Rouge Romance Matte Blush Palette? Have you tried anything from the brand?


  1. Looking gorgeous with the look above, Shannon:) I love the looks of this palette, and great to know it actually is good quality too! And I totally hear you about a shopping ban for awhile! I should do that too....huhuhu:P

    1. Thank you so much! Yes...I definitely need to cut back on the shopping!

  2. Unfortunately my hard disk is broken, they can't find files on it. So I lost all of my pictures from last and this year =( Because I forgot to save them. And it was really expensive, because they tried a lot and installed a new hard disc.
    Yes this autographs are pretty nice, I love them <3

    Great review =) This blush palette looks super special and I love the shades. My favourites would be "Tempting" and "Pretty Posh". Your look is also cute =)

  3. What a gorgeous palette Shannon, and the names are fun too! I love my blush, and this would definitely be a palette after my own heart! xxx

  4. Hello!
    A very interesting palette of pinks! I like all the colors, but I don't know if all of them would suit me :) I use very bright and very delicate ones every day :) Great review dear, thank you for your opinion!
    Greetings from Poland!


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