Sunday, April 9, 2023

it's a beautiful easter egg mornin...

Happy Easter! Or should I say...Hoppy Easter? (Is it too early in the morning for a bad joke? Ahh, it is never too early.) This is one of my favourite days of the year. Though there are many different ways to celebrate Easter, for me, it is about family, chocolate, and feeling like a kid again. It is about hope, sunshine, and miracles. However you are choosing to spend the day, my fingers are crossed that it will be overloaded with joy, wonder, and lots of delicious treats. And maybe even an Easter egg hunt.

So, how will I be celebrating Easter this year? With the people that I love most. My husband and I don't do too much in the way of Easter baskets, but there will be a few little treats to enjoy first thing in the morning. Then I will be heading to visit my parents and my brother (possibly my sister, but it is hard to say for certain) for the day. Usually, there are Easter baskets, movies, games, crafts, and then a sit down dinner. I love being able to feel like a kid again and to spend time with the people that matter most. Speaking of movies...there are a handful of excellent Easter movies out there. Some favourites of mine? Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Hop, The First Easter Rabbit, The Easter Bunny is Coming to Town, and Here Comes Peter Cottontail. That being said, there is one Easter movie that stands out from the rest. It is something that I found randomly on YouTube and fell head over heels for. It has now become a total Easter classic for me. In fact, the songs are so catchy that they are in my head year round. The movie is called Easter Egg Mornin' and it is an animated release from 1991. 

Easter Egg Mornin' is all about Picasso "Speedy" Cottontail looking for eggs when the chickens go on strike. The music is from Bobby Goldsboro and it is just a delight from start to finish. This feels like Easter to me. If you are looking for a fun way to celebrate the holiday, be sure to make a little time for Easter Egg Mornin' or just read some of the lyrics...

It's a beautiful Easter egg mornin'
with a bright coloured Easter egg sky,
and an Easter parade kind of feeling
when the old Easter Bunny comes by.

Easter eggs painted just like a rainbow,
Chocolate bunnies with funny long ears,
When you wake up on Easter egg mornin'
its the happiest day of the year.

Here is to a day full of happiness, Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies, and hope. How will you celebrate Easter?


  1. I hope you have a wonderful Easter celebrating with family! We had a really good weekend, and it will probably take until next year for us to eat all the chocolate eggs we got, haha!

    1. I did! It was a nice day, but it definitely went by too fast. So glad you had a good weekend :D

  2. I hope you had a wonderful Easter, Shannon! Ours was a quiet one but we had a few rare sunny days, which we spent doing some overdue gardening and going for a couple of walks. And eating way too many mini chocolate eggs :-) xxx

    1. Thank you! It was definitely a good one. I'm glad you were able to enjoy some sunshine and chocolate!

  3. I hope you had an amazing easter. :)

    1. I did! I hope you had a wonderful celebration as well <3

  4. Belated happy Easter to you and the whole family, Shannon:) And why didn't I think Willy Wonka is an Easter movie! It totally is! Gene Wilder was the best:)

    1. Thank you! Right? No one ever thinks of it as an Easter movie but it is all about candy, so I definitely think it counts!

  5. My week was really productive =) My Easter was pretty relaxed, I had a breakfast with a friend. My parents were on holiday and today we had some McDonald's food together :D
    The scent was super nice, I loved it. The print is so cute, I really look like a little chick :D Sometimes it's not the perfect fit but the rest is nice. My week starts relaxed and today work is not too stressful.

    Really nice post =) I like Easter a lot too. We don't celebrate it big but I love to have breakfast with friends and going outside when the weather is good - but this year was super rainy, just yesterday was sunny.

    1. Oh, that sounds like a nice way to celebrate Easter! I'm so glad you were able to meet up with a friend.

  6. I hope you had a wonderful celebration! Happy Easter to you and yours! (I somehow can't change the account I am commenting from, I temporary using my husband's laptop instead of mine, sorry. It's actually really is Lyosha not some creep)

    1. Thank you so much! I hope yours was wonderful as well. And that's okay! No worries at all :D


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