Thursday, September 14, 2023

review: fmg glimmer diamond vibes multi palette

I've never been great at expressing myself in person. All my life, I have been described as shy, awkward, and anxious. Whenever people would try to talk to me in school, my face would flush and I would become totally tongue tied. Part of me wanted the floor to swallow me whole so I wouldn't have to face the social interaction for another moment. Over time, I became better at faking my way through conversations with people I did not know well, but it still isn't something that comes easily to me. Perhaps that is why writing and makeup are my biggest loves. The written word allows me to think about what I really want to say while makeup allows me to express how I really feel. This blog is kind of the best of both worlds, because I am able to write about makeup. Today, I am feeling especially grateful for this little corner of the internet and for all of you reading this. Ready for another makeup review? This one is dedicated to the Diamond Vibes Multi Palette.

The FMG Glimmer Diamond Vibes Multi Palette is something that was given to me by my mom. Every now and then, she gifts me different makeup products, just because. (My husband says that I am spoiled. He is right.) This particular palette has been waiting to be used for many months, but finally, I was able to put the diamond shaped product to the test. I've tried a few different things from FMG Glimmer before with varying results and was eager to find out how this particular palette performed. I have a real weakness for eyeshadow palettes, but this is actually described as a palette with "universal eye and blush shades in rich matte and shimmer finishes." There are seven eyeshadow shades and three blush shades. 

When it comes to the Diamond Vibes Multi Palette, there are definitely some pros and cons to consider. One of the pros? The packaging. It is a lightweight cardboard palette, but the theme is so cute. I love the gorgeous green colour, the diamond shape of the palette, the diamond shape of the shadows, and the sparkly aesthetic. It goes to show that a little extra thought can go a long way. One of the cons? The three bottom shades are described as blushes. Though the colours are gorgeous...the pans are too small for a blush brush. That makes application a little more challenging. I wish the pan for the blush shades had been a little roomier. Especially because I adore the deepest blush option! It is really pigmented and looks gorgeous on the cheeks. It is the ideal blush for fall and winter. However, the size of the pans make application a bit difficult. Another con? There are no names for the shadows. Though not all makeup brands name their shadows, it is especially wonderful to have shade names when there is a themed palette. There is no easier way to tie in the theme than with some relevant eyeshadow names. 

Now to take a peek at the swatches. The three shades on the end are the blushes. The first blush shade is a fairly light dusty rose. That one needs to be built up a lot more than the others, but works well for a more natural flush of colour on the cheeks. The middle blush is my favourite, because it is so warm and pigmented. It has a bit of a shimmer to it as well, making this a really fun blush for the fall and winter months. The last blush is more of a shimmery coral, which certainly would have worked well for the summer season. All in all, the blush shades are really beautiful and there is a nice variety in the colours and finishes. It is a shame that the diamond shaped pans are the same size for both the eyeshadows and blushes. The blushes certainly can be used still...but application is a little more difficult. As for the eyeshadow shades? These are pretty decent, but some shadows certainly perform better than others. The blue shimmer shade is stunning but requires a little more patience. The green is beautiful but looks a little muddier in person than in the palette. The gold is gorgeous as is the purple and that ultra pigmented warm matte shade. The cool-toned taupe colour doesn't have a lot of pigmentation, but I really love the colour. To finish it all off, there is an ultra shimmery white, which always comes in handy. Though the FMG Glimmer Diamond Vibes Multi Palette isn't perfect...there is an awful lot to love here. It is possible to create some really memorable looks. 

The makeup look shown above focused on the purples in the palette...and that stunning white shimmer. I applied the taupe matte shadow all over the lid and then added some of that shimmery purple to the center portion and outer portion of the lid. The white shimmer was added on the brow bone and inner corner for an extra dash of shimmer. Then the purple shimmer was applied along the lower lash line. Eyeliner and mascara finished off the eyes. On the cheeks, it was that blush shade that I love so much. I had to apply it with a much smaller blush brush than usual, but it was worth it, because the colour looked wonderful. Since I have been obsessed with brown lip colours lately, a matte brown lipstick finished off the makeup look.

Overall, the FMG Glimmer Diamond Vibes Multi Palette was impressive. Though there was room for improvement, it was still possible to create a beautiful makeup look using the eyeshadows and the blush shades. I also love the diamond theme!

What do you think of this makeup look? Are there any products you've been putting to the test lately?


  1. I'm exactly the same as you, shy, awkward and anxious. My way of expressing myself is through my clothes, so I'm totally getting you! That palette and the look you created are gorgeous, by the way! xxx

    1. I love that you express yourself through your clothes. That is probably why your outfits are always so beautiful...they reflect who you are <3

  2. I do love a good shimmer! So pretty! Great portrait, it not only shows beautiful makeup but your personality as well.

    1. Thank you so much! Shimmers are definitely my weakness!

  3. Ooo la la what a chic palette and you did a great job with this look!

    Leanne Thompson of

  4. This palette has so many pink shades I really like the packaging dear

  5. Thanks a lot, I like my new stuff too =) I hope the Juicy Pleasure tastes like real strawberry and not only like sweeteners :D I have to work today but after that I will have a relaxing weekend
    Oh yes it was a good week with some tasty food =)
    Thanks, I love my new cup and tumbler <3 They're super cute, especially the pumpkin <3 And the cat ears too :D

    Great review =) This palette looks super special, I love the green packaging and that it looks like a diamond. The colours inside are also really nice, love them. And your make up look is cute as always <3

    1. For sure! The shape is really fun. Thank you so much!


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