Sunday, August 13, 2023

theme week: lip products (NYX shine loud high shine lip color)

Well, the lip products theme week is wrapping up here on Mansa Fashion. Over the last several days, there have been all sorts of different lipsticks, lip stains, and balms featured. Now? It is time to talk about the NYX Shine Loud High Shine Lip Color, which is described as a high-shine, long-lasting lip gloss. Apparently, this has been creating lots of buzz on TikTok, but that is not something that I can speak to. Honestly? I don't have TikTok and have no plans for it, considering the degradation and abuse that can spread like wildfire on the platform. There are so many issues with social media sites and user-created content apps. The amount of misinformation out there...the creators who profit off of really bothers me. Though I still use social media and consume certain types of content, it is something that I try to be very mindful about these days. On a happier note, there is always makeup. Here is everything you need to know about the NYX lip product that is generating buzz.

According to the brand, the NYX Shine Loud High Shine Lip Color is an "ultra-pigmented high-shine lip color with up to 16 hours of no transfer wear." It also claims to have one swipe colour with ultra-glassy and a non-sticky shine finish. This has two step technology, where the colour is applied first, needs to dry for 90 seconds, and then the gloss is layered on top to seal it all in. NYX claims that the product does not budge, bleed, or fade, and is infused with macadamia seed oil, coriander fruit oil, jojoba seed oil, apricot kernel oil, and passion fruit seed oil. There are an awful lot of colour to choose from in the line (some are really beautiful) but the one that I decided to try was the shade Movie Maker. It's a really warm colour and I have definitely been gravitating towards those lately. Since I love a warm eye only makes sense to have a warm lipstick colour as well.

There are pros and cons to consider when it comes to the NYX Shine Loud High Shine Lip Color. The pros? The colour is really beautiful and the base product stays put. The cons? The product feels terrible without the gloss layered over top. It really needs that second step. Unfortunately, while the base colour stays put...the gloss does not. It needs to be reapplied fairly regularly. That means you need to either bring this product with you or have something else on hand. Since I prefer a set-it-and-forget-it kind of product, this is not ideal for me. That being said, it is a nice option for shorter events. Like running errands, meeting a friend, or something where you don't need the product to last for a long time. It is useable and looks nice. I just wish the gloss itself was as long lasting as the base colour, since both are needed. That being said, there are a few intriguing colours in this line. If I can't find a dupe for them, I might take the plunge, knowing what I know now about the formula. 

Well, there you have it. Another theme week has come and gone here on Mansa Fashion. Fingers crossed you enjoyed the posts! If you have any theme week suggestions, be sure to leave them in the comment section below. 

Have you tried the NYX Shine Loud High Shine Lip Color? What did you think of it?


  1. What a shame the gloss needs to be reapplied regularly. Certainly not one for me then, as I'm a set-it-and-forget-it girl too :-) xxx

    1. Yes! I don't like anything that needs constant attention, ha!

  2. I have never had issues with NYX before. too bad it feels that way. The color is absolutely gorgoues and looks great on you.

    1. It was a shame, because NYX has a lot of really fantastic products. Thank you!


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