Monday, May 30, 2022

review: morphe make it big plumping lip gloss

In the earlier days of my makeup obsession, plumping lip glosses were all the rage...and I wanted to try each and every product on the market. I loved the idea that my (much smaller) top lip could look plump and beautiful, so I tried all sorts of different products from Hard Candy, Lise Watier, Avon, and at least a half dozen others. I desperately wanted that plump pout! Unfortunately, I am also an advocate for comfortable beauty products, and most plumping products tend to either smell or sting. Despite my history with plumping lip products, my curiosity was piqued when the Make It Big Plumping Lip Gloss from Morphe was gifted to me over the holiday season. (Yes, it is the end of May and I am still reviewing beauty products that were given to me at Christmastime. What can I say? My friends and family members knew exactly what types of items to spoil me with.) I wondered whether the lip gloss would work, if it would be comfortable, and whether it might reignite a beauty obsession from the past. Ready to find out? Here is everything you need to know about this Morphe lip plumper. 

First of all, it is important to consider the claims of the Make It Big Plumping Lip Gloss from Morphe. According to the brand, this is a tingling, cooling lip gloss that has nourishing ingredients and a high-shine finish. There are three different shades in this line, but the one in my possession is Posh Petal. It is a brownish nude colour with flecks of glitter throughout. There is only 0.13 fluid ounces of product and the price is $16 CDN. That is pretty steep for a neutral lip gloss, but if it works well, the price point isn't too over the top. The product comes in simple packaging, with a matte black lid and a clear container. However, there is an oversized doe foot applicator, which is used to apply the product. It reminds me of the Revolution x Friends glosses. I personally really like the larger doe foot applicator for a tinted gloss, because it makes application quick and easy. 

So, how does the Make It Big Plumping Lip Gloss from Morphe actually perform? Well, it reminds me a lot of those old-school plumping products. It smells like peppermint and makes the lips tingle in an uncomfortable way. Despite all of the tingling going on, the gloss doesn't seem to make my lips look fuller. The gloss is pretty enough and I do like that nude colour...but the tingling is not pleasant. Since this doesn't really give my lips that extra oomph, the discomfort just doesn't seem worth it. 

Maybe I am just not meant to rock a plumping lip gloss. The Make It Big Plumping Lip Gloss from Morphe didn't exactly meet my expectations. I'd really hoped that over the last several years, plumping products would do more than smell like peppermint and make the lips tingle or burn. I suppose there is always room for improvement.  

Have you tried this lip plumper from Morphe? Are there any lip plumping products that you enjoy? 


  1. Agree with you! Those lip plumpers are always smell like peppermint and doesnt feel nice on lips..

    1. Honestly! I was hoping for something different or better in some way!

  2. Oh I didn't know lip plumping products have tingling effects. Glad you shared this! Thanks for the info

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  3. That's too bad this wasn't amazing, Shannon! I remember being so obsessed with lip plumpers (esp. the Buxom one) when they came out, but now, with having to wear masks and all, lip products have unfortunately become not so important for me anymore unless I'm doing a YT vid...LOL
    Anyhoo, thanks for the honest review on this.

    1. Oh gosh, yes I remember that one! I know what you mean. With masks, lip products are far less practical!

  4. thanks for the review! i don't like lip plumping products, they doesn't feel good on my lips :(

    1. I'm with you on that. They can be uncomfortable!

  5. Oh yes the variety of items is pretty nice =) Pixi is a good brand and we will have much fun to try this beautiful peach blush =) You're right :D

    Great review. I know Morphe but I don't know any product of it :D This plumping lip product sounds interesting. But it's sad that its not so comfortable on your lips.

    1. It is a letdown, but at least I know that plumping products just aren't for me!

  6. Nice shade :) I don´t use lip plumpers, I don´t like the peppermint or chilli on my lips

    1. I know what you mean. I keep hoping it won't be like that!


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