Tuesday, May 24, 2022

testing out the bite beauty feast your eyes set

I haven't written about Bite Beauty since 2014. Eight years ago, I tried out a matte lip crayon from the brand and included it in a post dedicated to purple lipsticks. Though that lip crayon was a favourite for a very long time...I never tried anything else from the brand. There was no specific reason for this. I suppose the truth is that nothing caught my eye during the Sephora trips that followed. Well, fast forward eight years and I have been using the Feast Your Eyes set from Bite Beauty. It certainly renewed my interest in the Canadian brand. Unfortunately, I just found out that Bite Beauty will be closing down after ten years. Talk about bad timing. At any rate, I wanted to share my thoughts on the two products included in the set. Who knows? There may still be time to pick up a few items from the brand before it shuts down for good. 

The Feast Your Eyes set from Bite Beauty came with two different products: a mascara and liquid eyeliner. These were mini versions of the popular products from the brand and it was certainly exciting to put them to use. Where to begin? How about with the Upswing Full Volume Mascara. This mascara claims to be flake-resistant and also claims to deliver length, volume, and curl. This mascara actually reminds me a lot of the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara. It has a similar wand design and it also applies the same. It adds a nice amount of drama to the lashes, is a nice rich black colour, builds well, and stays put. All in all, this is an impressive high end mascara. Though, since the brand is shutting down, I do not think it will be something I will be trying again in future. That's okay, though. There are other mascaras (Cover Girl, Too Faced, and Benefit) that will fill that need.

Now for the other item included in this Bite Beauty set. The Upswing Extreme Longwear Liquid Eyeliner was not quite what I though it would be. I suppose that I am so used to using pen liners at this point that I had forgotten about all the other application methods! That being said, this was surprisingly easy to use. The brush was flexible, but not too flexible, and made application simple and precise. I really enjoyed the application process itself, but despite the shade name Solid Black, this liner is not quite as dark as I would like. It takes two coats to really build that black colour. Otherwise, it looks more like a muddy grey. That being said, on days that I want to get some winged liner on ultra quick, this is a wonderful option. 

Want a better idea of their performance? Both of these Bite Beauty products were incorporated into a recent makeup look...

All in all, these products from Bite Beauty were fairly solid. I certainly wouldn't mind using them again in the future, but with the brand shutting down (no definitive date has been given at this point) it is unlikely that they will enter my makeup collection again. At least I was able to try them out for myself. It is always sad when a brand shuts down, and so many have thanks to the pandemic, but at least makeup gives us lots of happy memories to look back on. 

Have you tried anything from Bite Beauty? How do you feel about the brand shutting down?


  1. I didn't know this brand but sorry for the brand closing ... Thanks for your sharing:)

    1. It is definitely sad! Thank you for your comment <3

  2. Hi dear! How are you? I don't know this brand of makeup, in Italy it's not famous.

    1. I'm doing well and hope you are also! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I didn't know the company is shutting down:( Although I've only bought lipsticks from the brand, I'm sad that this is happening to a Canadian company...sigh....On a great note, you look fab in the in the FOTD above! I love pen liners:)
    PS Hope you had a great long weekend:) Wasn't that storm crazy?!?!

    1. It is! There aren't a ton of Canadian makeup companies, so it is definitely disappointing. Thank you! Oh goodness, the storm was wild. We didn't have power in my home for two days. It was definitely rough. I hope you fared better!

  4. So sad they wont be available anymore,
    Have a great day,

  5. Yes this day was really long and I had a big trouble with Iberia in Madrid - big delay :D So we have to book new tickets for Ryanair to Menorca ^^ My time on Menorca & Mallorca was really great <3
    Oh yes this is really exciting <3 I love my new clothes =)

    Great post =) This eyes set sounds really nice. That the mascara reminds you to the Better Than Sex is great, so many people love it :D You're make up look is cute <3

  6. Ohh it's sad that they're closing down, I never tried anything of them but this set looks cool!

    1. It is sad. So many beauty brands are shutting down lately, it seems.

  7. Can I just say, I love your hair color. You always look beautiful, dear! And looks like a great product.

    1. Oh! You are so kind. Thank you! Your comment made my day :)

  8. looks so cute. I am kinda sad it's not available any longer


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