Thursday, August 11, 2022

does it work?? oh k! hyaluronic acid hydrogel mask

Some days are meant for face masks. Lots on your to do list? Exhausted by the end of the night? There is no better way to treat yourself than with a little skin care. Face masks tend to be a quick and easy way to pamper yourself and give your skin a little bit of a boost. Recently, I tried the Oh K! Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Mask with Vitamin B3 and Sea Kelp. This mask is designed to hydrate and plump the skin. Sounds appealing, right? I've tried a few other products from Oh K! in the past. To be honest, some have been good and some have been a little lackluster. Ready to find out how this particular skin care item performed? If it lives up to the claims? Here is everything you need to know about this hydrogel mask from Oh K! 

There are some pros and cons to consider when it comes to the Oh K! Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Mask. First off, let's start with the product claims. According to the brand, this is an intensely hydrating mask that is perfect for skin that "needs a nourishing boost." It includes hyaluronic acid (draws water from the air to hydrate the skin), vitamin B3 niacinamide (to regulate oil production, protect the skin's moisture barrier, and help with hyperpigmentation), and seaweed (hydrating). The seaweed extracts are designed to make the skin appear brighter and more youthful. Always a bonus! Now for those pros and cons...

  • The face mask has a beautiful iridescent kind of finish. It looks really pretty! 
  • It leaves the skin feeling soft, smooth, and hydrated. I definitely noticed a difference.
  • The scent is a bright floral, which is rather pleasant and makes it easier to feel relaxed.

  • The mask itself is somewhat difficult to put on. It comes in two separate pieces. However, unlike the two-piece JLo Beauty version, this doesn't have any loops that go around the ears. So, there are just two separate face mask pieces that are slipping and sliding around on the face. The lower half was especially challenging to keep in place.
  • This mask is ultra slimy to the touch. Unlike other face masks I've used, which are made from some sort of cotton, this had a gel consistency. The end result was something slippery and slimy to the touch.

So...does it work?? Sort of. The Oh K! Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Mask lives up to the claims, since it did a wonderful job of hydrating the skin. The scent also made it really easy to relax and unwind. That being said, the two piece mask is a little more complex than it needs to be. Plus, the consistency was really unpleasant. All in all, this was a decent product and I would not be opposed to using it again However, I would likely seek out something different in the future if given the choice. 

Have you tried this face mask? Are you a fan of Oh K! products?


  1. I always find sheet masks difficult to fit, I did see someone snip sections of one with scissors to make it fit better, which I have tried and it did work quite well. I am new to this brand so thank you for the introduction.The iridescent of this mask is so beautiful xx

    1. I never thought to do that. So smart! Thank you for sharing that suggestion. I'll be sure to try it out in the future.

  2. Thanks a lot =) Yes this top is so cute, I like it a lot. And the skirt is also stylisch =) I'm really happy about my order.

    Nice review =) It sounds really interesting but it's sad that the two pieces are so complex and that's slippery. Sometimes masks are not like you expected ^^

    1. Agree! Sometimes, they do not work out quite as planned, but that's okay. There are always other masks to test out and try!

  3. Very nice review! Wonderful Post! Have a great day!
    Rampdiary | Fineartandyou | Beautyandfashionfreaks 

  4. I always have it hard fitting the mask because of my mixed origin (I have huge nose but the rest of my features are rather flat). I enjoy a good mask though, it makes me feel good and I don't really care that much if it works. Your option looks good though

    1. It can definitely be difficult to find a mask that fits well. But you're right...they are still nice and relaxing to use!

  5. Since i've got pretty tiny features since now I still didn't found a single mask that fits me well ^^
    Still I love to enjoy a good mask from time to time! This seems a pretty good one, didn't know that brand

    1. It definitely seems like finding a good fit on a face mask is a challenge. Glad to know I'm not alone on that! They are still nice to use at least!

  6. I love a good face mask, and could do with a miracle one right now, as I'm feeling - and looking - rather tired lately. However, I'm not much of a fan of a sheet mask, preferring to slather my face in a creamy one :-) xxx

    1. I feel you on that! My face has been showing lots of exhaustion lately. Thankfully, there are always skin care products to make the skin feel better!

  7. I have never used such a mask!

  8. Oh I have this issue with all sheet masks which is why I don't use them. Too bad they don't make it in a traditional mask.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Glad I'm not the only one that struggles with this! <3


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