Monday, August 15, 2022

review: jason wu everyday lip mask

Lip masks are an absolute must for me. My lips are always dry...and ever since the Nivea Essential Care Lip Balm formula changed, it has become that much harder to find products that work effectively. There are a few that are high on my list, including the Laneige Lip Sleeping Masks and a homemade concoction of coconut oil and beeswax. But quite frankly, I am always open to other options. I haven't found anything to completely replace the Nivea product. Well, Jason Wu Beauty recently became available in Canada. There were an awful lot of products to choose from, including the Everyday Lip Mask.

My experience with Jason Wu is limited. His clothes are out of my price range and this is my first time testing anything from his makeup line. Though, back in 2012, there were a few items from the Jason Wu x Target collection that ended up in my wardrobe. (Confession: the floral blouse is one of my all-time favourite pieces. I wear it constantly. I wore it when I met my favourite band, went on job interviews, went out with is fabulous. And I can't believe I've been wearing it for ten years. Wild!) As for the Everyday Lip Mask, this costs $17.99 CDN, which is certainly on the pricey side. Especially for 0.09 ounces of products. As a comparison, it costs $29 CDN for 0.7 ounces of the Laneige Lip Mask. The Laneige Lip Mask is certainly a better deal overall. But despite that, I was curious to find out how the Jason Wu product performed. 

According to the brand, the Everyday Lip Mask is designed to keep the lips hydrated all day. It is formulated with Vitamin E, Squalane, Sunflowers Seed, and Jojoba Seed Oil. The website says that Jason loves it because, "It just kisses your skin, but doesn't overpower or sit on the lip." In terms of the packaging, this is ultra simple. It is a basic plastic container with a light brown cap and the Jason Wu logo printed on the side. There is a doe foot applicator that makes it easy to apply. Though I like the simplified aesthetic, there certainly isn't anything here that screams luxury in terms of the packaging. As for the product itself, it performs well. It is pleasant, hydrating, and generally comfortable to wear. Plus, there are a lot of advantages. Like the fact that the product is cruelty free, paraben free, sulfate free, talc free, and phthalates free. Though I like the Everyday Lip Mask a lot...I don't absolutely love it. This is a product that I am more than happy to put to good use, but it does not act as a permanent solution or replacement for my Nivea Essential Care Lip Balm. Alas! 

Though the Everyday Lip Mask works well and adds hydration, this just isn't the exactly product (or price point) that I am looking for. That being said, there are a lot of people who would really enjoy this lip mask. It is so easy to apply and the ingredients are stellar. This is my first foray into the world of Jason Wu Beauty, but it will likely not be the last. 

Have you tried anything from the Jason Wu Beauty line? What did you think of it?


  1. I have to admit I've never used a lip mask ... I usually wear lipstick, but some of them do tend to be rather drying. Also, it has been really hot here these last couple of weeks, which make my lips dry out even more easily. xxx

    1. The weather can definitely make an impact! Lip masks are a nice tool to combat that dryness!

  2. I don't know this brand but it looks nice :-)

    1. This was my first time trying anything from the brand, but I am definitely interested in the other products.

  3. nivea also my fav brand..variety of range product


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