Wednesday, January 24, 2024

#FOTD: january makeup look (bh cosmetics garnet for january)

It's hard to believe how far into January we are already. It seems like only yesterday, we were celebrating the start of a shiny new year....and now 2024 is well underway. Though 2024 has had a bit of a slower start for me (the January blues arrived earlier in the month and I am only just starting to feel like myself again)...there are been good moments scattered throughout. Like nights at the movies, listening to John Denver records, and re-focusing on some personal goals. Something else that has been making me smile? The BH Cosmetics Garnet For January 7 Color Shadow Palette. This was a previous Winners find for $5.99 CDN that I had been intentionally saving for January to roll around. Garnet is the birthstone for January and is thought to represent protection, friendship, trust, commitment, and love. This gorgeous red stone is represented well in the BH Cosmetics release thanks to the themed packaging, eyeshadow names, and colour story. Ready to take a closer look? Keep reading for a full review of the BH Cosmetics Garnet For January 7 Color Shadow Palette and a January birthstone inspired #FOTD. 

This little palette is really well themed. On the front is the garnet inspired design and the inside has lots of themed eyeshadow names. Each one is related to the traits of garnet as a birthstone: Loyal, Sensitive, and Go-Getter are a few examples. There are six eyeshadow shades and one bold blush included, but all of the items could work on the eyes. According to the brand, this is a "multi-faceted vegan mix of fiery glitters and staple shades. Each smooth matte and dramatic shimmer offers extra long-lasting wear and high-impact pigment payoff so you can rock endless eye looks." The small cardboard packaging is cute and easy to store. As for the actual shadows, there are four mattes, two shimmers, and one glitter included inside.

The Garnet shade is in a large pan, which is why I have primarily been using it as a blush, though it could absolutely be worn on the eyes as well. It is a gorgeous shimmery red. That particular product can be worn more intense of sheered out slightly for a softer look. Loyal is a warm deep brown, Go-Getter is a matte cherry red, Werks It is a deeper cool toned brown, Productive AF is a bold white shimmer, Sensitive is a matte beige, and Street Smart is a black and silver glitter. All of the shadows work well and I like the variety that is included. The shadows are richly pigmented and look absolutely beautiful. The only shade that requires a little extra work is Street Smart, the black and silver glitter. While I love that glitter combination, a glitter glue is needed in order for the glitter to really stay put and build properly. Though there is a lot to love about the Garnet For January palette in general, my personal favourite shades are Productive AF (it is so bold and shimmery) and Werks It (I have a weakness for cool toned eyeshadows). I also adore the Garnet shade. Blush or doesn't matter to me! Garnet is gorgeous and makes it possible to create a head-turning makeup look using this bold and colourful palette from BH Cosmetics

January is well underway and this garnet inspired eyeshadow palette from BH Cosmetics has been helping fight the January blues. Bold colours, a strong theme, and excellent quality makes the Garnet For January 7 Color Palette a standout.

Have you tried anything from BH Cosmetics before? What colour is your birthstone?


  1. Yes this mask is beautiful but the rest isn't that good :D So I can't give it more stars. Thanks and thank you <3 I look a bit tired I think.
    It was all so delicious and the pasta was good, I just wanted more parmesan cheese on it xD
    Oh yes can't wait to try the Crunchy Chocolate Protein Bar <3 Love everything with chocolate.

    Great post, this palette looks super beautiful =) I love the packaging and the colours.
    Your make up look is so cute, perfect for Valentine's Day <3

    1. Thank you! This would definitely be a fun Valentine's Day look!

  2. Przepięknie, zjawiskowo wyglądasz.

  3. Oja, mit den Farben kann man wirklich kreativ werden. Steht dir super. LG Romy

  4. My birthstone is Blue Sapphire, but it's not a colour I wear often.
    The colours in the Garnet palette are absolutely gorgeous, and I wouldn't mind trying Loyal or Werks It! xxx

    1. Ooh that sounds so pretty! What a lovely birthstone you have!

  5. I can't believe you got this for this price, Shannon!!! Wut?!?!? Unfortunately, the Winners I go doesn't have the best selection, and many of the cosmetic products have been opened....waaaah! I need to find a better Winners! Anyhoo, you look fab as always with the FOTD above:) Thanks for the heads up on this. Haven't tried anything from BH Cosmetics, but I want to for sure:)

    1. Oh, that's such a disappointment! I'm sorry that the makeup section there isn't good. The one near me always has soooo much stuff and it's either in protective boxes or sealed nicely. I suppose it varies a lot from store to store! Thank you so much <3

  6. Yes you are so right January flew by for sure. This palette is gorgeous such pretty saturated colors. You look lovely in this look you created here, love it!

    Leanne Thompson of


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