Tuesday, December 6, 2011

30 day beauty challenge & makeup look of the day.

Ready for something exciting? I came across this really fun 30 day beauty challenge that I have decided to try. So, for the next little while, I will be posting about the following topics....

Day 01 — You with makeup on
Day 02 — Favourite bag that you own
Day 03 — Your hairstyle
Day 04 — Favourite foundation
Day 05 — An outfit that is totally you
Day 06 — Favourite makeup brand
Day 07 — Favourite item of clothing
Day 08 — A photo of you getting fashion wrong
Day 09 — Favourite pair of shoes
Day 10 — Current fashion/style you like
Day 11 — Bag you want to have
Day 12 — Favourite colour of clothing
Day 13 — Photo of your fashion/style icon
Day 14 — Photo of a hairstyle/haircut you'd like to have
Day 15 — Your favourite piece of jewellery
Day 16 — A celebrity whose fashion you don't like
Day 17 — Fashion Pieces on your to-buy list
Day 18 — Favourite beauty expert
Day 19 — Favourite look from a beauty expert
Day 20 — Favourite mascara
Day 21 — Favourite lipstick
Day 22 — Beauty tips for a big night out
Day 23 — Best bargain makeup item
Day 24 — Favourite new beauty product
Day 25 — Beauty regime
Day 26 — An Item from your wish list
Day 27 — Favourite skincare product
Day 28 — Top beauty item you can't live without
Day 29 — Photo of a makeup look you would
love to try out
Day 30 — Favourite nail polish

So, this is my Day 1 post: A Picture of Myself With Makeup On. This is a very easy challenge, as I almost always wear makeup! I did this makeup look before I went out yesterday. It is a gold/dark green smokey eye look. I was really happy with how it turned out.

What do you think of this look? Are you going to take part in the 30 day beauty challenge?


  1. what a cool challenge! can't wait to see more posts on it :)


  2. What a great challenge! You look beautiful my dear. Can't wait to see more posts each day for each challenge ;)

  3. Great smokey eyes! I tried to do it once but it just looked like I had black eyes... Might have another go this weekend, I've got a huge eighteenth, so excited!

  4. Oh those eyes look amazing! The colours suit you so much :-)


  5. I love this look. It looks very pretty!
    I think I will do this challenge one day, but not at thme moment, cause I just don´t have time for that.

  6. Really cool idea, you look very pretty in this post.

  7. There's no way I could do this challenge. I'd fail after like three days... haha.
    BUT... I do normally only put eye shadow on, and I normally do this two-toned thing you did. I absolutely love yours, with the gold it's so classic. I cant really see the green you were talking about. But its still very pretty

  8. Ooo this is great wishlist...if I had the time, I'd be all over this! Good luck and I look forward to your 30 day challenge posts. :)

    Dirty Pink Cardigan


  9. Amazing blog <3 <3

    If you like my fanpage you can win an O.P.I. nail lacquer! Good luck ;)

  10. The 30-day challenge does sound fun! Can't wait to see it all!

    ps - you look so pretty! Great start ;)

    xx Rach

  11. oh la la love the color and shimmer!!!

    and awesome 30 day challenge!! this would be great for me to start in January for the new year!

    Tweet Me!

  12. Gahh! I can't wait to see you follow through the challenge. Good luck! I would join you but half the things here I wouldn't be able to do! haha.

    Mary from http://meowwzie.blogspot.com/

    P.s your make up looks pretty. I like the shade of shadow you wear.

  13. so cool that you are going to do that challenge! and your make-up looked fabulous! we love it!


  14. wow seems interesting!! :D and you have a very beautiful eyes dear (:


  15. Happy try!! :)
    You should teach me, I' 'blind' with make ups. hahaha

  16. Wow that looks like an awesome challenge! Great makeup look :)


  17. this looks like fun!!! followed your blog!!!=)
    hope you'll drop by my blog...


  18. I love the way you do your make up! I'm so bad at it!

  19. Fun idea with the 30 day challenge. You did a great job with the smokey eyes :)XX

  20. This would be so much fun to do and it would definitely encourage blogging every day (which I definitely need a kick up the butt to do!). Your make up always looks so amazing xx


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